
love of phoenix

A love fate relationship of the two most powerful figures of the kingdom. Can the evil plots stop them or incerase the burning desire inside their heart??

Blackwitch · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Death of Huang'r

The moment when Tian Long came, he saw piles of headless corpses. His body felt a cold shiver. He then saw that Huanger's soul had broken into 7 pieces. He tried to collect them with his soul power but he couldn't do it. So, he left his imprint on each broken piece of soul and hurriedly ran over to his master. Master Hao upon hearing the news left a huge sigh 😞💨.

The thing which he was most afraid of finally came true. Seeing his reaction

Tian long asked, "Master , we're you already aware of these things. What is the secret that everyone is talking about? What was the reason that Huanger didn't die but her soul got dispersed? "

Then his master explained about Huanger's special body Constitution of gaining power. And with a heavy sigh said

"Long'r it is a secret which you should guard with your life not even a single fly should hear about the thing I'll say you."

Saying this much his master closed the doors and windows. He casted a sound- barrier spell in the room to prevent anyone from hearing it.

Then he started, "Longer you must not reveal this truth to anyone. Huang'r and Qian Long's father is actually a demon. Not only that but he is the current Demon Emperor of hell. When they were born they had the emblem of demon emperor. I used half of my cultivation to seal the emblem and make sure that no one knew about this not even my disciple Peng'r (mother of the child). When I was sealing it I noticed something , Qian Long had only 10 percent of his father's demonic aura and he took the 90 percent of his mother's qi but Huang'r had 90 percent of her fathers demonic aura and only 10 percent of her mother's heavenly qi. To supress her demonic aura I used half of my cultivation and the heavenly qi of Peng'r inside Qian Long's body.This made Qian Long aquire only 20 percent of his mother's qi while Huang'r was the one to absorb it all. The demon king has a special power he has the ability to avoid death. But as Huanger's powers were sealed she didn't knew about it. When there was danger to her life the seal was broken and her soul left her body to protect itself."

(Preview of next chapter)

Tian Long asked for help from the demon emperor. He started his journey to save Huang'r.