
Love Me For A Reason

SYNOPSIS Eliz is young , beautiful and rich . She has the perfect life and the perfect boyfriend . But one night , her whole world turns upside down she catches her boyfriend , Mavi having an affair with her friend.She goes to bar  where she gets drugged and loses her virginity to man wearing a mask, who forces her to have one night stand with him.And her father  gets arrested by  the police because "The company has had a debt crisis. Mr.Garagvorila One of the stake holder created some fake accounts, and six million in funds has been unaccounted for. The inspection committee is still investigating. However, all of the documents were signed by her father..." Someone's call her and asked to give back for the mask.She was shocked,"The Man in mask,"Pierce Landini Aleotti the overbearing, powerful ,handsome,young CEO of Menarini Group and Petra Design LTD in Milan,Italy.The man who slept with, that night when she was drugged.He know something happened to the company that her family owned.It would have been easy for him to find out the matter about her family. "I can help you solve all your problems as long as you're willing to be my woman for a month." You don't have the ability to face it. What you need now is me," Pierce said firmly. He seemed to be taking some sort of sick pleasure from his words." Then she has no choice but to agree to be Pierce woman for a month so that he would protect her and her family in return.But unexpectedly , Eliz falls in love with him and even agrees to be his girlfriend . However , another girl who likes Pierce is jealous and tries every means to separate them . Can Pierce and Eliz get through this ?

rhezaliza · Ciudad
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45 Chs

Chapter 11 Another Great Success

"At San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Italy." Eliz had just a cardiac surgery. She was about to change clothes in the dressing room. When Shan Delos Reyes came in and greeted her. She had assisted Eliz with the surgery. Shan was the head nurse of the Cardiology Department of San Raffaele Hospital.

" Congratulations Eliz! The surgery is another great success." She flashed the warm and genuine smile, apparently proud of the accomplishment.

"Thank you, Shan the success was due to our excellent teamwork. Your contribution helped a lot." Eliz replied.

Eliz stretched her neck from one side to another. The operation, which lasted for six long hours, did not allow her to eat her lunch; hence, it had dejected her energy. She has exhausted and starving.

Eliz, you are such a great, asset to our hospital. You are, a natural you have only been here for 2 months, but your clinical skills have almost caught up with Audie Donor." Shan pressed Eliz's hand whispered. " The director says that he promote you next month ." Shan's gladness was filled with hope for her. She believed that Eliz deserves such recognition.

Audie Donor was the head of the Cardiology Department. He was a well-known and high respected Surgeon in Milan. When Eliz joined the team soon after graduating from the British University, Audie had been a little unwelcoming to her. Eliz noticed his dislike to her because her presence imposed a silent threat to his corner. That was when he assigned all high-risk and difficult surgeries to her. Eliz took every challenge and turned it to her advantage as a great way to hone her skills. " Eliz demurely replied trying to hide her excitement...

Since joined the hospital, Shan had been guiding her. She made Eliz's adjustment

period easier by assisting whenever she needed help. They had developed a good friendship, and Eliz was naturally grateful to her. Although Eliz had a competitive skill, it was not easy to survive in the hospital, especially for a newbie due to established connections and relationships among colleagues.

"That's a deal," Shan said coyly.

"Yes, we have a deal," Eliz reassured while putting on her white coat. After leaving the dressing room, Eliz went back to the 24th floor of the Inpatient Department during her lunch break. With a heavy face and boggled mind, Eliz walked to the empty corridor.

It was dim and silent. Only a glint of light from the windows of private rooms brightened the rather gloomy pathway. Whenever she was troubled, she preferred to be alone and reflect in a quiet place

Eliz was very anxious about what had happened to her family. Her life was in turmoil with all the mixed emotions she was carrying. She was sad, angry, aggrieved, worried, and frustrated. In the past 23years, she had been the apple of her parent's eyes. She was used to having all the affection of the people she loved. What happened yesterday dramatically changed her life. It was her first time losing someone she loved so much. She could not believe that her first boyfriend could betray her. Eliz loved Mavi very much, but all her love turned to hatred overnight. While reminiscing about their good times together, she cried with bittersweet thoughts. With a good sleep last night, and her feet back on the job she loved, the dust had settled down. She was determined not to succumb to her unfortunate fate. She wouldn't accept defeat.

Eliz was leaning against the wall, thinking deeply about how to deal with her current circumstance. Her optimistic thoughts were put to a halt when she heard voices. Alone there in the silence, Eliz was pulled back to reality as her attention was stolen by two men who were seriously chatting.

"Boss, I think we have a good opportunity now that Jamon Acendano is in hospital," Fred Burce huskily whispered to Pierce.

Pierce pulled the cigarette from his mouth by neatly stacking it between his fingers. His icy cold eyes swept across the floor.

In the dim light, his beautiful thin lips opened lightly and commanded in a stern voice, "Kill him. Remember, do it discreetly and make it appear like a medical accident."

"Boss, don't you think that is too cruel?" Fred asked in hesitation. "He is your uncle!" He tried his best to deliver the words calmly. Confusion and hesitation were evident in Fred's face. If he killed Jamon, Mrs. Aleotti would go insane.

Without looking at him, Pierce coldly replied, "He has stolen a lot of money from Menarini Group and Petra Design LTD. He deserves it. Can you blame me for thinking of him this way?" He released a deep sigh as if he had made up his mind and gave Fred a cynical smile.