
Falling in Love

Falling in love and Falling in an ocean is quite similar there are two conditions either you know that you are going to jump in an ocean without knowing how deep it is what are the probable dangers that will come in your way or you ain't aware of the fact that the natural wonder you are jumping is termed as Ocean because you are pushed to have the experience of ocean for once in a lifetime ( as some people in our society feels that having experience of everything atleast for once in your life time is necessary or important , somewhere I also agree with such thinking but in my point of view a person who possess greater self control in its mind is able to take all kind of experiences without letting those experiences to rule their mind . One needs to understand that love isn't just an experience is a lifetime lesson and one can either be learner or educator and it totally depends on person that which role she/he wants to choose ( now some of you will say no it's something which doesn't rests in our hand and it is way beyond our control to choose your desire role in life, yes I can agree you may promote yourself from the role of learner to be the educator you have always desired of and let your advices and teaching to transform life of all other learner and educators , there are many prevalent examples in our society as well as in western society just google out love stories of celebrity couples like Hailey- Justin, Virat-Anushka , Ranveer-Deepika , ShahRukh-Gauri , Christiano Ronaldo- Georgina Rodríguez , Lionel Messi-Antonella Roccuzzo , Will Smith-Jada Pinkett Smith, Julia Roberts-Danny Moder,

Tom Hanks-Rita Wilson and many more . )

Raman had been not been able to do anything these days because of two reasons , one being the inability of not doing something which he should and must do . Oh !I forget to tell you , After an heated debate with his father where he do presented some of his arguments to convince his father to let him play football and he will do take care of his studies bit more now but all his arguments got burried in a big hole by one freakin statement of his father which wasn't just a statement but truly a darkest defination of his and his family's future might look like , Raman's father had made him to sawarn of his life that he will never play football again in his life and if he played football then he will lose his father forever and after all this Raman had made promise to his parents that he will never touch football again and will concentrate on his studies and his coming board examinations .

The other reason was even if he wanted to do something else than there was a distraction that kept him out of focus most of the time , yes ! I'm talking about 'Rekha Prajapati' . Raman was not aware of what his feelings for Rekha mean? Whether it's love or just an attraction ? But Raman had not made any efforts to get to an conclusion or get a clear picture about his feelings for Rekha . Raman was not aware about Love and what's like to be in Love with Girl , he only had listened people talking about love or seen in cinema Romancing actors Romancing with each other but he had never experienced all this himself before , his situation was quite similar to a footballer who has been selected for playing eleven he has football but he has no knowledge about how this game is played and how points ae earned in this game . The only guy who can help him out was Nadeem but both Raman and Nadeem had not even seen each other's face now for about weeks . Raman didn't knew what he should do next in order to get the attention of Rekha but he has to do something really different because few boys in his class gas already tried something to impress Rekha like few boys whom with Rekha had talked in class had became Rekha's personal assistant they used to answer every question asked to rekha and they used to do other things like filling her empty water bottles , some boys used to give her their entire lunch box when she used to feel hungry , some boys used to give her their Books when she used to forget to bring her book in important lectures just to save her from getting punished and instead they used to take the beatings of the teachers as if they were really guilty about not being able to bring their book, whenever Rekha's pen runs out of ink the boys in Raman's class used to fight with each other just to give their pen to Rekha in order to grab Rekha's attention but Rekha used to end up this brawl by asking for pen from her freinds , Raman had seen these incidents in front of him he used to feel jealous and irritated with the behaviour of the boys in his class but he never reacted to his classmates and all he used to do is to simply watch out how Rekha is reacting and most of the time she used to smile and say 'Thank You!' and get back to what she's doing .

" Everyone will sit silently here , no one will talk !! "- said teacher as students of class twelfth entered in the library and they made library look like a newly opened grocery shop offering huge discounts to its customers ,the lecture was vacant and other teachers were busy with their own stuffs and hence they were taken to library for relaxing a bit

"No one will talk , just complete your incomplete work or if you want to read books then do that , no newspaper or magazines and I saw someone with any of these i will give him/er some assignments to complete is that clear !" - continued the Teacher and then left library

Raman was there to but he was following rules or advice of teacher and was busy completing his notes and finishing the assignments given to him ( also to his classmates ) but while he was busy copying notes from one of his classmates notebook he saw Nadeem talking with Rekha ( Raman didn't saw Nadeem just talking but he imagined Nadeem telling Rekha everything about himself in order to impress , also Raman imagined Nadeem saying all bad things about him as he was in anger with me and that's why he was talking revenge from him in this way . Raman was of the opinion that Nadeem is trying to steal her! ) and he got absolutely distracted , Raman waited for Nadeem to go back to his seat and as Nadeem went to his seat Raman quickly went to talk Rekha so that he could get to know what all he said or talked about

"You should not read this in Library , don't you heard teacher's instruction?"- said Raman pointing towards the News magazine which Rekha was reading quietly while sitting in a corner so that no one can see her reading such magazines but Raman had caught her Red Handed

"Shhhh ! Don't speak so loud you will definitely make this library class to turn into a worst nightmare for me !! . Do you want me to get punished , if not then don't shout !" -replied Rekha anxiously seeing Raman ( who came out of no where ) caught her reading News magazine

"No!! never , I can never even think about seeing you getting punished in front of me and that to because of me! "- replied Raman and being sort of flirtatious

"But why are you even reading all these things , it is not even part of our syllabus ! . Is that a problem to you if I sit here ?" - added Raman while slowly moving a chair nearby to him in front of Rekha so that he can sit there and talk

"Yes you can !, I know they ain't the topics related to our exams but I'm reading for General Knowledge and to get to know what's happening in our country! "- replied Rekha

"My God you like reading this kind of stuffs ? "-enquired Raman

"Yes I do and but not all the time , I do it when I have some free time to spare !"- replied Rekha explained to Raman

"Wow! , I mean how great you are !, I can barely study our course book during the study time how freakin it would be for me to read the books in free time and that to the books ( or magazines ) which are not part of our syllabus " - said Raman thinking it all sounds funny but it was not

" I can understand , it is all about Love and interests of person . Something you love so much , you will do it without any force by your own and you will continue doing that till you stop loving it . It is not a big issue if you can't study or read books then do what you do best and that's to play Football , you will feel good everytime you do it . "- replied Rekha encouraging Raman to do what he is Good at , Raman was shocked to hear kind and encouraging words from her, Raman was wondering why his father can't support him or encourage him to play Football if a stranger can , Raman never expected such a support from her and he didn't even expected Rekha to know about him and what he do .

"You know about me ?, I am completely shocked !"- replied amused Raman who was in deep shock still trying to make himself believe that it is all true

"Yes my friends told me everything about each of our classmates and what they do , but I heard lot of Good things about you from everyone including principal sir , teachers and from our classmates as well . They have told me how well you play Football and how you have made the whole school proud many times , also the cutouts of papers that are in the principal office shouts out loud about your Game and your talent ." - said Rekha

"Thank you for your kind words but I am not any hero that you think it's just their love and support with which they always embrace me and my performance that is it ." replied Raman gracefully and acting innocent

as if he didn't what Rekha was talking about

"But you didn't tell me why you like reading these kind of magazines ?"- added Raman , enquiring to get to know more about Rekha

"Actually my interest in the Politics and related stuffs is mainly because of my father , who is so much involved in politics that most of the time at my home the only channel viewed is News Channel , also few local politician comes on daily basis to meet my father !" -replied Rekha enthusiastically describing about her father and his persona

"So your father is a politician ?"- asked Raman

"No, He's Property Dealer "- replied Rekha

"Ohh I see ! that's great . So did you made some Friends here ?" - asked Raman

"No not many but Pooja is the only one whom I can call friend but yes I talk to everyone and I am getting to them slowly and steadily . Ok leave all this I need your help in something !" - Said Rekha

"My help ?? But what way I can help you ?" -asked Raman who was in surprise that Rekha needs help from him , he was excited to help her out .

"Yes you , I could have asked for someone else to help me but I don't no anyone here and that's why I can't trust anyone , you must be expecting this kind of reply from me ? Right !!."

"Actually I could have asked anyone from class to help me or I would have asked either principal sir or my cousin brother yo help me but I like to do things on my own !!" - replied Rekha , her words were full of feminism and she talked like a self made women

"Ohh that's Great , I think everyone should be and must be independent and self sufficient towards his/er job or duties but What is that issue in which you want me to help you ??" -

asked Raman

"Actually I am looking for a room nearby to school on rent, you know paying guest sort of !!. Money isn't a problem but I want Room to be Good in infrastructure big or small doesn't matter . I have four condition for becoming the paying guest ,No. 1 I want my PG owners to behave in right way with me ,No. 2 they should be quite open minded people as I don't want some ideology clashes , No.3 there should be a silent space where I can study freely also i don't want any disturbances during my studies , and last and most important is the food should be made available to me by them only . Whatever there charge is I am ready to pay !"- Rekha described her issue as well as her conditions for her ideal PG home owners

"My God !! , You have such long lists of condition for your home , the way you stated your condition I feel like as if your in a search of ideal husband not home ?!"- replied Raman who was surprised as well as happy the way Rekha described her ideal PG home

"But how you came to know that I live near to the school ?, Who told you that?"- asked Raman who look confused and amused both at the same time

"Nadeem told me that you live just few meters away from our school and you know this locality very well , so....!"- replied Rekha instantly

"Nadeem! , Ohh I see ,What else he said to you ?" - asked Raman who became far more active as soon as the name of Nadeem came into their conversation also Raman was there talking with Rekha just to know what the hell was cooking between them !

"when I asked him that will you (Raman) help me out and will you ( Raman ) be able to find the correct home for me ?"- said Rekha

"Then what did he replied ?"-asked Raman

"But why are you asking me such question if you want I can call him to tell you straight whatever he said to me about you or you can ask him !"- replied Rekha who was getting confused as well as annoyed by Raman's consecutive question

"If it was possible then I would have asked him directly but I can't ! , So you have to tell me "- said Raman

"Why ? Can I ask you why you said that it is not possible !"- asked Rekha to Raman about this tragic situation

"You can ask but it is not the right time and right place to discuss any such things , you please tell me what was his reply to your questions?" - replied Raman who was eager to know what his friend Nadeem said

"Okk fine !, He said Raman helps everyone in class or at school , he always care about everyone and when someone is in real trouble then he gave his heart out to help him in most possible ways he can and talking about perfect home for you I think he knows this area really well and that's why he knows what kind of home and owners will be suitable for a girl , Don't worry I know he will help you find the perfect home !"- Rekha elaborated the statement of Nadeem

Raman on the other hand became quite emotional listening to the views of his 'used to be best friend ' Nadeem and Raman was angry with himself for doubting and making wrong views about Nadeem as he didn't expected Nadeem to talk about Raman so generously as if they were still best of friends .

"You don't need to worry about what they will feel , I know them very well. You just stay calm and I will handle the rest . One more thing answer their question right and I will provide you backup wherever you lack "- Raman told Rekha as both of them were roaming here and there from one house to another in order to get the desired paying guests , till now all the rooms they have seen have not offered complete freedom to Rekha to live the way she wants . Some people in Raman's locality doubted the intentions of Rekha on living away from her home whereas some people were not comfortable in allowing a girl to live with them due to the various social reasons ( as they thought if something happens like eve teasing or any such activities they would have to take care of that and also for no reason in heaven they have to involve themselves in a police case and courts )

The gigglemug face of Rekha suddenly became dull as she was so discouraged with the views and reactions of respective uncle and aunties of society , she was so irritated with the fact that people in our country of mentality of blaming girls for everything happening in this society and she just hates the people who judeges women/girl for everything they do , they wish to do and most the time for something that they have never done . Raman was their with Rekha and he too was feeling ashamed of the uncle and aunties whom he respected so much , Raman didn't knew what he should say he himself wasn't able to make an eye contact with Rekha now also Raman knew Rekha was angry as well as irritated to listen such statements about being a Girl ( I have neither  understood this before nor I am going to understand this in future what is so different between girls and boys , both being created by God are unique in one sense but equally similar in other sense . People having such mentality can be either extremely intelligent or extremely stupid , during Durga puja or Navratri we offer sacred offerings to Girls but rest of years we mostly judge them as well as criticize them for being Independent and crossing the lines that was built by some uneducated mentalities . What happened with Rekha was very similar to what an independent girl in our society has to face every day . )

"I am sorry Rekha , I promised you that any how and by any means I will find the house and owner of your desire but I think I have failed badly in keeping my promise . I am sorry Rekha !"- said Raman as he was feeling guilty deep inside of not being able to do anything for her

"Why are you saying sorry?! ,You have done nothing to say sorry instead you are here standing beside me in this hot day and the sun being over your head !"- replied Rekha with a fake smile so that Raman shouldn't blame himself for anything

"These people can never understand what living in freedom feels like as they have been living with the chains of unorthodox thinking/mentality . All their life they have only criticized people for this and that and same problem exits even today , please don't sit here as if  you have done something wrong to be worried or tensed is their problem that they have to doubt an innocent girl for nothing just because she is in their house with a boy ! ." - replied Raman aggressively as he also felt that the behaviour of oldies of his society was so pathetic as if they are living in 18 century and not 21 century

"But I have to say one thing you were looking so freaked out at them for a second I thought you will hit them hard with your sandal !"- added Raman to calm down Rekha little bit who was looking extremely exasperated and Raman was sensing that she was like a volcano which can explode anytime

"(Rekha giggles a bit ) good to know that all men don't underestimate Women's and their abilities , I would have hit hard on them for their disgusting and cheap mentality if they were not the senior citizens . I really don't understand why such speculations are always made in case of a girl , If taking a girl as their paying guest will let them into some legal troubles then why boys can not be troublesome to them?? and what if the girl has a boyfriend so what , why girls have to always answer society about their love and choices ?? What they think that the girls are their slaves and they had no heart no feelings ?? How they would have felt if somebody would have questioned and commented on their daughters , granddaughters or sisters ?? , Still they have questioned and commented on them ? No never . You know what Raman because of such people and existence of such mentality in our society we (Girls) have to kill our dreams and desire and we are forced to live with fear installed in our minds but that's it I can't take this shit anymore now I have decided that I will live here in this society only no matter how much extra I have to pay !"- replied Rekha aggressively and her voice being quite loud

"Don't worry I am with you , I will give all what it takes to get you a good PG and without the need to pay any extra money . You just calm down bit , you look so exhausted let's have some juice !"replied Raman to calm Rekha who really looked freaked out and to cool down Rekha he thought juice is the best thing to have in summer season .

While Raman and Rekha were busy in refreshing their exhausted body and mind , a boy who was also Ramans neighbor also had come there to have some juice . Raman told what the hell he has been doing all day and after listening Raman the boy told Raman that his parents are too lookin for Renting top floor of his house

"Really Bhaiya! your top floor is empty ??, wow that's great !"- said Raman in full of exuberance and joy

"Not my top floor Raman but my house's top floor is empty but who's that person searching for rental rooms ?" - replied Raman's neighbor enquiring about the person for whom Raman is so much concerned

"Sorry Bhaiya I didn't mean that ! , Rekha , she is looking for a Room nearby to school but all aunties and uncles were not interested in having a Girl as their 'Paying Guest' and also they have questioned her intentions as well . Actually she is new in the city and she knows no 1 here , she wanted to stay nearby to school so Nadeem has told her about me as I am the only one lives very near to school so that's why I am so much concerned . Bhaiya if you can help then it will be very helpful and kind of you !"- replied Raman

"No need of thanks Raman , I will act as concierge for you !" - replied Raman's neighbor . While Raman and his so called Bhaiya was talking with each other Rekha continued to look Raman because he has lied about her that she's new in the city and she doesn't knows anyone so that this time no problem may arise.

It has been almost four weeks now and Rekha has now started living with her new owners they are the Mr & Mrs Kumar . Mr Kumar was an Army officer, Mr Kumar took retirement few years ago when his son who was a soldier in Indian Army died in a attack by Maoists in Jharkhand where he was entitled for giving his services and due to this reason they look for renting the rooms in their house . Rekha was kind and sweet and due to this reason they didn't hesitated in accepting her added their paying guest also they had no problem with any of Rekha's thought though they had doubt in their mind regarding Raman's role in this entire case but after Raman's explanation that she had asked him for help they became satisfied . The boy who cracked the deal between Kumar's and Rekha had already left the house after he got promotes in his job so now Rekha was the only paying guest in Mr and Mrs Kumar's house .

"Hello Rekha Good Morning ! ( oops !), no no Good Evening , sorry just a slip of tongue "- stumbbled Raman as he entered Rekha's room to meet her

"No its fine , tell me why you are here ?? Any problem ??" - replied Rekha

Raman was more than available nowadays for Rekha for her help even when she never needed Raman's help. Actually the day Rekha has moved in to his neighborhood Raman had two thought in his mind

1. To help Rekha with any sort of help she might need in future and even in the present , Raman knew Rekha was his responsibility though she is capable of taking care of her but still Raman didn't wanted Rekha to be in any kind of trouble what so ever and so he was making sure Rekha don't have to take any kind of stress other than study .

2. Raman somewhere had realised within himself thay he was slowly falling for Rekha and that's why it was so very hard for Raman to control himself going after Rekha and this was the reason he used to think about some stupid reasons to meet her for no other reason but just to see her and have little chit-chat . Raman someday used to go to find whether the stock of food is enough or not , someday he used to go to check whether the electricity cables are fine or not , someday he used to visit her with some grocery items , someday he used to visit her with some gifts like cake , Cadbury chocolates , Burgers, other street foods , some interesting novels and many more ( which he can afford easily ) . Rekha was noticing everything and she was quite confused whether Raman's intension was genuinely helping her out or she had some devil intentions in his mind , Rekha was looking to find a way to talk with Raman over this issue but she was sacred if Raman was just been nice and Raman gets to know that Rekha was doubting his intensions then his heart would be broken .

"No nothing much! , I had bought some ice-cream so I thought I should ask you too , so you want ?? , I have the extra cone!" - replied Raman gracefully

"Thank you ! Raman ! but I really don't need Ice cream I have just had some cola but its so sweet of you Raman . Thanks again ! " -replied Rekha sweetly

I don't know whether Raman was aware of his action because he one after another was doing something that helped Rekha to raise doubt over his intensions . The very next day he  went one step ahead he waited outside her house for two hours so that he may company her to school , actually Raman was very punctual about his school time also he was a football player so he had this habit of waking up early in the morning so as to practice his game and to reach school on time , Rekha was also very punctual about reaching school on time and as early as possible but you today Rekha was late and not just late Extremely late as she had even skipped school but Raman was still waiting for her , at first he thought of surprised her but eventually it turned out to be different as he himself got surprised by Rekha getting late ( or simply her decision of not going to school)

"Rekha, what are you doing here ?" - asked fired Raman who wanted answers from Rekha as if he was her father

"Hi Raman! , I was just studying this book , Remember you only gifted me this book of Chetan Bhagat , Initially it looked like a sweet and loving romance story !" - replied Rekha not knowing what Raman has in his mind

"What ? , Just for this shit novel you bunk the classes and you didn't even cared of informing me about this disgusting idea of yours , you know i have been waiting for last two hours . If you had already decided that you were not going to school today then why didn't you told me yesterday only "-  almost screamed Raman on Rekha for doing nothing but following her own mind and not making Raman part of it

"Why the hell I am supposed to tell everything to you ??, Who are you Raman ? Some officer , police men or military men or my father ,tell me Raman ??"-replied Rekha who exploded like a fountain of lava

"And i don't understand why you have waited so long ??, you know i am punctual for my classes and then to i am this much ( 2.5 hours ) late then why you didn't went to school ??" - added Rekha not allowing herself to calm but instead getting extremely annoyed by Raman's behaviour

"I thought you might be in some sort of trouble or you might be sick and that's why after waiting for 2-3 hrs I decided not to go to school and instead look after you "- replied Raman who now looked quite calm & composed

"But why Raman I am not a kid I am an 18 years old girl and I can take care of myself . Raman I have been noticing that something is going in your mind , you are trying to be extra friendly with me , you are over pampering me , you're talking over care of me and my needs , you are giving me your extra attention , tell me raman is it right or wrong?" - asked Rekha who looked still fired up and her mind had run out of her control and she trashed out raman for his good intensions .

"I know Raman all that you have done for me now you want me to repay you back but being under your feet and do whatever you want me to do , you want me to be your slave! , Right?" - added Rekha and she started crying . Raman had never seen this avatar of Rekha ever and he was shocked to listen such words from her , he was hurt about hote shree Feels about him after they have been friends for now  a month and when most time of the day they used to spend together .

Raman walked away from her house immediately after listening  Rekha's harsh words for him and also towards his good/pure intensions .