
The Beginning

Was the man trying to give him hypertension?Or make all his hair white?Zhang Min stood in the room where the groom was supposed to be but which was empty. There was hardly an hour left for the wedding and Ah Hai was nowhere to be found. And the worst part was that no one was even bothered about looking for him.

Yang Mei had already called him and told him that Shi Ai was almost ready and would start off in the glass coach soon.. 

Just then, the food opened and the Long brothers walked in. Neil Long was the first one to notice him or rather acknowledge him as he said,"Are you still worried about Ah Hai?Stop worrying Min Min and come open this bottle of champagne. We must have a pre-wedding celebration."

Zhang Min felt as if he was about to combust.Frustratedly,he asked,we can only have a wedding if there is a groom.If there is no groom then we cannot have a wedding so there is no point in celebrating!"