
Love Me For A Reason

SYNOPSIS Eliz is young , beautiful and rich . She has the perfect life and the perfect boyfriend . But one night , her whole world turns upside down she catches her boyfriend , Mavi having an affair with her friend.She goes to bar  where she gets drugged and loses her virginity to man wearing a mask, who forces her to have one night stand with him.And her father  gets arrested by  the police because "The company has had a debt crisis. Mr.Garagvorila One of the stake holder created some fake accounts, and six million in funds has been unaccounted for. The inspection committee is still investigating. However, all of the documents were signed by her father..." Someone's call her and asked to give back for the mask.She was shocked,"The Man in mask,"Pierce Landini Aleotti the overbearing, powerful ,handsome,young CEO of Menarini Group and Petra Design LTD in Milan,Italy.The man who slept with, that night when she was drugged.He know something happened to the company that her family owned.It would have been easy for him to find out the matter about her family. "I can help you solve all your problems as long as you're willing to be my woman for a month." You don't have the ability to face it. What you need now is me," Pierce said firmly. He seemed to be taking some sort of sick pleasure from his words." Then she has no choice but to agree to be Pierce woman for a month so that he would protect her and her family in return.But unexpectedly , Eliz falls in love with him and even agrees to be his girlfriend . However , another girl who likes Pierce is jealous and tries every means to separate them . Can Pierce and Eliz get through this ?

rhezaliza · Ciudad
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45 Chs

Chapter 32 Early Comeback

Despite everything, Eliz still found the strength to reach her car. She sat inside it for a while. After so long, she finally calmed down and started the car.

At the gate of St Louis School, the students were already on their way out of the school.

"What a surprise, Eliz! What are you doing here?" Echille happily shouted when she saw her elder sister's car.

"I'm here to pick you up," Eliz said with a big smile on her face. This is Ann my best friend, "Oh,! This is my sister Eliz. Echille introduces the two to each other.

"It's still early. How about we go to the cinema and watch After We Collide? I heard it was a box office hit," Eliz said. She was so excited to spend some time with her sister and friends.

"Eliz, is that you?" a familiar voice called from behind.

When Eliz checked whose voice student-brightly smiling in a pair of thick-framed glasses.

"Mr. Morelli! What a surprise!" Ann stammered.

"Going to watch a movie?" Rico asked while adjusting his glasses.

"Yes. The girls want to watch After We Collide.

"Really? Me, too! Would you like to watch the movie together?" Rico excitedly said.

The four of them decided to watch the movie together. Eliz and Rico walked ahead of the two girls.

"Does your sister know Mr. Morelli? It seems that this is not the first time the two meet."

"Yes, they do. I only found out about this a few days ago. They were childhood friends. They lived next door to each other back then," Echille explained.

After the movie, Rico offered for them to have dinner together. Eliz wanted to refuse Rico's offer, but finally, she opted not to do so. After all, it had been a long time since they had known each other and there were a lot of old times to catch up on. Also, Ann and Echille were eager to go. They wanted to know their teacher outside the school setting.

The dinner ended in a harmonious atmosphere. When Rico politely offered that he would be glad to drive them back home, Eliz was very delighted.

Eliz's phone rang, "Are you home now, Liz?" Rico's gentle voice resounded from the other end of the line.

Can we watch a movie and have dinner together some time?"Rico nervously stopped the car, and his hand holding the steering wheel was starting to get slick with sweat.

"I don't see why not. We are friends, after all," Eliz answered with a laugh, without hesitation.

Hearing this answer from Eliz, Rico was relieved.

As soon as Eliz hung up the phone, Pierce's call came in. Seeing the caller ID on the screen of her phone, she was inevitably


"Who were you talking to just now? I called you several times, but your number was busy!" Pierce asked loudly on the phone. At that moment, the look in his eyes darkened with anger.

"I was talking with a friend. What's wrong?" Eliz retorted. She was a little annoyed by Pierce's attitude towards her. Pierce was so possessive and treated Eliz like she was some sort of pet.

"Do you talk to your friends for such a long amount of time? You must take me for a fool! Are you dating other men?" Pierce bellowed. There was a hint of hostility in his tone as he shouted at Eliz through the phone.

"Would you stop it right now? You're starting to get on my nerves, Pierce. Quit being so annoying!" Eliz replied.

"Oh, so you think I'm annoying?" Pierce asked with great interest as his dashing eyebrows furrowed slightly. In his entire life, he had never chased a woman. He had always been chased by other women. But now, things were different with Eliz, and truthfully it annoyed him that she made him feel this way about her.

Hearing Pierce's words on the phone, Eliz suddenly came to her senses.

"You're starting to get on my nerves, Pierce. Quit being so annoying," Pierce said, echoing what Eliz had just said to him.

"Did you go home tonight?" Pierce

suddenly asked, his eyes squinting with suspicion.

"Yes, I did, Mr. Aleotti," Eliz respectfully answered.

"Call me Pierce, please," said Pierce. It was definite that he didn't like the estranged way Eliz called him. Perhaps it was because Eliz had already occupied a very important position in his heart.

Pierce, said Eliz in a soft voice...

When he heard her answer, the smile on Pierce's face deepened. "Good night," he murmured through the phone.

"Okay," Eliz replied quietly, still feeling a bit shy towards Pierce.

She would never tell anyone about the secret relationship between her and Pierce. Fortunately, there was only a month left. Eliz hoped that one month could pass quickly.

The next day, Eliz slept in for half a day. On the other hand, Echille got up early, studying her English books in her room.

Time slipped away so fast that one day Eliz stayed at home. In the afternoon, Eliz took Echille back to school. Then she asked Krisha out to go shopping together.

Meanwhile, Pierce arrived at Company that afternoon.

He returned from abroad without anyone knowing about his arrival. All the staff was shocked. They did not expect that Pierce would arrive so soon.

"If you don't mind me asking... Why did you come back early, Boss?" Fred closed the folder with a wicked smile on his face. He was sure that Pierce came back earlier for Eliz.

Piece curled his lips and said, "I did my work as efficiently as I could, okay?

Nothing more."

"What are you talking about? She is just a plaything of mine. You don't need to take her too seriously because I don't," retorted Pierce, his tone cold and indifferent. He stared at the document in his hand with a blank expression on his face.

"Are you sure?" Fred asked. He could not believe a word Pierce said right now.

Stop gossiping. Go to work or 'll deduct your pay right now.' Pierce said, giving Fred a hostile look.

Fred moved quickly and caught the documents at once. "By the way, Simon invited you to his house for a barbecue this evening, Boss," he said with a smile.

"Okay, I see." After giving Fred a short, emotionless answer, Pierce got back to work.

That night, in the Rossi family's Mansion

The two friends had known each other for years. They grew up together and were very familiar with each other. They were both honest and had no secrets. Pierce was so busy with his work that he had not seen Simon for a long time.

"Pierce, I called your girlfriend here today and asked her to keep you company. Here is the key to the guest room upstairs," Simon said, his arm around Pierce's shoulder. There was a smirk on his face as he discreetly placed a key inside Pierce's shirt pocket.

"My girlfriend? Since when do I have a girlfriend?" The corners of Pierce's mouth curved into an evil smile. "I am single, you know," he added.

"Hey, my dear brother, don't talk to me like that. Do you think that I don't know anything about you and Teresa?" Simon's shrewd eyes turned, and he smiled.

"I don't have that kind of relationship with her," Pierce stressed in a serious tone.

"Don't tell me that you haven't had sex with her yet. It isn't good to have sex for such a long time, Pierce," Simon said to Pierce with a joking tone. Simon patted Pierce on his chest with a snicker.

Pierce glared at Simon and said coldly, "It's better than your indulging in carnal pleasure without restraint."

"Hello, my dear brother. Hi, Simon," Ferlyn smiled and fluidly walked towards them.

"Nice to see you here, Ferlyn," Pierce smiled gently. He seldom smiled at others like this. This was because Ferlyn was his cousin, and he saw and treated her like his own sister.

"Yeah, Simon invited me." Ferlyn smiled back at Pierce.

"Pierce, you are here," Teresa's voice suddenly said. She was wearing a light yellow cheongsam filled with intricate embroidery.

Ferlyn narrowed her eyes and sneered.

'Here comes a foxtail!' she disdainfully thought.

Ferlyn instinctively held Pierce's arm with her eyes full of hostility. She never liked Teresa since their childhood.

"You are also here, Ferlyn," Teresa acknowledged softly. Despite her knowing Ferlyn hated her, she was helpless and could do nothing about it. After all, Ferlyn was Pierce's favorite cousin. And she couldn't afford to go against her right now. 'Perhaps, our relationship would be better soon after I married Pierce, ' she thought.

He quickly turned to Simon and grunted, "I have something to tell you, buddy."

Simon appeared to realize something and readily agreed, "Okay, let's go over there. I haven't talked to you for a long time."

They eased their way towards the brightly lit yard.