
Chapter 14 Pillar of his life

Dominik was shocked.

Probably that was the best way to describe what was happening to him, what was happening in his heart and head where everything and nothing was happening in the same time. What a bizarre paradox when a thousand thoughts are raging in your head, and none of them makes sense, when a thousand emotions are raging in your heart, and none of them can be captured and named.

Like a cornered animal that is unable to find a way out for itself, and in panic it throws itself directly under the hunter's rifle. No reason, no sense Just panic.

Someone tugged at his arm and instinctively. Śliviński pushed that person away, began to fight him.

"Dominik, what happened? Dominik!"

A familiar voice saying his name returned Śliwiński to consciousness. Andrzej looked at him anxiously, holding his arms. It was from him that Dominik tried to free himself a moment ago.

"Andrzej? Sorry, you surprised me."