
Love? Sacrifice? suffering?

a love story which may or may not move your heart as "ERIC" the protogonist ,an outcast even among the commoners finds love.

Murali_Ram_6277 · Historia
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8 Chs

**Chapter 1: The Unlikely Duo**

As the sun dipped low, painting the meadows of Eldridge in hues of gold, Eric on the outskirts, trudged along, his shadow dancing to the rhythm of isolation.

Little did he know, fate had a twist in store beneath the ancient oak tree—a scene straight out of stories and fantasies he heard villagers and beggera speak to themselves.

Beneath the oak's gnarled and rough branches, he found her—a girl, battered and unconscious.

His heart raced at the discovery. Was she still alive? With a sense of urgency, he scooped her up, running through the village like a man on a mission, oblivious to the curious glances and whispered remarks.

Reaching his modest dwelling, he gently laid her down, the flickering candlelight revealing the fragility of her form. The small room transformed into a haven, a cocoon where an unlikely hero unfolded his wings.

Days turned into nights as Eric became a makeshift nurse, tending to her with a tenderness that defied the village's perception of him. The village, unaware of this unfolding tale, continued its daily routine, oblivious to the drama taking shape on the outskirts.

In the quietude of his dwelling, a bond grew between Eric and the girl, a connection forged in the crucible of loneliness. Even in her comatose state, she became his purpose, a reason to face the world that had rejected him.

Yet, in the midst of his silent devotion, the village remained unchanged. The market square, where vendors once exploited him, now became a battleground where Eric haggled for every falco. The villagers, though bemused by his sudden determination, didn't grasp the depth of his sacrifice.

One day, as Eric trudged through the market square, the air thick with the aroma of spices and the hum of barter, a group of villagers confronted him. Mocking laughter and cruel words became the weapons in their arsenal as they exploited his vulnerability.

In the face of their taunts, Eric's resilience shone. He shielded the dress, a luxury that he believed she deserved, from the rain, sacrificing his own comfort for hers. Yet, as the raindrops mingled with his own tears, a lament echoed within him.

"Why treat me like this?" he pondered, his voice drowned by the rhythmic patter of rain. "Aren't we all treated the same by the nobles? Shouldn't we stand united against injustice instead of perpetuating it among ourselves?"

In this moment of vulnerability, Eric realized the irony—the villagers, treated as inferiors by the nobles, were now making the same mistake, casting one of their own aside as if he were trash. The realization carved a deeper wound in his heart, one that bled with the injustice of a cycle perpetuated without awareness.

The market square became a stage where the cruel dance of mockery unfolded, leaving Eric to confront the harsh truth—the village, blinded by its own prejudices, couldn't see the reflection of their own flaws in the mirror of their actions.

Yet, even in the face of this adversity, Eric's resolve solidified. He clung to the belief that the girl, still in a comatose slumber, was worth every sacrifice. The Kingdom of Falcon, oblivious to the evolving tale on its outskirts, stood at the threshold of change, guided by the selfless determination of an unlikely hero and the silent heartbeat of a girl in a deep, mysterious slumber.

As the sun continued its daily dance with the horizon, Eric's life unfolded in a series of sacrifices, odd jobs, and silent prayers for the girl who had become his purpose. Each morning brought a new challenge, each night whispered a bittersweet lullaby.

In the quest to provide for her, Eric took on odd jobs that were anything but easy. Mining, a task that tested the limits of his endurance, became a means to earn the precious falcos needed for her care. The village, though witness to his newfound determination, remained oblivious to the weight on his shoulders.

Returning home each evening, his heart carried the weight of anticipation and a peculiar yearning. He wished for her to still be there, a silent guardian in the small dwelling that had become their sanctuary. The night, with its velvety darkness, became a canvas for Eric's silent confessions. He spoke to her as if she could hear, confessing his struggles, fears, and the silent desires that took root in his heart.

Oddly, shamefully, he found solace in the thought of her remaining in a comatose slumber. It became his anchor, a constant in a world that had dealt him a harsh hand. The curse of loneliness seemed to lift when he returned to find her still there, untouched by the harsh realities beyond their refuge.

Yet, in the quietude of their dwelling, an unspoken question lingered—where did she come from, and why was she here? The village, with its web of gossip and scrutiny, held no answers. Eric, torn between the desire for her to awaken and the fear of discovering a truth that might shatter their fragile sanctuary, grappled with the unknown.

As the days unfolded, Eric's odd jobs and sacrifices continued. The mining dust became a part of his identity, a badge of resilience worn with pride. The Kingdom of Falcon, unaware of the silent tale on its outskirts, stood on the precipice of change, guided by the selfless determination of an unlikely hero and the silent heartbeat of a girl in a deep, mysterious slumber.