
Love Me For A Reason

SYNOPSIS Eliz is young , beautiful and rich . She has the perfect life and the perfect boyfriend . But one night , her whole world turns upside down she catches her boyfriend , Mavi having an affair with her friend.She goes to bar  where she gets drugged and loses her virginity to man wearing a mask, who forces her to have one night stand with him.And her father  gets arrested by  the police because "The company has had a debt crisis. Mr.Garagvorila One of the stake holder created some fake accounts, and six million in funds has been unaccounted for. The inspection committee is still investigating. However, all of the documents were signed by her father..." Someone's call her and asked to give back for the mask.She was shocked,"The Man in mask,"Pierce Landini Aleotti the overbearing, powerful ,handsome,young CEO of Menarini Group and Petra Design LTD in Milan,Italy.The man who slept with, that night when she was drugged.He know something happened to the company that her family owned.It would have been easy for him to find out the matter about her family. "I can help you solve all your problems as long as you're willing to be my woman for a month." You don't have the ability to face it. What you need now is me," Pierce said firmly. He seemed to be taking some sort of sick pleasure from his words." Then she has no choice but to agree to be Pierce woman for a month so that he would protect her and her family in return.But unexpectedly , Eliz falls in love with him and even agrees to be his girlfriend . However , another girl who likes Pierce is jealous and tries every means to separate them . Can Pierce and Eliz get through this ?

rhezaliza · Ciudad
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45 Chs

Chapter 8 Trying to refuse The Invitation

"Sorry, I don't know Mr. Aleotti. Wrong number." Eliz frowned, irritation pretty obvious.

She was not in the mood and had been easily irritated by the strange call.

Fred noticed the impatience in her tone.

He sighed with a crooked smile at her

annoyance and continued, " Do you still remember the mask of last night?"

His voice was much deeper and more serious as if reminding her of something consequential.

Mr. Aleotti ask you to bring the mask to Menarini Group & Pietra Design LTD before 2 P.M

Having heard that, Eliz came to her senses heart skipped a beat.

'She thought to herself, 'The man with the mask last night wants to see me?'

Her tongue dropped for a moment, suddenly lost words.

She decided to refuse the invitation.

Was it a command?

Perhaps a bluff.

Eliz wouldn't take such a risk with a man who is still a stranger to her.

When she was about to say something, the man dropped the call.

Being left there in silence, she keeps her words to herself.

She stared into space, eyebrows about to meet in response to the great confusion she felt.

Elizabeth saw Eliz's awful state. She crossed the distance between them in quick strides and tapped her.

"What's wrong?"

Eliz did not say a word and just shook her head without looking at her mother.

Her mother's worried voice filled the room

"What happened?"

It was a soft yet demanding request for an answer. "Nothing, Mom," Eliz replied tersely.

She didn't want her mother to worry, so she managed a small smile to reassure her that she was okay.

Eliz quickly turned to hide her distress and simply looked at her watch instead.

Realizing that it was already half-past one, panicked inside but calmed herself. She only had half an hour left.

"Talk to me, Eliz. Tell mom what's going on," Elizabeth probed. Elizabeth knew something was wrong based on Eliz's behavior. It made her anxious.

"Mom, I have an urgent matter to deal with. Could you please stay here and look after the apartment for the moment?" She turned quickly and left in a hurry without waiting for Elizabeth's reply.

With famous and good quality known performance, Menarini Group and Petra Design LTD some of the famous companies in Milan.

It had a higher caliber and was regarded as the best company in Milan, leading several industries such as real estate, jewelry, sports ware brand, clothing, information network, food, and television.

Eliz had recently returned home, but she knew a thing or two about this company.

When she was younger, Stanley had mentioned Harry Aleotti, the founder of Menarini Group and Petra Design LTD.

He made the name and was well-respected in the business circles. He had such a reputation that some people were afraid of him. He was a gentleman and was strict, yet people had high regard for him.