

When her fiance ran away with her best friend on her wedding day, Anna Lee vowed never to love again. Her father also disowned her and told the world that she was not his daughter anymore. She struggled to find her footing as an actress and she lands the lead role in a very popular movie. Later, she meets Mo Xing, the president of the prestigious Mo Group and something begins to stir inside her heart. Mo Xing loves and protects her from everything and anything that threatens her well-being. He is heard saying one day: "You are the reporters who follow my wife every day? I will make sure you have no jobs ever again! My wife is having a hard time because of you!" or "Honey, you are very beautiful, why is my wife so beautiful?" or "Do you want an island or a huge yacht? tell me and husband will buy it for you!" the reporters start complaining, "Big boss, spare us the dog food, we want a glimpse of our best actress too!" The cover art is not mine (Pinterest) All credit to the owner

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Back at the office, everything was in chaos. Nothing seemed to be going right for Harry. Lilian and Anna's talk had led the company into a frenzy. The shareholder's meeting had to be canceled. Linda looked like a ghost. It took several hours for the company to go back to it's normal calm.


"I thought you did not want it. What made you change your mind all of a sudden?" A man sitting across from Anna asked with a slight chuckle.

"Nothing much. I just want to explore" Anna answered, taking a sip from her mango juice which was in front of her on the table. Her answer earned another chuckle from the man.

"You know Bella and I was already considering Lillian Ye by your request. But you now want it for yourself. Your exploration really amazes me." The man said, looking at Anna through his glasses.

"But you haven't given it to her yet Travis. So can I have it?"

"Yes Ma'am"


Travis and Anna continued talking for some minutes before a woman walked in. She wore white trousers with a blue top. A long trench coat covered her.

Her hair was well made and she carried a black bag. On her feet were a pair of simple yet expensive-looking Sandals. Travis's eyes lit up once he saw her and Anna looked at his lovesick expression with slight amusement.

"Bella babe why are you here? I could have picked you up" Travis said as she motioned Bella towards their table.

"Well here I am," Bella said while taking the empty seat next to Anna and engulfing her in a wide bear hug.

"Oh, my little sweetheart. Sorry, I was not there, I just heard from Travis about what happened. I already previously told you that that Linda was a witch but you didn't listen to me. Now, look what happened. Aiya, my heart really feels pain for you. To think that that woman was good yet she is so full of schemes....." Bella rumbled leaving the two speechless. She moved from consolation to trash talking in a matter of seconds.

Anna sighed as she placed her hands on her head with a helpless expression. She listened as she talked and talked before she finally finished.

"I am fine now, aren't I? Besides, how would I have known my true friends if she hadn't done that? I feel like she liberated me from a marriage that would have turned out bad. But don't worry sweetheart I will make them pay" Anna talked as she held Bella's hands on top of hers.

Tough times revealed your true friends. Bella and Travis were already married but they still helped her during her toughest times.

At least she regained some sense, Bella thought as she looked at her friend.

" Hey hey hey, what's with the tears, let's go out and have some fun" Travis said as she held Bella's hand guiding them out to the bar across the street.

By the time they were done, it was already late. Travis and Bella went home together and since she did not drive, she had to hail a cab back home.

Since she had a little bit of alcohol, her steps were not very steady and her vision was slightly blurred. She walked the steps as she sighed, at least she still had a place to call home. Right now, she had nothing to her name, only this small house is what she called hers. Her account also had a few coins that would push her for some months.

The role she took was of a movie. If all went well she would be able to get some money from it. But right now, she had to make do with the little that she had.

Her phone suddenly rang and once she saw the caller, all her drowsiness vanished. Her vision became sharp and cold. Apart from Harry, there was another man she so wanted to drag down,

Her Father.

She still picked up the call and before the man spoke she said,

"Yo, chairman Lee has time to call this little peasant. How lucky am I"

At the other end of the line, her father sounded angry as he yelled

"is that how you address your father? Come to the Lee residence tomorrow. Your mother and I have some news. Don't be late."

He hanged up after that leaving Anna with her thoughts.

Her mother...

Her mother was already dead. The man was speaking of her stepmother. A woman she did not want to see. Calling her back after all the years meant something important so she had to go to see what they wanted from her...

after four years