
Love Served Hot

Forced marriage with a sweet vendor? Sign. This. Boss. Lady Up! Anya Mehra, a CEO with a heart as cold as her killer heels, scoffs at love. But fate, that mischievous little gremlin, throws her a curveball – a marriage to a disarmingly sweet (and slightly bewildered) commoner named Ayaan. Sparks fly (mostly of the annoyed kind), but before they can figure out if they hate or secretly like each other, amnesia throws a wrench in their already twisted love story. Enter Anjaali, a picture-perfect woman with a hidden agenda sweeter than Ayaan's best jalebis. With Anya on the warpath and Ayaan lost in a sugary fog, will their love survive the amnesia, the manipulative ex, and the shocking secret from Anya's past that threatens to tear them apart? Find out in this enemies-to-lovers, amnesia-filled roller coaster with a heroine who's as fierce as she is fabulous!

bluebeeryl · Ciudad
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7 Chs

The Bite that Binds

The screech of tires on gravel tore through the symphony of rain lashing against the windowpanes. Anya, heart hammering a frantic tattoo against her ribs, rocketed up the stairs, the plush carpet muffling the frantic thud of her feet. Each step was a frantic plea, a desperate prayer for sanctuary within the confines of her room.

Slamming the door shut, she fumbled with the lock, the metallic click a sliver of reassurance in the face of the burgeoning terror gnawing at her insides. He wasn't supposed to be here. Darksh, a name that used to send shivers of a different kind down her spine, was a ghost banished two days ago, a restraining order a flimsy shield against his obsessive tendrils.

Her phone, a lifeline, felt cold and slick in her trembling grasp. With shaking fingers, she punched in the emergency number, the dial tone a maddeningly slow eternity. Just as she leaned back against the wall, seeking a sliver of comfort, a presence loomed.

A choked gasp ripped from her throat, morphing into a strangled scream that died a brutal death as a hand clamped over her mouth. The touch was rough, calloused, sending a jolt of revulsion through her. Panic, primal and raw, clawed at her.

Strong arms, impossibly strong, snaked around her waist, hauling her aloft with an effortless ease that spoke of practiced violence. The world tilted, the rain-streaked window a dizzying kaleidoscope of greys. Then, she was met with the solid wall of a body, heat radiating through the thin fabric of her nightgown.

A voice, a sickeningly familiar rasp, tickled her ear. "Missed me, babydoll?"

The name, once a whispered endearment, now laced with venom, sent a fresh wave of terror crashing over her. How? How had he gotten past security, past her locked door? Fear, cold and constricting, squeezed the air from her lungs.

She struggled, a frantic, uncoordinated dance against his hold. A muffled scream, choked by the hand over her mouth, was her only weapon. It was a pitifully inadequate defense against his overwhelming strength.

He was everything she despised. The scar that bisected his face, a grotesque souvenir of some unknown brawl, was a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked beneath that deceptively handsome facade. The glint in his mismatched eyes, one black, one gold, was devoid of warmth, a predator calculating its next move. Even the long black hair, usually tied in a stylish bun with a single strand left loose, seemed to mock her with its studied carelessness.

A whimper escaped her lips, a pathetic sound at odds with the ice queen persona she'd so carefully cultivated. In that moment, the carefully constructed walls around her heart crumbled, exposing the raw vulnerability beneath.

"Beg," he rasped, his voice a cruel caress against her ear. "Scream. No one's coming, babydoll. Not until I'm done."

The universe seemed to hold its breath, waiting for her response. Anya, drowning in a sea of terror, squeezed her eyes shut, a silent plea escaping her lips. Please. Someone. Anyone. Save me.

A guttural groan escaped Darksh as he snatched his hand away from her mouth. The air rushed back in, a ragged gasp that tore at her throat. He didn't waste time, his grip tightening on her hair, a cruel reminder of her captive state.

With a rough shove, she found herself sprawled on the cool silk of the bed, the flimsy nightgown offering little resistance as it was yanked upwards. A choked sob escaped her lips. This was a violation she'd never allowed during their tumultuous six months together. He'd tested boundaries, pushing for more, but she'd always held him at arm's length. Perhaps, it was this very defiance that had fueled his rage. Or maybe, it was something more sinister, a truth she'd recently unearthed about his twisted past, filled with shadows that hinted at a darkness far deeper than the possessive glint in his mismatched eyes.

Just as a wave of terror threatened to drown her, his touch softened. A finger, cool and probing, dipped between her legs, sending a jolt of raw panic through her. A virgin. He knew. It was a detail she'd guarded fiercely, a secret sanctuary in the whirlwind of their relationship.

"Shh, babydoll," he murmured, his voice an unsettling mix of tenderness and something far more predatory. "It's okay. I won't hurt you."

But the words rang hollow. His touch, even with the pretense of gentleness, felt like a brand, scorching its mark onto her skin. She flinched as his hand lingered, a cruel exploration of her uncharted territory.

Meanwhile, Darksh fumbled with the zipper of his jeans, the sound grating against her already frayed nerves. Her own ragged breaths mingled with the rain drumming against the window, a frantic counterpoint to the slow, deliberate movements of his hand.

The primal urge to fight clawed its way to the surface. Tears of desperate fury welled in her eyes. She wouldn't be his victim. Not tonight. Not ever again.

With a strength born of desperation, she lunged for the bedside lamp, the heavy ceramic base a potential weapon. The swing was clumsy, fueled by adrenaline and fear, but it connected with a sickening thud against his head. A surprised yelp escaped him, momentarily breaking his hold.

The opportunity, however fleeting, was all she needed. She scrambled off the bed, the silk sheets clinging to her bare legs. Freedom. Just a few steps to the door, to safety.

But Darksh was faster. His hand, a vise-like grip on her hip, yanked her back against his hard body. The scent of his cologne, a cloying mix of expensive spices and something vaguely metallic, filled her senses, a sickening reminder of the twisted intimacy they once shared.

"Anya," he growled, the familiar name laced with a dangerous edge. "Don't be difficult."

The endearment, once a whispered promise, now felt like a threat. In his mismatched eyes, a flicker of something cold and calculating replaced the pretense of tenderness. This wasn't the boy she'd fallen for, the one who'd promised her the moon and stars. This was a stranger, a monster she didn't recognize, a terrifying realization that sent a fresh wave of terror coursing through her veins.

Despite the fear, a steely resolve hardened in her chest. No. She wouldn't crumble. Not anymore. Anya, the girl who built walls around her heart, wouldn't be broken. This was a fight for survival, and she, the ice queen, would not go down without a fight.

The world tilted again, a sickening sensation of being tossed back onto the bed. This time, Darksh didn't offer any pretense of gentleness. His weight pinned her down, his hand twisting in her hair, holding her head in a brutal vice. Panic clawed at her throat, a strangled scream ripping through her lips.

"Please," she choked out, the word raw and desperate. "Just let me go. I won't tell anyone, I swear."

His response, a low growl laced with what sounded suspiciously like amusement, did little to calm her racing heart.

"Shh, babydoll," he murmured, his breath warm against her ear. "Don't fight it. You'll enjoy it, trust me."

Enjoy it. The words were a grotesque parody of their past promises, a cruel twist on a love that had soured. Tears streamed down her face, hot against the cool silk.

A sharp pressure bloomed between her legs, a violation that sent a fresh wave of terror coursing through her. She squeezed her thighs shut, a futile attempt to build a barrier against his unwanted intrusion.

"Relax," he hissed, his hand moving to pry them apart. "It'll be easier if you just relax."

But relaxing was the furthest thing from her mind. Every fiber of her being screamed in protest. This wasn't love, this was a brutal conquest, a twisted game where she was the unwilling pawn.

With a surge of strength fueled by raw desperation, she bit down on the hand that held her captive. A sharp yelp escaped Darksh, the sound laced with surprise and pain. It was a fleeting advantage, but it was enough.

Just as she twisted in an attempt to escape, a jarring jolt ripped through her. The world dissolved into a kaleidoscope of swirling colors, the suffocating weight lifted, replaced by the familiar sensation of her own bed.

She gasped, eyes snapping open, the taste of copper thick on her tongue. Dawn had broken, painting the sky with streaks of pale pink and orange. Relief, cold and sharp, washed over her, leaving behind a trail of lingering terror.

The dream, a cruel echo of a past she desperately tried to outrun, had her heart hammering a frantic tattoo against her ribs. Three years. Three years since that night, yet the memory still held the power to leave her breathless and trembling.

Ignoring the lingering remnants of the nightmare, she scrambled out of bed. A crucial meeting with her executives awaited, a battle of a different kind. Yet, as she reached for a crisp white blouse, a new, unwelcome thought wormed its way into her mind.

The bite. Had she bitten him in the dream, or...?

A cold dread settled in the pit of her stomach. A quick glance at her hand revealed a crescent moon shaped bruise, a chilling confirmation that the line between dream and reality had blurred.

Darksh wouldn't just disappear because she'd wished him away. And that meeting, the one she'd meticulously prepared for, suddenly felt insignificant compared to the chilling truth: the nightmare might just be a taste of what awaited her when she woke up.