
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Cómic
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982 Chs

That Bonfire Night Resembled Love

After everyone dispersed, some remained busy at the stalls, while others went to the school festival with their friends.

It's not just Shinichi who will be a part of their lives, just like he's not only with them, he also has friends like Fuutarou, Nariyuki, Shirogane, and Kashima, each with their own social circles.

Although in Shinichi's social circle, one of them is not a friend, but a skilled general slowly falling.

After a pleasant chat with Kashima, Shinichi walked along the corridor with a relaxed expression on his face, his whole body seemed radiant, as if he had just undergone a major health treatment.

It could be said that his mood was very good now, not because of what he had just done to Kashima, who had a "beautiful body." but because...

He finally got a girlfriend today and could break free from his single status!

Even though he was popular before, he truly didn't have anyone who could be called a "girlfriend"; the feeling of alienation always made him slightly uncomfortable.

Okay, see Shirogane for the details. Anyway, he didn't find that the person he liked had a very good relationship with other guys, so he wasn't worried about it.

Even now, his "girlfriend in the first week" – Nakano Ichika was busy with other things and didn't have time to go on a school festival date with him after their first relationship. The fact that "the confession was successful" was enough to comfort Shinichi and feel satisfied from the bottom of his heart.

Anyway, it was his first love (one of them). It's the dream of most teenagers to date their first love, and he was no exception.

From this aspect, Shinichi was actually a naive boy.

"Accidental meetings. Acting alone? Rarely."

As Shinichi descended the stairs, he met Mafuyu coming down from below.

She also held an apple candy in her hand, its end lightly bitten, and a row of her neat bite marks was visible.

"Has everyone taken care of their own affairs?"

"Yes, so just like Sensei, we're visiting the school festival alone." Shinichi said teasingly.

Mafuyu squinted her eyes halfway, grimacing because she didn't bother to glare, and climbed the stairs.

"Whether it's a festival, shrine festival, or school festival, you can enjoy it alone, and you don't have to worry about your friends' feelings... Um, a kid like you wouldn't understand."

To demonstrate her maturity, Mafuyu slightly raised the corner of her mouth, but her face became stiff the next second.

"Sensei, I have a friend named Hikigaya who thinks the same way. He probably doesn't have more than five same-gender friends so far." Shinichi thought for a moment and added, "He himself said that people with such thoughts basically don't have friends."


Mafuyu finally unwillingly turned and glared at him.

Seeing Shinichi taking it happily, she couldn't be angry at all... Doing such a thing would reward the lecherous and punish herself, and she was not irrational.

Frowning at the smile on his face, Mafuyu didn't intend to dwell on it any longer.

"Up to you."

"It's just a joke, sensei, don't take it too seriously... As an apology, may I treat you to a meal?"

"No, I can buy it myself."

"Since we both have free time, why don't we go to the school festival together?" Shinichi suggested with a smile as he stood up on his way out.

"We haven't gone shopping together since the fireworks show, right? Mafuyu-chan."

Full of affection, this name made her whole body itch without any intention of teasing.


Unconsciously clenching the apple candy in her hand, Mafuyu turned her face to the side, avoiding his gaze, her expression still calm.


"Leave me alone, go and accompany your 'good friend'... No teacher would go to the school festival with their student."

As soon as she said those words, she hesitated slightly, because with this statement, she always felt unsatisfied with something.

Mafuyu didn't think like that, she always firmly believed.

Even though Shinichi ran many boats openly and openly in the student council, Mafuyu was used to it, she would never say it out of anger like a little girl left behind.

It's been like this before. She wasn't qualified to interfere in the "consensual" love lives of the students, and she didn't know how to intervene.

In other words, even if she interfered and gave advice, this man wouldn't listen or change, no matter how stern his expression or how cold his tone.

Therefore, Mafuyu didn't want to go to the school festival with him.

She didn't want to be the center of attention with him, and she didn't want to spread any more inappropriate rumors because she was too close to him.

Anyway, the other party was a student and she was a teacher. It was a simple relationship, but as an adult, she had to think deeper.

Besides, Mafuyu was also afraid.

The feeling of fear became clearer... She was afraid that one day she would lose her composure.

"Go. I'll go first, and you can enjoy the festival."

After hurriedly saying these words, Mafuyu didn't intend to break through his barrier, but turned around and walked down.

"Sensei, do you know what booth our class set up?"

Shinichi's serious voice sounded behind her.

Although her consciousness clearly urged her to ignore him and leave immediately, Mafuyu couldn't help but stop and reflexively answer:

"Of course, I know. It's the marriage experience, right? Although the theme was masked when we first discussed it, it turns out that only a few people experience masked marriages, and the number of partners is more than expected..."

Shinichi couldn't help but laugh: "Do you know it well?"

"It can't be avoided. I'm the homeroom teacher!" Mafuyu snorted, realizing that tone was too feminine, so she blushed and pressed her lips into a straight line.

Fortunately, her back was facing him. Under the great willpower arrangement, no one came up and down these stairs, otherwise, it would be very embarrassing.

"Sensei, do you know what happened in the class just now?"

"Just now?" Surprised, Mafuyu reluctantly turned around, "I haven't been in class for about an hour. Did something happen?"

As she turned her gaze, she met Shinichi's smile.

Mafuyu didn't know why, but her heart suddenly stopped beating, under his gaze, she couldn't move.

"I asked my classmates to help me reserve a special place to confess to them... A confession that requires marriage."

"Although the ring given is not a high-end product, it's the best that an ordinary student like me can do."

"So now, I have a girlfriend."

Shinichi unintentionally stopped, but talked briefly about what had happened recently fluently and naturally.

When he said, "I have a girlfriend," he smiled more cheerfully, not trying to hide his joy and happiness.

Mafuyu clenched the apple candy in her hand and felt breathless.

"...Conclusion. Do you want me to congratulate you?"

Even she didn't know the mood when saying these words.

In Shinichi's eyes, Mafuyu, who was always stunning and serious, sometimes naturally foolish, and sometimes so tsundere that people didn't know what to say, the teacher who always hid everything about herself behind a cold shell, unwilling to show her weakness in front of the students.

Mafuyu bit her lip slightly, looking at him puzzled, anxious, and unable to hide her sadness.

"What do you want me to answer? What do you want me to do?"

But Shinichi stepped forward, took her apple candy, and placed a small box in her hand.

"Actually, I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do."

He smiled weakly, but there was no doubt in his movements.

"I just want to give this to Sensei to keep safe for now... Maybe someday, you'll discard it and treat it as an undeserved gift."

"But before that, selfishly, I want to tell you, from today onwards, into the future, I want to see more of your expressions, and want to know more about 'Mafuyu'."

"The rest, I dare not say directly, and I know you won't want to hear it, so I use this to represent my feelings."

"I apologize for being a naughty student for targeting you."

"So before graduation, I want to ask for your advice, Kirisu-sensei."

After saying that, Shinichi reached out and pinched her cheek gently and openly as she stared stunned and unresponsive.

At that moment, what reflected in his eyes was Mafuyu, not Kirisu-sensei.

That gentle and intimate attitude only lasted for a moment, Shinichi quickly withdrew his careless hand and nodded to her with a serious expression.

"Then I'll go to the school festival alone. Sensei, enjoy the festival!"

As those words came out, afraid that Mafuyu would regain her senses and put the box back in her hand, Shinichi ran away without looking back.


Her long eyelashes blinked, and when her bewildered consciousness recovered, the boy in front of her who kept saying inappropriate things for his age had disappeared.

Mafuyu slowly looked at the small box in her hand, as if she knew what was inside, she moved her fingers twice, but dared not to open it for a long time.

"...Before graduation?"

She murmured something Shinichi said, this was an agreement she made without permission, and she clearly didn't need to pay attention to it.

But in the end, Mafuyu lifted her trembling fingertips and opened the lid.

Inside was a set of rings with small ice-blue diamonds that looked like they were carved from ice crystals.

So cold and pure that she would surely fall in love at first sight.

Mafuyu didn't dare to take out the ring and look at it, instead, she just stared silently ahead, staring at the row of cursive characters engraved inside the ring.

"Shinichi x Mafuyu".

Fortunately, it wasn't an abbreviation...

She didn't know why, but this thought crossed her mind, and she even felt convinced by it.

Shaking her head to dispel the incomprehensible thoughts, Mafuyu closed the box and looked at the trash bin placed on the stairs.

She hesitated, biting her lip until it turned white, and she wasn't as decisive as she wanted.

"Right. As a teacher, even if I..."

Such clichés couldn't be used as excuses anymore, Mafuyu understood this herself.

If someone gives her an inappropriate gift, will she immediately throw it away in the trash after receiving it?

No, she cannot do something that would hurt someone else's feelings.

It's okay to eat food she doesn't like, but things like signs of love like this, or things that are too valuable, let alone losing them, Mafuyu will not accept it, and will explain beforehand that she directly rejects the other party.

In other words, if she unconsciously accepts it and still hasn't pursued and returned it to the other party...

That means Mafuyu can no longer deny it.

"...Unethical. Regardless of whether as a teacher or as an adult."

With a sigh, she put the box in her pocket and kept it close to her body.

Feeling relieved, Mafuyu's expression didn't change much, her posture remained devout. She walked downstairs and went to the women's restroom on the first floor to wash her hands.

She had no intention of washing her face.

Moreover, there is still a little thin makeup on her face, so it would be troublesome to put it back on after washing.

She didn't think that her current calmness was very appropriate for the reaction of an adult after knowing that she had fallen in love with a certain male student, and needed to wash her face to calm herself down and cover it up.

Just as she raised her head and stared at her own eyes in the mirror.

Mafuyu was stunned, then took water and poured it directly on her face.

She bowed she head again, covering her face with the water droplets in her palms. Only her disheveled hair revealed her dark red ears.


She clearly felt very embarrassed in her heart, wondering why she showed such a convincing expression that she didn't even realize. There shouldn't have been anyone paying attention to anything during this time.

The corners of her mouth remained involuntarily curved.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was already 6 p.m. The winter sky was dark, but the school was bright and bustling.

The highly anticipated bonfire party would soon begin under the supervision of hundreds of students, parents, tourists, and teachers.

The person shooting the fire arrow is the current president of the Kyudo Club. Although her archery skills are slightly inferior to Kaguya's, she is still a good player who can win a place in the national competition.

Although the School Festival Executive Committee asked Kaguya to play the role of the "opening shooter" again, she was the one who lit the bonfire last year. Kaguya said that "this honor should be given to the school."

She refused on the grounds that she would pass it on to her juniors.

Fortunately, the Kyudo Club president's skills can also be trusted; otherwise, a misdirected fire arrow would not only be dangerous but would also embarrass Shuchi'in Academy in front of tourists and other schools.

As the emcee announced the start of the ignition ceremony, after a few accumulated moments, the flame spread across the landscape, reflecting off the audience.

No clashes, no scars on the wood, or the possibility of the bonfire collapsing.

The flames ignited the dry firewood, then pushed by various combustion aids, shot up high into the sky with a roar, making the students' eyes sparkle.

Under the night sky, the school, which had been silent for a moment, burst into enthusiastic cheers.

"I've made you wait for so long! The school festival bonfire party has officially begun——!!"


"It's as festive as last year."

Standing on the rooftop separated from the clock tower, Shirogane couldn't help but smile as he listened to the cheers from below.

Then, he turned to the black-haired girl who opened the iron door and stood there timidly, and said:

"You finally made it, Shinomiya."

"President... Shirogane-kun asked me to come."

Kaguya lifted her phone slightly and put it away shyly, never daring to look directly at Shirogane.

Her squirming appearance was very cute.

"Um, that's right..."

Whether he wanted to or not, he became nervous, his heart pounding, his face reddening, his fingers twisting his bangs, and he almost forgot what he was going to say.

Fortunately, the wind in the tall building was very cold, so Shirogane quickly regained his composure.

He stared at her seriously without hesitation.

Today, he would end the love battle that had been going on for almost three years and end everything.

"Shinomiya, there's something I want to tell you."

So, Shirogane stood tall in the cold wind and began his "confession."

"Don't you think your bangs are too long?"

Hearing Iino's words, without realizing it, Ishigami released his hand from his bangs and glanced at Iino beside him.

Just like last year, she took the initiative to take over the most tiring and boring job, patrolling the school during the bonfire party.

The difference is that this year, she found a reason to accompany her, turning the patrol into a stroll, and making the hard work that should have been dull and uncomfortable a little happier.

Even though the person accompanying her was not her friend, Iino felt happy from the bottom of her heart, no longer feeling disgusted and nauseous.

Knowing this fact certainly made Ishigami more confident in his next actions.

"It's okay, although it's sometimes annoying, but I don't like the feeling of my whole face being exposed to light..."

"Dark! Too dark!"

Iino patted his shoulder dissatisfiedly.

Ishigami smiled and gently pushed his forehead with his index finger.

"Darkness is still darkness. I'm not going to shave my hair for you."

"Who's going to..."

Iino blushed and glared at him angrily, but she seemed to see something different from his usual smile. She turned her face away shyly.


"Yeah, yeah, I'm stupid~"

After answering without energy as usual, Ishigami lowered his voice, a little nervous, and spoke beside Iino's ear.

"Iino, go to the old school building and patrol."

"Eh?" Iino hesitated and answered softly, "But, that place has been sealed..."

"I can open it," Ishigami said confidently, but afraid she might misunderstand, he added another sentence.

"Maybe someone else can open it too... So, for moral integrity, a check is necessary."

His words were halting, but even so, Ishigami didn't want to leave any loopholes.

"...By the way, there's something else I want to tell you."

After finally uttering these words from his throat, Ishigami felt as if the world had suddenly moved away from him, and only the noisy sound of his heartbeat was close to his ears.


Iino lowered her head, her steps stiff, and her fingers holding the

Iino lowered her head, her steps stiff, and her fingers holding the flashlight whitened due to coercion.

Only under her beautiful brown hair, a tinge of red appeared beside her ear.

After a while, she answered in a soft voice, as if she had made some preparations:

"...Then, I will listen to you."


Because he was too nervous, Ishigami struggled to swallow his saliva, his hands and feet were also stiff, and he dared not bow, leading the way like a robot.

Both of them just maintained an inexplicable awkwardness, walking towards the dark and quiet old school building one by one.


Shinichi held Ichika's hand and admired the moment when the bonfire was lit, and could only sigh:

"This is very much like love."

"Huh? Do you mean the bonfire?"

Ichika turned to look at him, blinked, and smiled beautifully.

Shinichi shook his head, ran his fingers along Ichika's cheek, and pulled the hair covering her ear.

Seeing her face as bright as the fire, he smiled slightly:

"I mean, us."