
Chapter 11

Traeger had heard stories about the courage chamber. It really should've been called a gas chamber but due to the stigma around such a name (damn Nazis) it was simply referred to as it was. Traeger would be lying if she said she was looking forward to this. Unlike her fellow recruits she knew what to expect.

CS gas was not deadly but it was very unpleasant. Also referred to as tear gas it was used primarily for crowd control. It attacked the mucus in one's sinuses and caused severe pain in the eyes and throat. Symptoms varied and Traeger knew from experience that she'd be needing her "cup" up. As soon as the gas was released it instantly stung her eyes and throat. Traeger could hardly breathe and she had to wait an agonizing five minutes before she could be let out of the chamber. Fresh air had never felt more sweet.

Traeger paused outside and waited for Ford. The young carrier's nuc brain had flipped and she nearly panicked. Although uncommon it was not unheard of for nosebleeds to occur and Ford had her head tilted back to staunch the flow of blood from her nostrils. "You alright?" Traeger asked. "Fine. I'm fine." Traeger nodded. It was a long, 4 mile march back to the barracks. Since her revelation the previous night, Traeger felt eager to return to Carter.

Reentering the compartment, she knocked gently on the office door. Carter had her stern to the destroyer and seemed to be asleep but Traeger had gotten good at reading the submarine as of late. "I heard Ford freaked." Carter's tone wasn't condescending. In fact she sounded a little amused. "She did a little. She had a nosebleed and I think that spooked her." Traeger replied. "I'll get her version of the story later." "Did you panic during your trip to the chamber?" Traeger asked. Carter grinned conspiratorially. "You will never know my dear T." She purred. "Spoilsport." Traeger grumbled good naturedly and Carter chuckled, using her fins to turn herself around to face her. She ignored Traeger's glare. She didn't like the sub moving around if it wasn't necessary. Carter shook it off and fixed her yeoman with a serious look. "I'm not going to ask how you did." Traeger sighed. "Having gone through it before I can't decide if that's a blessing or a curse." She said, looking down. She toned down her flinch to the barest of twitches when she felt Carter's nose press against her shoulder. Carter's nose was hot even and when she looked at met the sub's gaze her green eyes were glazed but fierce in their empathy. She had never looked into Carter's eyes before. They were a bright vibrant green. There was a strong youthful sparkle there and Traeger was reminded of just how young the submarine was. In fact Traeger was older than her by several years. But if Carter minded teaching someone her senior she never showed it. Her gaze was soft, gentle. Traeger didn't think it was motherly. But she may've been merely hopeful.

Carter looked into Traeger's eyes, keen to find some sign of the destroyer's feelings. She couldn't lie and say she hadn't grown fond of Traeger. She had in fact become very attached to the destroyer. If she was hoping to find some sign of if her feelings were reciprocated them she was disappointed. Traeger hid her feelings well assuming she had them. Reluctantly, Carter pulled away, a fin rubbing her aching head. She knew she wasn't imagining things when she saw the disappointment in Traeger's eyes before it was replaced with concern. She allowed Traeger to tend her with no fuss.