
Thanks to Andrzej and for Andrzej

Śliwiński's heart beat faster. Is this his only alternative - a psychologist or death? No, it can't be that radical. There must be another way out. It definitely exists!

"Doctor, is one month following your guidelines enough to improve my results?" He asked, not taking his eyes off Andrzej.

Sorry, he thought, but I can't bring myself to make this visit. Not if there's any other chance.

"Yes," the doctor admitted without hesitation. "After a month we will know if there is any improvement."

"Sorry to all of you for the inconvenience, but please give me this month. I promise to do whatever you tell me, but don't make me go to a psychologist."

"Well" the doctor drummed his fingers on the tabletop "if the patient so firmly refuses this kind of help, it may actually be better to stop with it. We will come back to the topic if the results of the blood tests carried out in thirty days are not satisfactory."