

All he has to do is hang around with his boys and talk about girls and drive fancy cars.

Yes talking about cars, Alex hurried to check up on his car but everything is gone. Not a single car is in the garage. He gave out a big shout and fell on his kneels, putting his head between his kneels he cry bitterly.  But when he finally raise his head he saw birds flying out from one corner of the garage, he went to look and there; his best driver already dead and decay tied on a pole. Tell and the voice was heard by the neighbours but none dares to come out. “Sandra…. I will kill you are your entire family and all that you hold dearly, I Alexander Wale will make sure of that”. He sworn to take his revenge on Sandra.

What Alex didn’t know was that the  cartel was beyond Sandra and his father her father.

Alex began to put things in order, he clean the house and bury his driver who has no family members, his parents had picked him from the gutters and gave him a place to stay and then sent him over to be his driver and personal guard. He has always seem him as his father and not just his driver.

When he was done cleaning, he took a shower feeling like a human being for the first time in months. He step outside his house. No car so he has to take a taxi but something got his attention, the neighbours I kind of looking at him like he's done something bad and whispering but he is not read them and took the pic to go see his friends.

“Alex….”  Jack ran to hug him “Is this really you?” he examined him and he could see that all is not well with Alex.

“I need to pay for that” Alex said to Jack pointing at the taxi driver who is still waiting for his pay where Jack was busy examining his friend.

“Yeah, I got that” Jack hurried inside and pay the taxi driver then wasted no time examining Alex again.

“Guy…what is going on?” but Alex was too full to speak.

“We came by your house but we immediately know that something is not right, but where can we possibly look for you?” Jack said do worried for him.

“Jack, I have nothing left, everything I thought I had is gone”

“What!, … how?”

“My dad is dead, my mum is dead, Clara….i don’t  know if she’s alive and Sandra!...hmmm, she’s now a Slave to my supposed wife”

“Jack couldn’t  believe what he was hearing, is like a dream to him. “Alex of all people!....No, I still don’t  believe what you are saying”

Jack took his phone and call Brian, he appears almost immediately as if he was waiting for the call.

Instead of getting angry at Alex the way he has intended, he find himself hugging him and almost to cry.