
Man To Man

Amraphel stood as his watches perceived the servant's work for the best of the banquet that was to transpire later in the evening. He thoroughly scrutinized their endeavors.

Gavryll appeared in the ballroom where the banquet will be taking place. Soon as his eyes lay on the servants, he saw Amraphel who was leading the preparation. Therefore, he footed toward him with his brows creased.

"Prime Minister Amraphel…" he spoke.

Amraphel averted his watches to where Gavryll was, he had a stringent look on the surface of his countenance. Amraphel could feel the tension between them, he could surmise that Gavryll was here to beef with him solely for the motive of taking Hera back into his arms.

But what would be the use of it?

Amraphel never shared openly of his love for her, Hera on the other hand only wanted to fiddle with him. Both of them found no iintentto be in love, more precisely, it was Hera alone who found no intent of ever falling in love once again. Up until now, Hera still harbor that tinge of love for Gavryll.

Love does not disappear in a minute, it never did.

"Your Highness…" he curtsied.

Gavryll looked at him whilst he crossed his arms, "You do know that you are the imperial constitution's prime minister, do you not?"

"Yes, Your Highness. I know very well what duty I should commit to and what rules I should impose on yself to obey. I am the Prime Minister of this empire…"

He was polite and civil whilst he grinned at him. Behind that grin was his competence that pictured his countenance.

"Very well, then I surmise you know that you held no responsibility for the Empress. You are accounted to dedicate yourself to conforming to me and satisfying me with your duty. Then why is it that you fiddle with her?"

"Your Highness, you might have misunderstood something…" he promptly responded. "Not long, the Empress declared that she will solely be accounted for the throne and your duty as of now is to proceed with taking portion in planning with the imperial board. As I, the Prime Minister of this empire, I am obliged to heed unto the sovereign who reigns this empire and to which is the Empress."

Gavryll grimaced harder, "I knew what decree was there, but I surmised that I have to remind you that a minister shall have no affair with the Empress in an intimate manner. I will have you warned that she is my wife."

Amraphel scoffed, since he was taller than Gavryll, he subtly lowered his head to meet his face, he fazed at him with sinister that was present on the veneer of this countenance.

"How long have you known her, Your Highness? And how long was it since when you started betraying her? Then, if you have considered this already, Your Majesty, why is it that you still regard her as your wife? I surmise not even once did you treat her as a wife, you only treated her as an object to ensure your reign in her land. You treated her not a wife, and I am a witness of all this, you may be bound with the policy of the imperial nuptial, but you were scarcely husband and wife for you treat her as if she were not the woman you married."

His voice was full of truths, there was no use of denying. it For certain, Gavryll would have been found himself in a stupor with the inability to speak. Every time Gavryll was hit with the sharp truth, he would react this way, but he knew not why he should give up.

He could use this to his advantage to improve rather than take Hera back. Maybe he had a motive of loving her back, but at the same time he could be held on to a secondary intent and that is to have her close, so he could regain his power and influence.

"And that is why I was striving to make it right. I need you not to meddle with the liaisons of couples…"

"Indeed I need not to, if it was not Hera you married…With all due respect, Your Highness, Hera is the foundation of Zemira and if you dare be a folly and commit something that may harm her, I as the Prime Minister will not recline whilst you do this. If Hera could not find it in herself to avenge herself from you, then I will…as the Prime Minister, as her friend, her standing family, and a person who significantly care for her…"

Gavryll scoffed. His face came close to his, it was as if their eyes were dueling with each other, and they only share one purpose — Hera.

Even if their purpose were similar, they do not fraction the same intents. One which was purely for good and one which was sinister and of evil.

"Let us talk this out man to man, Amraphel..."

His hands tapped Amraphel's shoulders as Amraphel grimaced.

"Your Majesty, I surmise we have nothing to talk about. May you find it in you to lend a hand with the work that is yet to be fulfilled before the night comes. We may be wasting time because of this idle talk…"

Gavryll raised his head, aggravated yet pride arose from the glisten of his vigils, his hands tightly embraced each other.

"You speak with your Majesty, the Emperor, Prime Minister Amraphel. Did you perpetually think that a talk with me was idle? Such disrespect you harbored for me, you ought to ask for my forgiveness, do you not?"

Amraphel snickered, "Would you ask for my demise if I lie to you and not tell you that I always believed that you spoke countless idleness? And would you wish for my death if I truly disrespect you and I held no regard or respect toward you, even if you are the Emperor?"

"Indeed, I would. But I'd rather have you die if you lay a finger on my wife. Only I shall possess her."

Amraphel threw his hands on the neckband of his apparel, his nose flared, his eyes were tinted with the shade of hatred, and his brows creased as they met.

"Dare not depersonalize Hera, she was never a thing to fiddle with or use. If your words speak mightily as if objectifying the Empress, I will not let you off, even if I am just a Prime Minister, and even if I will be sentenced to death, I will haunt you until your sleep…even if I turned into a ghost."