
Love or Truth

Minakshi is a beautiful, kind-hearted, and hard-working young woman; who wants to achieve something in her life. Abhimanyu is a handsome, devil, workaholic, and stonehearted man; whose priority is his business. what will happen when the two sides of the coin come close? Will there be a spark or a truth would separate them forever? Read out to know more

prettygirl_93 · Fantasía
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15 Chs


Today is D-day for Minakshi as she is conducting a meeting today.

She is wearing a grey full-sleeve shirt along with a black pencil skirt that reaches to her knees. Her hair was styled in braids today. She has paired her dress with a pair of pointy-toe heeled sandals with buckles on them.

Over the last week, she has been reading files over files about the company's achievements, its growth, and anything related to it.

She is already in the meeting room with her laptop and the PowerPoint presentation she made.

Her boss informed her that he would come with the clients and asked her to be in the meeting room before them and get everything ready.

The meeting room has a wall on one side. The room's entrance gate is located beside the wall. On the other side of the room is a full glass window covered with strip curtains.

There is a long table and ten chairs placed on each side of the table. One chair is opposite Minakshi.

Minakshi is standing in front of the table, her laptop placed there, and behind her is a whiteboard for showing presentations. There is a projector above the table attached just below the wall.

Lata entered the room looking at her makeup with a pocket mirror in her hand.

She is wearing a pink-colored formal suit with a white shirt inside, as well as matching pink-colored heels. She styled her hair in a low ponytail and is wearing glasses today, which makes her look sexy.

She looked at Minakshi and asked, "Are you ready, my girl?"

"I am nervous," Minakshi said rubbing her palms.

"See, my palms are also sweating," Minakshi said worried, showing her palms to Lata.

Lata laughed and assured her to stay calm.

Lata and Minakshi have become very good friends now. Although Minakshi is a confident girl, she feels nervous when she is in front of Abhimanyu. She was very nervous when he told her about this meeting.

Lata helped her this week to learn more about the company's history.

Lata has been working here for the last five years. She knows almost everything about this company.

Just then Abhimanyu arrived with the clients and few other employees of the office.

He is wearing a grey suit with a black shirt inside paired with a grey colored tie and black shoes.

"Minakshi he is Mr. Aditya Asthana and he is Mr. Shourya Asthana his younger brother " Abhimanyu introduced them, indicating with his polite hands.

"And this is..."

"I know her," Aditya said before Abhimanyu could complete his sentence.

"You do?" Abhimanyu asked looking at Aditya and then at Minakshi.

"How do you know her?" he asked with furrowed brows confused.

"We were batchmates in college," Aditya commented.

"How are you, Minakshi? I had no idea I would meet you here" Aditya said surprisingly.

"I am fine. How are you doing Aditya?" Minakshi asked him in return.

"I am also fine," Aditya said

"Okay so let's get seated because Minakshi is about to start?" Abhimanyu interrupted them and looked at Minakshi tilting his head a bit to his right.

'Yes sir,' Minakshi responded hurriedly, standing in front of her laptop.

Abhimanyu sits on the first chair to the right of Minakshi. Aditya and his brother Shourya sit after him. Lata sits on the first chair to the left of Minakshi.

"Where is Akhil?" Abhimanyu asked Lata.

"I don't know sir. I did not see him today." Lata replied.

Abhimanyu exhaled and said to Minakshi "Okay, you may start now."

Minakshi nodded and was about to start.


"Sorry I am late."

Akhil entered with a heavy breath. He came here running.

"Take your seat" Abhimanyu instructed him keeping his hands under his chin and giving him a deadly look.

Akhil gave him an awkward smile and sat down next to Lata.

"How late am I?" he asked Lata, whispering near her ears.

"We are about to begin," she replied whispering back to him.

Minakshi began giving the presentation. She told them about the achievements of the company and its growth rate.

She began showing them what this company and their clients who are Aditya and Shourya could achieve. She also told everyone about the project and its growth which they were talking about.

She prepared a graph showing them where they could reach working together.

She prepared everything on her own and explained everything briefly.

Akhil watched Aditya and Shourya who looked satisfied with her performance.

He told Abhimanyu about it by gesturing, to which he nodded with understanding.

Minakshi ended the presentation very well and everyone clapped for her. Lata was very happy for her friend.

"Mr. Abhimanyu I must say, she did not leave any chance for us to say no." Aditya said praising Minakshi.

"I agree," Akhil said pointing at Minakshi.

Abhimanyu stared at him seriously and then looked at Aditya

"What is your answer, Mr. Aditya?" Abhimanyu asked him putting his hands in his trouser pockets.

"The deal is final," Aditya said smiling.

Before Abhimanyu could say anything further Aditya stopped him.

"I apologize for interrupting, but we will work how you want." He clarified to himself.

"Alright then, let's sign the dealing papers," Abhimanyu said and extended his hand for a handshake.

Aditya handshaked him and then forwarded his hand to Minakshi for handshaking, which she took.

"It will be a pleasure working with you Minakshi," Aditya said smiling at her.

She responded back with a smile on her face.

Aditya was still holding her hand and looking at her which Akhil and Lata noticed. Abhimanyu also noticed it and glared at them.

Minakshi let go of her hand quickly and excused herself. She started collecting her things, putting everything in her bag.

Lata came forward to help her and asked her in a low voice "What's going on?"

Minakshi looked at her confused, not understanding what she meant.

"What is going on between you and Mr. Aditya?" Lata asked.

"Nothing" Minakshi replied with shocked eyes and looked around to see if anyone had heard her or not.

"Why is he happy to see you?" she asked back in doubt.

"He is my college batchmate. We are meeting after 4 years maybe that's why" she replied thinking.

"After lunch come to my cabin Ms. Minakshi," Abhimanyu said coming there suddenly, scaring them.

Minakshi nodded at him before he walked away from there with Aditya and his brother Shourya.