
Love Need Sacrifice

Daoistt2IAir · Otras
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2 Chs

Part 2

[At night]

{POV Shibra}

I done my dinner and and herd my mother saying "Sara go and do Salah " " umm mummy I'll do it later" she replied "why you never offer salah?" Her mother said "um mummy I promise I'll do salah from tomorrow I promise and now I'm going to sleep ok so pls don't disturb me " she said and go to her room and soon fall sleep

(Her dream)

{POV Sara}

"Ahhh" I saw many people burning in fire they were screaming and shouting and then I saw a person whose face was blurred they were holding some girls by there hair hanging them by the fire mountains and there were fire burning 1000 feets or more then that and beating them with some sticks and the peoples who was in the fire, there skins where burnd very badly and when there skins where full burnd then a new skin where coming to there body and then suddenly I tern my head to see behind and there I saw myself over there and I was in my grave and it was burning and I was screaming and say snakes and crabs there which were on my body


I woke up while screaming and sweeting I was fully wet because of sweeting and then I got up and I get to now that it is a massage,a warning that if I don't change myself then this is what I'll end up with and then I say the time it was 2:40 so I get up from my bed and do wudu and start praying tahajjud and start crying between my prayer because I seen I saw in my dreams was very terrifying and painful and I started crying in I'm dua saying " ya Allah forgive me I'm the biggest sinner yah Allah forgive me for what ever I done I'm my past life ya Allah guide me for what is haram and what is halal yah Allah forgive me ". And I fall asleep on my prayer mat then I woke up at fajar then I started preying fajar and seeking forgiveness from Allah after praying fajar I was not sleepy at all so I decided to wach some Islamic quotations to encourage myself towards Islam and there I saw somewhere it was written that (Haram Relationships Can Never Give You Peace.. You Will End Up Fighting, Disrespecting And Eventually Having Break ups... Making Your Relationship Halal.) and only one person came to my mind and it was Maaz because I was now in love with him because he treate me like I'm his everything but unfortunately I have to leave him now because I'll wait for halal love (when a man dies his janazah is covered in 3 cloths but when a woman dies her Janazah is covered in 5 cloth

the moral is : it's because Allah doesn't like even a dead woman's body where people can see her shape and also even if you're dead Allah covers the woman's head)

(you don't want your last day to be the first day of your hijab)

Those words touch my heart.

[At morning]

I decided to go college wearing a hijab so

[At college]

"Hii baby" Maaz said to me "hey Maaz, I was to say something" I said "yes Say" he replied "actually I want brake up" I said and saw tears in his eyes "but why baby have I did something wrong did I hurt baby.....if I did then pls punish me but pls don't leave me sara" he said-


يقولون القلوب عند بعضها انا اشتقت لك انت حسيت ؟

- They say the hearts are connected I missed you, did you sense it?

on't forget to vote little sunflower <3< p>

~And sorry for the grammatical errors.