
love of phoenix

A love fate relationship of the two most powerful figures of the kingdom. Can the evil plots stop them or incerase the burning desire inside their heart??

Blackwitch · Fantasía
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10 Chs

The Herbal Realm

After getting hold of the situation and knowing all the incidents that befell on his daughter he felt as if his complete world is about to collapse.

Just upon realising that he had a daughter he got her death news. The great Demon King never even in his dreams imagined that he would encounter such a tragic day in his entire life. Unknown about the existence of his own child for decades and getting the news of his child's death before the news of her birth was truly something unimaginable for him.

He leaned his hand's on Tian Long's wide shoulders and asked him to guide his way to Huanger's death place. After reaching at the palace The Demon King finally sighed a breath of relief. He hurriedly chanted some words and a black Panther appeared out of thin air letting out a lour roar.

Demon King : "Lad ..... God is with us. My daughter can be revived. Ha Ha Ha I knew it my child couldn't be this short lived. Here lad take it. He is one of my nascent animal. He is called BAO. Bao is the best soul seeker on the entire continent. He will guide you to my daughter's soul fragments."

Tian Long : " Thank ... Thank you very very much. I will surely repay you in the future for your help."

Demon king : " What do you mean by repay me? Don't forget that she is also my daughter. Finally the Demon clan has a new ruler ha ha ha. Now go hurry up bring me my daughter's soul. Bao listen to this lad from now on he is your new master understand."

Bao gently shakes his head with approval he was a very huge black cat like animal ( panther) with fur as black as the night sky and eyes as shiny as a diamond. He had golden eyes which shined like a diamond in the night.

Bao connects his consciousness with Tian Long's and forms a connection between them. He starts searching for Huanger's soul and guides to seven places. The first was The Herbal Realm.

Herbal Realm was a place where many kinds of different herbs were grown. Elf like structures called JINGLING took care of the realm. They were mysterious fairy like structures having large ears and colourful long hairs. They were very mischievous in nature and denied any contact with the outer world.

Tian Long saw through the eyes of Bao that Huanger's soul was inside a pink haired jingling who was playing in the vast flower field. She looked like she was about 8-9 years old. Tian Long asked Bao how did Huanger turn into a jingling.

Bao explained that a soul fragment mistakes itself as a new child and starts growing in the environment it is placed at. So it was normal for Huanger's soul fragment to grow in the herbal realm. As there is a time difference in every realm, the soul grows faster or slower accordingly to the time gap and nourishment provided.

Without any further delay Tian Long started off towards Herbal Realm with hope of reviving his wife.

(Preview of next chapter)

Tian Long encounters with the elf queen and discuss the matter at hand.

Will the queen comply with the needs or be hostile?? wait for the next update.