
Love Me, Mr CEO

“Do you want me?” “What?” “Do you want me?” She looked at him and walked out of the office quickly and he looked at her and went behind her and grabbed her arm and pulled her to his chest. “Why are you running?” “Let go please…” she said and looked away from him. “I want you!” he said and she looked at him. “i do too but I’m scared,” she said and he looked confused and looked at her. She looked up at him and was about to talk but her eyes widened in fear

Lily_Bear_ · Ciudad
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

She made his way to Minseo's office to tell him the message. She knocked on the door and then went inside. She peeped into the office and saw Minseo working, and his daughter was playing. She cleared her throat and went in, and he looked at her.

"Oh, Jihye, what's the matter?" He asked Jihye and was giving her, his undivided attention and she blushed.

"Mr. Do, Mr. So-Jin's secretary told me to tell you that Mr. So-Jin, Mr. Jaewon, Ms. Chae-Won and Mr. Ki-Hyun will be visiting you today at 2 pm, " Jihye told him.

"Okay, thank you, Jihye," Minseo said and got up and went to Ae and took her to him and held her and rocked her to sleep.

But Ae was being stubborn. She didn't want to sleep and Minseo was not having it today. The reason being is that he has to get ready for the meeting which would be held tomorrow, and he wanted to be prepared and he can't with Ae not wanting to sleep because it's her nap time.

"Ae, c'mon, you have to sleep now. Daddy has to work and it's your nap time," Minseo begged Ae, but she refused to go to sleep.

"May I help with putting her to sleep?" Jihye asked.

"Sure, you can try. I have been trying for 30 minutes now," Minseo said.

Jihye went around where Minseo was holding Ae and she took Ae up and placed her on his shoulder. She started to sing her favorite song. This was her song because it would calm her down whenever she is panicking. Jihye was singing sweetly, and Ae was falling asleep and Minseo was hooked. After she was finished, Jihye placed Ae on the mattress and covered her.

"Woah, Jihye that was beautiful, and Ae fell asleep, I can't thank you enough," Minseo said excitedly.

"Oh, you don't have to thank me," Jihye said and smiled and took up the tablet and held it to her chest.

"I will be going back to work now," Jihye said and Minseo nodded and went to his work.

It was 2 pm and had arrived. They went up to Jihye's desk and Jihye saw them and smiled.

"Good evening Mr. So-Jin, Mr. Jaewon, Ms. Chae-Won and Mr. Ki-Hyun, Mr. Do is ready to see you," Jihye said with a smile, and they were star struck.

They all nodded and made their way to Minseo's office. They entered the office and saw Minseo looking through the window and Ae was still sleeping. Minseo heard the door open and turned around and went to sit on the sofa and they all went to the sofa and sat down.

"Minseo, we are here and who is that cute girl out there at the desk?" Jaewon asked.

"Hey guys, that is Jung Jihye, the secretary I hired. She is an angel sent," Minseo said, and they all went to sit.

"Wait, that's Jung Jihye?" Ki-hyun asked.

"Yep, that's her," Jaewon said and smiled and got up and went and poured out juice and gave it to his friends.

"Woah, she is just as cute as Soo-Young said and Soo-Young knows him. They are best friends along with your secretary, So-Jin ," Chae-Won said.

"Oh yeah, I just remembered now. How come Ae is still asleep? She would be awake by now," So-Jin asked.

"She fell asleep not too long ago. I was fighting to put her to sleep but she wouldn't sleep but then Jihye came in here and saw that Ae wouldn't sleep and she took her and sang her to sleep and by the end of the song she is sleeping. I was shocked by that and her voice. Her voice sounds like an angel opening the gates to paradise," Minseo said as he remembered the event not too long ago.

"What song was he singing?' Jaewon asked.

Minseo pulled out his phone and played the song. He played half of the song and stopped it and they were shocked by the music and imaging Jimin's voice to the song.

"Woah, Minseo! That is an angel right there you have!" Ki-hyun said shockingly and excitedly.

"I want a secretary just like him," Jaewon said.

"Well go look for one," Jungkook said teasingly.

"Wow, he's protective already," Jaewon said, and they all laughed.

"Well, Minseo might like her, maybe they will be together in the future," Chae-Won said as they nodded and Minseo sighed and looked at them.

It was after hours, and it was time for Jihye to go home. She turned off the tablet and placed it in the drawer. She made her way to Minseo's office to tell him that she was leaving. She knocked on the door and waited. After a few moments, he went inside.

"Mr. Do, I will be leaving now. See you tomorrow," Jihye said and bowed.

"Okay, Jihye, I'll see you tomorrow," Minseo said.

"Goodbye everyone," Jihye said.

"Goodbye Jihye," they said in unison, and she bowed and smiled and walked out and took up her bag and went to the elevator and went on the lower floor and went out of the company.

Jihye exited the office, and they were all mesmerized by his beauty from what they saw before she left.

"I give you both my blessings," Jaewon said, and they all laughed.

"He is a keeper Minseo, make your move soon or someone else will," Chae-Won said and Minseo just smiled.

"Who is up for dinner at Minseo's?" So-Jin asked, and they all agreed.

Minseo is going to stay for the next hour to complete his notes for the meeting, leaving everyone at his house to have dinner. Weeks passed and Minseo was getting stressed by his work along with Jihye. Minseo didn't carry Ae with him for the week and Ae would cry. Minseo has had back-to-back meetings with potential clients and wants to escape it even if it's for a short amount of time. Jihye also wanted time to escape. She hadn't had time to sleep well, and she ate little. She goes home late and leaves early. Soo-Min is worried about her, but she hasn't had time to see her.

It was 10 pm and Minseo had just finished his meeting. This client wanted to have his meeting regardless of how late it was and Jihye had to stay to print some notes and other stuff and take notes in the meeting. Jihye put her hair in a ponytail and sighed. Minseo loosened his tie and sat in his office chair. He then turned his chair around and looked out the window. Jihye made her way to his office and knocked on the door. Jihye heard a small 'come in' and proceeded inside the office.

"Good job today, Mr. Do," Jihye said.

"Same with Jihye. I want a drink, care for some wine and food?" Minseo asked.

"Sure, I'll stay," Jihye answered and went to make the order.

Jihye went to sit on the couch and Minseo went to sit beside her. But not too close to make her uncomfortable.

"So Jihye, tell me about yourself. I'm curious about you," Minseo started and pulled a few of his shirt buttons.

"Well, my name is Jung Jihye, 20 years old, I was born in Busan, I have an older brother in Busan, my mom and dad died 3 years ago. Favorite colors are pastel colors. I was born on October the 10th. I graduated from university last year with a bachelor's degree in Business Management and Office Administration. I love drawing and dancing," Jihye finished and Minseo was intrigued.

"Wait, you are from Busan! No way, I'm from Busan also! That's so cool," Minseo said in his Busan dialect and Jihye was happy and nodded.

Minutes passed and the food and wine had arrived. Minseo paid for the food and set them down on the table. He orders a Surf N' Turf meal for himself, and a Shrimp Vietnam wrap for Jihye and Shiraz wine. Minseo opened the meal and they started to eat. Minseo poured out the win for him and Jihye.

"So, tell me about yourself, Mr. Do," Jihye said.

"Well, my name is Do Minseo, 22 years old, that means I'm older, I'm from Busan also. My father is dead, and I don't know where my mother is. Favorite colors are black, red and white. I have been the CEO of this company since I was 19. I was born on September 5th. I graduated from university with a master's degree in Business Management and a bachelor's degree in Art and Photography," Minseo finished off while eating.

"Woah, you are smart, and I'm sorry for your loss," Jihye said.

"It's okay, and the same for you too with your parents," Minseo said and looked at her.

"Ah, it's okay," Jihye said and then continued to eat.

One drink turned into two then 3 then 4 then 5. By the time it was for the 6th glass they were already drunk. Jihye's face was red and blushing, but Minseo wasn't really drunk but he was tipsy, Jihye was drunk and talking foolishly.

"This oflfice is iso pretty anod fyou rae sgo handsomne (This office is so pretty, and you are so handsome)," Jihye said and was touching Minseo's face.

"Okay Jihye, you had a little too much wine, let's take you home," Minseo said as he disposed of the garbage. He packed his bag up and picked it up and went over to Jihye to pick her up and went for her bag and phone and went back to her.

"We are going home now," Minseo said and held her hand and pulled her up.

"nooooo, ui hnwat to stay with you (Nooooo, I want to stay with you)," Jimin whined.

"Okay, Jihye, let's go," Minseo said and was carrying Jihye bridal style all the way to the car. He was going to go to a hotel which was 20 minutes away from his company. He placed Jihye in the passenger side of the car and put the seatbelt on her. He then made his way to the driver's side. Jihye was being touchy with Minseo, and he would blush. They had finally reached the hotel. Minseo took Jihye out of the car and made his way to the front desk and collected the key and made his way to the elevator. He had already made a reservation at the hotel. He was on his way to the room with Jihye in his arms. He opened the door and closed it. He placed Jihye on the couch and sat on the floor.