
The Adopted child

once thier was a beautiful girl named as Nafisha .. she has pair of beautiful eyes in which she could drown a whole ship of handsome men's , her lips were like rose petals it was always moisturised by her own natural oils . Her nose was straight as an arrow which would always point towards poor heart's of men , her cheeks was a little plump and Rosy ,she had a good figure where she was called to be a perfect female by having a perfect body she had slender figure plumpy chest and butts she would get perfect cleavage and her white and slender legs which could stomp a heart easily and rule a man from her feminine power . Her back was in perfect proportion not to fat or plumpy it was as hot as ever she was a complete lady with good looks and dominating nature .

nafisha was a warrior she was the first female in India to become a warrior in her country named as Dehli . she was the queen of many heart's but still she was as strict as a general as fast as cheetah and as brave as lioness.

Her fighting spirit was konwn by each nook of the country they were all respecting her ,being proud of her and they were always generous to her ,citizens were not knowing her hardships to come on a pinnacle but they were knowing her wounds ..

Her family was supportive to her , she lost her parents in childhood because of a tragic war which penetrated by some negligence of government authorities the king was rescued her in war , because when he was in war field their was a fearless girl standing on field covered with blood with her bare foot , she was covered with blood and was piercing a small piece of glass in the neck of soldier from other country ..

her eyes was in flames she was not afraid to die but she was trying her best to save her younger sister which was a toddler and crying out of fright . Nafisha was not an ordinary girl she was a born fighter she was fighting for her survival since young and was now seen by king of Dehli . The king became pleased by looking her he thought she was a tigress in human skin so he rescued her and her sister and after war he adopted them and he was training nafisha since young ..Her younger sister was not meant for war and blood she was a naive girl and was interested in literature and painting , king decided to persue her dreams and kept classes for both his adopted children one was fighting class and the other was literature both girls were studious and was interested in thier classes .

The king was so pleased and he protected them well till present day where nafisha is a warrior of Dehli ..

nafisha was happy to have a family like this she was not missing her birth parents since king adopted both of them , she was a perfect example of beauty with brains , she was worrior and nobody knew she was a great musican she was fond of flute and she loved to play it when she was relaxing or was in badmood

Many men's were dreaming about her and they were thinking to have her in their life but she was Nafisha a perfect lady so it was normal that those guys don't have any chance to be her lover , they were afraid of her because she was as fierce as tigress and because of this she was unable to know what other guys are thinking about her and her beauty .

After some months a letter arrived to Dehli stating that prince of Persia is going to arrive in Dehli . The great king of Dehli was little worried and much pleased because he was fond of prince and his name was Ailas .

the king knew him because he met him before and he knew that he was little Fond of his daughter Nafisha that's why he was little worried for this prince because he knew nafisha was a tough as rock to melt her he need to eat rocks by his bare teeth ..

Hence the king can only help him once , he thought in mind and called his main servent to call Nafisha and ask her to come and meet him ..

After some time she arrived in king's chamber and kissed his hands and called him Majesty .. Majesty may I know why you called in such a hurry . king was very pleased to see her and he toucher her head and told her ,Nafisha you are my precious daughter and fortunately you are my trusted warrior u might know about the letter which was arrived in morning . so I think that you should go to boundaries of Dehli and pick prince of Persia Ailas .. and this is my order you should follow that's it .

she knew king would not let her go this time , so she tried to butter him up by making her face lovely and with a light pout "father , you Know very well IAM little busy in training our new army devision , can you send somebody else their are many generals or warriors in our country " .

The king knew her act and he straight away declined her request by glaring her he told ,you are being more spoiled I guess I should give you some feminine classes requested by your mother , hmmm

After listening this she was caught off guard and straight away obliged his order saying that , eh father why are being serious i.i was joking I'll definitely go and pick our prince of Persia eh I forgot his name but it's okay I'll bring him safe and sound in our palace ..

By saying this she hurriedly ran away from king and told I'm gonna complain this to mother ,, hahaha .

The king chuckled and said ,"this child ufff Ailas you should protect her well .."

She is my magical daughter which can create magic in my world without knowing ..