
Chapter 39

“That is because you made me eat, I’ve not had the appetite to eat for the past five days”

“Really why?”

“I..I was busy and didn’t have the time to eat” he lied.

“Ok, at least you’ve eaten something”

“Yea, Sandra;” he called her not sure on how to tell her the truth.

“Yes” she left her face to look at him.

“I love you so much” he said instead.

“Hmm, I love you too, but why are you shaking is anything the matter?”

“Oh nothing”. Alex look at himself, he was shaking, the fear of the unknown is making him shake, he didn’t know how true this is, if the hand band will help or not and he didn’t know the gravity of the consequences of his actions.

“Alex! Are you ok?”

“Yes, am ok, I think you have to go o now”

“But you ask me to stay with you today”

“Yes, I did?..” he ask not sure of himself.

“Look at me Alex” Sandra walk to him cupping his face in her tiny little soft hands.

“I'm here with you, you don’t have to be afraid of telling me what you want. You can have me whenever you want”. she said bringing Alex hand to her breast.

“Huh..” Alex open his eyes and mouth wide but no sound came out.

 Sandra thought that Alex is afraid of telling her that he needs her now, so she has to help him out by taking the lead.

“He blink several times before telling Sandra that is time for her to go.

“What?, did I do some thing wrong? is it because of what I did?, then I’m sorry I won’t do it again.” She apologize of bringing Alex hands to her breast.

“It's not like that” Alex said. “I'm just trying to protect you”

“From what exactly?”.

“Look you won't understand but I think you have to go now” Alex was shaking all over because he has started feeling the urge to grab her and have her the way he has never done before but something keep holding him back. he didn't know if Sandra could survive what will happen because Clara has told Alex what will happen if he decide to use the hand band while making love to her.

“Look I understand if you don't want to do this with me, maybe because I'm not on the same class with you but you don't have to worry I will go now. Sandra said and takes her bag to leave. But when she got to the door Alex rush to block her, grab her from behind.

“Please don't go, am dying, please don't Sandra”

She turned to face him, “Something is wrong Alex, and you don't want to tell me what is going ?”

“Just stay with me and I'll be fine”

“Ok” she went back inside.

Sandra keeps wondering what could be the problem, Alex was fine before he left. He was more confidence before now, but right now she’s seeing a different Alex. He is more afraid than ever. “What could be the matter” she kept thinking.