
Love me to Death

[18+} MATURE THEMES, READ WITH CAUTION. Tahra has known Zane all her life and recognized him as her mate. He is loving and caring until everything changed on the day he was named Alpha, a day she was supposed to be named Luna of the pack. Pictures of her half-naked with another man was shared and the culprit was non other than her sister, Meave. “I swear! I didn’t do this!” Tahra swore but the sin of her betrayal was unforgivable by the pack. Regardless she turned to Zane, expecting him to side with her only to hear him open his mouth to reject her. Her world burned as she watched her entire family turn their heads away from her right before she was sent out of the pack. She meets Ahshe, the alpha of ‘A’ Pack, the second Wolf district in the city. Her Wolf is confident that Ahshe might be their new mate. But what happens when she finds out that he already has a lover and worse, he has a cruel side and a dark obsession with her. Zane intends to get her back and Arshe has no intention of letting her go, and it get worse when another Alpha also gets involved. What happens when Tahra’s true bloodline is revealed and everyone finds out that she’s more special than she looks? Three Alpha’s vying for her love, but Tahra only has one question for them. "will you LOVE ME TO DEATH?" ********** Publishing schedule: 7/7

humanboss · Fantasía
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104 Chs

Kill it

The witch's sneer faded, replaced by a twisted grin that sent a chill down Zane's spine. Her dark eyes gleamed with an unnatural hunger as she looked at Maeve, or more accurately, at Maeve's stomach. Maeve instinctively placed a protective hand over her belly, her entire body stiffening as the witch's gaze bore into her. There was something deeply wrong in that look, something that made Maeve feel like she was being dissected by the witch's gaze alone.

Maeve glanced toward her father, hoping for some reassurance, but Joe's face was a mask of stoic indifference. He had recommended the witch, bringing her in based on an old connection Maeve's mother had to the woman. Maeve had believed, however reluctantly, that the witch could be bought or swayed, that she could manipulate the situation if needed. But now, standing in the same room as this ancient creature, Maeve realized just how naive that hope had been.