
Love Served Hot

Forced marriage with a sweet vendor? Sign. This. Boss. Lady Up! Anya Mehra, a CEO with a heart as cold as her killer heels, scoffs at love. But fate, that mischievous little gremlin, throws her a curveball – a marriage to a disarmingly sweet (and slightly bewildered) commoner named Ayaan. Sparks fly (mostly of the annoyed kind), but before they can figure out if they hate or secretly like each other, amnesia throws a wrench in their already twisted love story. Enter Anjaali, a picture-perfect woman with a hidden agenda sweeter than Ayaan's best jalebis. With Anya on the warpath and Ayaan lost in a sugary fog, will their love survive the amnesia, the manipulative ex, and the shocking secret from Anya's past that threatens to tear them apart? Find out in this enemies-to-lovers, amnesia-filled roller coaster with a heroine who's as fierce as she is fabulous!

bluebeeryl · Ciudad
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7 Chs

Beyond the Spill

Anya stood there, a statue sculpted from shock. The man's voice, deep and concerned, washed over her. "Are you alright?"

She could only blink, the world seeming to slow down. The warmth of his hand on her arm, the press of his chest against hers as he'd steadied her – it was all so unexpected, so…confusing.

Finally, Anya found her voice, a mere whisper escaping her lips. "I…"

Before she could finish, the man, with a strength that belied his easygoing demeanor, hauled her up. "Whoa, careful there. Let's get you settled." He flashed a smile that could melt glaciers, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "So sorry about that. My clumsiness is legendary."

Anya opened her mouth to protest, to tell him to leave the suit, but the words wouldn't come. Here she was, the ice queen of Mehra Enterprises, dripping chai and speechless in front of a chai vendor. It was enough to make her want to laugh, if the situation wasn't so utterly bizarre.

"Don't worry, I'll clean it," the man continued, ignoring her unspoken protest. "We've got a back room for… unfortunate tea-related incidents."

Anya, mesmerized by the way his voice dipped to a playful rumble, allowed herself to be led away. He ushered her into a small, spotless room and settled her onto a plush chair. Then, with surprising gentleness, he grabbed a tissue and began dabbing at the chai stains on her pristine white suit.

Anya couldn't help but steal glances at him. This close up, his handsomeness was even more breathtaking. Dark hair, tousled and slightly damp, framed a face that could launch a thousand ships. The warmth of his touch on her suit seemed to travel down her arm, sending a shiver across her skin.

"So," she finally managed, her voice husky, "this is how you bring people you spill tea on… to a special room for cleaning?"

He paused, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, you are the only one I've ever managed to drench with chai. Occupational hazard, I guess."

A blush crept up Anya's cheeks. Was he…flirting with her? The very thought was absurd, yet undeniably thrilling.

He finished cleaning the worst of the stains, then stepped back, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. Just then, a frantic pounding came from the door.

Anya recognized the rhythm – Shivan and Nikhil, worried sick. She knew they'd misinterpret the situation.

Before she could react, the man turned to the door and called out, "Coming! Just a few more minutes, guys."

The pounding intensified, punctuated by Shivan's muffled shouts of, "Anya! Open the door!"

Anya shot up from the chair, her heart pounding. She needed to get out of there, fast.

The man, sensing her distress, opened the door before she could reach for it. Nikhil and Shivan barged in, their faces a mask of worry.

"Anya! Are you okay?" Nikhil demanded, his eyes blazing at the stranger. "Did he—"

"Nikhil, calm down," Anya cut him off, her voice surprisingly steady. "There was an accident, that's all. Mr.—"

"Ayaan," the man supplied, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Anya cleared her throat. "Mr. Kapoor was kind enough to clean my suit."

Nikhil, his gaze still narrowed at Ayaan, muttered something about personal space and inappropriate behavior.

Anya rolled her eyes. "Nikhil, relax. Mr. Kapoor was nothing but helpful."

She turned back to Ayaan, who was leaning against the doorframe, watching the exchange with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

"Now," Anya continued, her voice regaining its usual sharp edge. "We came here for a reason, Mr. Kapoor. But first, perhaps you could explain why a successful chai vendor like yourself is apparently heir to a billion-dollar company?"

Ayaan threw his head back and laughed, a rich, warm sound that filled the room. "Straightforward, are we? I like that." He gestured towards the chairs opposite him. "Well, this isn't exactly the most comfortable spot to discuss business. How about we sit down? And trust me, you'll need some chai after all that drama."

Before Anya could protest, he disappeared into another room, returning moments later with three steaming cups on a silver tray. He balanced it precariously on a small table, earning a playful glare from Shivan.

As Ayaan settled back into his seat, a hint of seriousness crept into his eyes. "Alright, let me tell you the story. My parents and Mr. Singh, whom I call Uncle Rajiv, were the best of friends. We were basically family. Sadly, when I was five, my parents… well, they died in a car accident." His voice softened as he spoke of the tragedy. "Uncle Rajiv, bless his heart, took us in – me and my little sister, Aditi. He legally adopted us, raised us like his own. He's been the one constant in our lives."

A pang of sympathy stabbed at Anya. An orphan raised by another man's kindness – their circumstances, though vastly different, shared a thread of loss.

"And that brings us to the company," Ayaan continued. "Uncle Rajiv is getting old, wants to retire. Apparently, he's decided to leave Singh Group to me. The catch? I can only inherit it if…" He hesitated, a blush creeping up his neck. "If I have a son within a year."

Anya felt a flicker of irritation. This was even more ridiculous than she'd imagined. Mr. Singh wanting an heir was one thing, but dictating the method through a bizarre clause was quite another.

"So, you see why you're here," Ayaan finished, his voice laced with amusement. "The unexpected beneficiary of a very… traditional business deal."

Anya pursed her lips. "Is there any way we can talk Uncle Rajiv out of this clause?"

Ayaan shook his head, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Uncle Rajiv is a stubborn man. Once his mind's set, even a herd of elephants couldn't change it. But, hey, you're welcome to try."

Anya steepled her fingers, a plan forming in her mind. "Then perhaps," she said, her voice gaining a dangerous edge, "we should all pay Mr. Singh a visit and see if a little… persuasion is possible."

Nikhil, who had been simmering on the sidelines, snorted. "Persuasion, huh? Sounds like a good plan."

Anya fixed him with a withering stare. "Not the kind you're thinking of, Nikhil."

The tension in the room was cut with a knife. But then, Ayaan did something unexpected. He threw his head back and laughed, a genuine, infectious sound that disarmed them all.

"Alright, alright," he conceded, wiping a tear from his eye. "You guys seem like you could handle yourselves. But," he leaned forward, his eyes sparkling with mischief, "if persuasion fails, maybe we can explore some… alternative options."

Anya raised an eyebrow, intrigued. What alternative options could this charming chai vendor possibly have in mind? Then, an even bolder idea struck her.

"Mr. Kapoor," she began, her voice surprisingly steady, "would you be interested in… coming with us to meet Mr. Singh?"

Silence descended, thick and heavy. Nikhil's jaw almost hit the floor, his possessiveness flaring at the thought of Anya spending any more time with this unexpectedly captivating man. Ayaan, however, simply grinned, a flash of white teeth against his tanned skin.

Nikhil's face contorted in protest. "Come with us? Are you crazy, Anya? We can't just waltz into a business meeting with a chai vendor in tow!"

Anya shot him a steely glare. "Mr. Kapoor, as he prefers to be called, is practically the heir to the company. His presence is crucial."

Shivan, ever the pragmatist, chimed in, "She's right, Nikhil. Plus, who knows this Singh guy better than Ayaan's practically adopted son?"

Nikhil grumbled under his breath, but seeing the logic in their words, eventually relented with a huff. "Fine. But let's get this over with. Anya's a busy woman, you know."

Anya couldn't help but smirk. Busy or not, a part of her didn't want to leave. The air crackled with an unexpected energy around Ayaan, a stark contrast to the sterile boardrooms she was accustomed to. There was something about his easy smile and disarming charm that… unsettled her.

Pushing down the treacherous thought, Anya cleared her throat. "Excellent. How about we meet Mr. Singh tomorrow morning?"

Ayaan threw back his head and laughed, a rich, infectious sound. "Morning? Uncle Rajiv wouldn't be caught dead before noon. Trust me, the man worships his afternoon chai."

Anya felt a flicker of amusement. This wasn't the stuffy, traditional businessman she'd expected. "Afternoon then," she conceded. "Two o'clock?"

Nikhil, his frustration bubbling over, practically vibrated with the desire to leave. "Let's go, Anya. We've wasted enough time here."

Anya surprised even herself by the slight resistance she felt. A strange reluctance to leave this unexpected haven, this man who seemed to see past her ice queen facade. Mentally slapping herself, she forced a smile. "Right, Nikhil's right. We should be going."

Ayaan rose from his chair, his smile widening. He extended a hand towards each of them. "See you then. And hey, maybe we can skip the whole 'persuasion' bit and just have some good chai together?"

Anya offered a polite smile, her gaze flickering to his outstretched hand. The memory of Darksh's unwelcome touch, the searing pain of his forced kiss, sent a shiver down her spine.

Just as Ayaan's hand neared hers, Nikhil cleared his throat, his voice laced with a possessiveness that surprised even Anya. "Anya doesn't, uh, welcome touches." His gaze held a pointed challenge towards Ayaan.

Anya's breath hitched. Nikhil, ever the overprotective friend, had never interfered with her personal space before. What was going on with him?

Ayaan's smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his eyes. Then, he recovered quickly, his hand hovering awkwardly in mid-air.

"Oh, I see," he said, his voice smooth. "Well, then, see you both at two o'clock sharp. No… touches." He winked at Shivan, who chuckled nervously.

The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. Anya couldn't decipher the emotions swirling within her – fear triggered by Nikhil's words, a strange sense of… disappointment at Ayaan's withdrawn touch, and a simmering unease about the unexpected turn of events.

As they walked out of the stall, Nikhil shot Ayaan a dark look, his possessiveness a tangible presence. Anya, her mind a whirlwind of confusion, couldn't help but wonder what secrets Ayaan held, and what awaited them all at their two o'clock meeting with Mr. Singh.