
Puff of air

Clara didn’t know what to do, she has thought that Zack's place was secured enough for Sandra and her unborn child.

“What can I do?” She is beginning to feel the impact of the emptiness Alex left behind.

Had it been he’s here, he would have known where to take Sandra.

  “Don’t be like that!” Zack told her as he noticed the sadness on her face.

“Do I have a choice? I think I have to look for a way to get her out of here”

“Don’t worry, I will take care of that” Zack said feeling ashamed that he will be there while a woman will be looking for a solution.

 Sandra stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself as if, she didn’t believe she was carrying Alex's child.

“Why do you have to go and leave me all alone” she spoke to her reflection, but she thought she heard a voice and turned back to look but saw no one.

“Who’s there?” She yells out of fear.

“I know someone is there, come out now” she commanded but no one came out.

Alex sat on the sofa staring at her, he knows she can not see him so he sat there looking at her. “How I wish you know that I did not leave you.” He muttered and shake his head but Clara came into the room.

She went to sit at the same spot that Alex was sitting, he tries to push her aside but his hands just went through her and she sat down on Alex.

“What’s she doing?” Alex asks and tries to adjust himself but Clara has already sat on him.

Sandra looked at her, her face is not that bright, unlike Clara's. “Is anything the matter” she went closer to her, she sat on the right side of Clara while Alex manage to pull himself out of the spot and he is now sitting on Clara’s left side.

He too wants to know what is wrong with her., he was staring at her face with so much concern.

“What is wrong? say something” he urges her but damn, she can’t hear him.

“Well, I think we have to go, we can no longer stay here”

“What!” Alex muttered but Sandra was happy. She can’t wait to leave this place.

“We have nowhere to go,” Clara said stopping Sandra’s joy.

“What happens to the house?”

“We can’t go there, you will be captured in no time”. Clara pleaded with her as Sandra insisted she will return home to Alex's house.

“Listen to me Clara, you can take her to Vampire, she will be safe there” Alex suggested, he just couldn’t sit still as Clara told Sandra that Mr. Lincoln has find out her location.

“Can you hear me!” he yelled but no one heard him, so frustrated he want to search for Zack.

He finds him but all he says was just a puff of air, Zack can’t hear a damn thing he is saying.

He immediately went home and told Vampire to help out.