
Best gift ever

"Look at me” she made him face her. “I love you, and I will never run away from you, never”


“Never,” she said placing her head on his chest and hugging him.

“Sandra, I'm half human and half Dragon, .... meaning..... I’m not completely human....” The words came out of his mouth with so much difficulty.

She lift her head and looked at him.

“You don’t mean that do you? Are you saying that you are a monster?”

“Uh..uh. Y-you see, you can’t, really..., call it that, the problem is that I don’t even know what I am. I’m still searching for it”

Sandra wanted to laugh.

"Why are you laughing? I’m not kidding, if I remove this bangle, I will turn into a dragon.” He said and Sandra’s eyes widened.

She knows Alex is a monster, but she didn’t  know he is a Dragon, now that she thought about it, “Can you turn into the Dragon?” Sandra asks him.

“What! Now! Here?” Alex was surprised that she wasn’t afraid to ask him that, she was cool with what he said.

“Yes, I want to see it with my eyes”

“No! This is not good” Alex muttered but Sandra wants to see.

"Okay, you see this bangle, if I don’t have this bangle with me, and I made love to you, I will turn into a dragon, but I don’t know what will happen after that."

“Okay, I want to see, I know you will not hurt me, right?” she asks sitting on his lap.

He nods “Okay” he took off his bangle and switch his mind then suddenly, he turned into a giant Dragon.

“Wow!” Sandra stare up at it while it stares down at Sandra, she was so tiny in Alex's eyes as a dragon, he has never had the chance to be a dragon with ease, “Should I blow up this building with fire?” he asks Sandra but she said. "No."

“You look beautiful, can you pick me up?”

“Sure” he opens his palm and Sandra walks into them and he picks her up to his face.

She caressed its face and smiled at it. “You look beautiful as a dragon."

“Don’t you think I’m a monster?”

“No, your not, you are Alex, the man I love with all my heart.” Alex smile.

“Is enough now, I want to see my Alex, can you turn back to Alex”

“With pleasure,” he said and brought her down, then he change back to Alex.

"Hmm," she hug him so tightly, Alex could not believe what just happened, Sandra is okay knowing who he is and still wants him.?

“Thank you”

“For what?”

“For loving me the way I am”

“I’ve always loved you Alex, and no one can change that.”

“This is the best gift you have given me for my honeymoon, and I promise you today, I will love you for the rest of my life, no more women no matter how pretty they are” he kiss her forehead and lay her on the bed.

“Let me show you how much I love you” he puts back the bangle on his wrist.

[Authors Note]

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