

She’s now walking properly too.

“Is fat mousey who told me to ask you about my father, it says that everyone has two parents but I have only one”

“Oh no, no, no” the two mouse covers their face with their tiny hands when Lilian told her mother about them.

"Mousey! And who is this mousey? I’ve told this people to leave me alone, now is my daughter huh? They are all going to get from me”

Sandra, stormed out of the house to give a serious warning to her neighbor’s children, they have to stop bullying her daughter and telling her she doesn't have a father.

“Oh no, no, is all your fault” the second mouse blames the fat one.

“How is that my fault, I was only trying to help”

Sandra was heard shouting at her neighbor's children while their parents begged her to forgive them saying "it won’t happen again."

They all see her as someone who is not normal. "Why will a normal person live in that abandoned house?"

They didn’t want to have problems with a mad woman so they all treat her well, no one wants to  quarrel with a mad woman.

“We are sorry, it won’t  happen again”

“It better not, are you the ones who gave my daughter a father?” she ask them and they turned to look at each other with a surprising look written all over their faces.

“She is indeed mad!” The woman muttered and took her family indoors.

Sandra looks at the fat boy who is last to enter the house. “Fat mousey” she mumbled at the boy before walking away.

“No wonder my daughter calls you fat mousey, you are indeed a fat mousey huh!” she muttered as she walks back to the house, she finds Lilian talking by herself.

She tiptoes into the house only to see her talking with two mouse.

The fat one blames Lilian for letting her mother go  quarreling with her neighbor but the other mouse disagrees with the fat mouse.

“Can you two just stop? My mother will hear you, but I think I don’t have a father” she said sadly.

“Of course, you do have a father, maybe he’s dead”

“What! My father can not die,” she started to cry” the two mouse jumped onto her palms giving her a tiny napkin to wipe her tears.

"Huh?” Sandra's eyes widened in chock as she could see the two mouse but she can’t hear what they are saying, only Lillian's voice that she can hear.

She turned back to look at her neighbor's house “Oh my goodness! I just fight with the wrong people” she miss a step and the mouse jumped down from Lilian's hands and disappear or should I say ran away, because they are not magical mouse, they are real mouse.

“Lilian!” Sandra called and the little thing stood there afraid to death, she was shaking like leaf as Sandra walks slowly toward her.

“A-are you talking to those m-mouse?” Sandra ask surprised but Lilian was so afraid of what her mother will do to her, she has warned her not to go to that room filled with books again, but now she was caught red-handed.