
He's a wizard

They quickly turned, facing each other with their back. That way they can defend each other. 

They keep turning around but they can't see anyone, and then Lincoln came out still on his night wears with a cup of tea in his hand. he asked them what they had come to do in his house.

"We are looking for Alex," they said simultaneously, still turning around and facing each other with their back ready to fight, but Lincoln laughed at them.

"What do you children take me for? A murderer? A monster?... Why do you keep coming here to look for Alex? We all know that Alex is a womanizer, maybe he's run away with a woman," he said and sat down crossing his legs while sipping on his cup of tea.

"Cut the crap and tell us where Alex is, or we're not going to let you live anymore," Zack threatened, but Lincoln laughed at him.

"You know you can't come into my house and threaten me because I know nothing about Alex's were about."

"You know I don't have time for this," Clara whispered to Zach. "We have to make him talk."

"Do you think he will just tell you where Alex is? And besides, he's not just an ordinary man, he's a wizard," Zack whispered back to Clara while Lincoln just sit there looking at them.

"Run along kids, Alex is not here and if you ask me, I will say check in one of those hotels. Maybe he's sleeping somewhere with one of his numerous women," Lincoln said in a mocking tone.

Clara rushed at him, but he disappeared from the seat and they could only hear his laughter in the air.

"We have to leave now," Zack told Clara. He held her hand, taking them out of there before Clara could have the time to resist they are out of Lincoln's house.

"What is that for?" Clara turns angrily at Zack.

 "You can't fight him and you know it. He's going to kill you! We need some time, we need to figure out what to do before we go over there. ," Zack held Clara’s hand and drag her all the way home while Jack and Brian follow behind them.

They gather around in Alex's house to know the next step to take, but no matter how they try, they seem not to find a way around this.

Clara was so furious that her fingers starts to vibrate, Zack's gaze fells on Clara's fingers, it was vibrating dangerously, something tells Zack that Clara is beginning to turn and then he cast a spell making Jack and Brian sleep off but because he cast the spell in a hurry, it won't take time before they wake up again, and so, he tries to calm her down before they woke up. He held her hand.

"You have to calm down, we are going to find Alex, but no! her hands have begun to turn, her hands begin taking the shape of a cat but fortunately, Lillian was still in the house, Zack rapper Lilian’s bangle and tied it around her wrist and she began to be normal again.


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I hope you are enjoying this story and I just want to announce that we are moving closer to the end of this book.

And I think that this book might just have another book outside this volume.

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