
Love Live: The Three Legacys

Three young boy individuals with hidden talents and abilities of each having their own type of groups of life...Leon The Courageous Leader, Darion The Prideful Warrior, and Thomas The Balance all living in three different cites across the world of Love Live this is their journey where everything all begins... P.S - (Separated Timeline from Starlight Of Adventure Ver) I will still continue Starlight of Adventure but will be focusing on the new story for a while... Plus brand new two male characters with updated personalitys! Leon Winchester - Aqours Darion Warwick - U's Thomas Afton - Nijigasaki

Clubfoot27 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

The Prolouge

(Numazu Downtown - Night)

(Nobody Perspective)

Leon was hurrying running over looking for Chika and You since they didn't arrive back at home yet from dropping off oranges to few families in the city...

"You!! Chika!! Where are you guys?!" Leon called out running around (Ughh soo tired from running from Uchiura to here...) Leon thought breathing heavily... flinched saw explosion nearby "Crap!" Leon yelled jogging saw You stuck as Chika trying to move the debris aside "I'm here guys!" Leon yelled "Leon!" Both yelled "GET OFF NOW!" Leon yelled kick the debris off no budge.. "Oh come on! Work-Uhh" Leon said flinched trying to move the debris off of You "Uhhh what is that...?" Chika asked turned looked "Three-headed dragon...?" You asked can't move still "Grrr..." Hades stared down at three kids...

"Uhh...hi?" Leon asked sweatdrop "Tasty" Hades said "...D-Did it talk!?" You yelled shocked expression "Of course I can talk! Now then be good kids while I ea-ARHG?!" Hades yelled got kick in face then punch in chest send flying into waters...

"H-Huh?!" All yelled shocked expression "You're not eating anyone today Hades" Leonidas said glared down then looked at Leon for a bit...

"...Woahh" Leon said mindblown "Stay back kids" Leonidas said stood over them glaring down at Hades...


(At Toyko)

Darion with Honoka and Umi looking for Kotori who got lost during hide and seek..."Huh??" Darion asked shocked saw bug like beetle roared down at everyone "KYAAHHH!!" Kotori screamed "Kotori!" All yelled till Terios rushed in shoulder charge the Beetle back "What is that...?" Honoka asked shocked "I don't know but it seem to be on the good side" Darion said running over to Kotori "Umi don't just stand there come on!" Darion yelled running down grabbed her hand "Argh damn you!" Terios yelled got tackled to ground "Tch" Darion said glowing red "D-Darion!?" Honoka yelled "Can't let him die!" Darion yelled running down jump lunged touch Terios forehead...

(Odaiba Park)

"Yu?! Ayumu! Where you girls at?!" Thomas yelled looked around saw some giant wolf running down "That doesn't look normal..." Thomas said shocked expression "Huh?!" Thomas yelled turned saw Ayumu hiding while the wolf slowly approached to her "Oh crap!" I yelled running over "HEY UGLY OVER HERE!!" Thomas yelled throwing rock directly at giant wolf eye "RAWWWWRR!!" Unknown Wolf yelled roared "...Uhh sorry?" Thomas asked sweatdrop "AYUMU RUN!" Thomas yelled running opposite way while the wolf give chase after Thomas...not till Archon grabbed the wolf by throat slammed him into the park... "What the?" Thomas asked confused turned "Bad Doggie!" Archon yelled punch wolf jaw grabbed his tail flung him over Yu gasped "YU!" Thomas yelled lunged tackled her out of the way in time "Gahh!" Archon yelled got crashed on ground "Tch..." Thomas said glowed violet slowly reaching for Archon forehead...

(Back at Numazu...)

"Oh crap!" Leon yelled as Leonidas got punch and kick then slammed into ground hard trying to get up "W-What are we gonna do if he dies?!" Chika yelled "Argh where's my dang whistle???: Leon asked "Uhh here!" Riko yelled "Huh?" I asked confused "You need whistle right here use mine!" Riko yelled "Alright here we go!" Leon yelled glowed blue confused Chika and others "*WHISTLE*" Leon breathing heavily as Leonidas eyes opened glowed yellow transformed in flash of armor shield formed on his back some claws he held on appeared glowing blue all over stood glaring down at Hades who gasped "...Go for it!" Leon yelled "AERIAL HURRICANE!!" Leonidas yelled spinning like bullet charged "DARKNESS BURST STINGER!!" Hades yelled charged right back at Leonidas but Leonidas slashed right through Hades ripping his entire insides giant explosion then Leonidas weakly fell to his knees glowing blue turning into ashes but look back at Leon... "What's your name kid?" Leonidas asked "...L-Leon Winchester" Leon said sweatdrop "...I...will...remember that name..." Leonidas said eyes closed turning into nothing but ashes gone... as entire area was rebuild like nothing happened...

(Back At Tokyo...)

Darion touch Terios forehead he glowed brightly "I'm gonna ripp you apart CrossRipper!!" Terios yelled grabbing the bug head created energy assassin blade into his neck ripping it apart thrown aside growled turned to Darion for a bit... "..Uhh..." Darion asked shocked "...Heh I sense a lot of hidden potential in you kid" Terios said "...D-Darion is my name..." Darion said "...Darion yes...I was here to protect you" Terios said flashed red into small tiny form as entire area was fixed "Uhh what do we do now??" Honoka asked confused "I got no idea" Kotori said "Uhh gonna be long story to explain my mom..." Darion said sweatdrop...

(Back at Odaiba Park)

Archon lost himself slammed Fang into ground hard punching his face repeatly before finishing off Thomas went to calm the beast put his hand over his forehead "Calm..." Thomas said eyes closed smiled "...Grrr...agh.." Archon said growled but slowly cooling himself off as Ayumu and Yu slowly walked over "...It's okay he won't hurt any of you two" Thomas said smiled "Y-You promise...?" Ayumu asked "I promise..." Archon said calm tone "He's really soft" Yu said shocked "...Phew..." Archon said reverted from darkness engulfed his entire body into tiny rookie form smiled "Wow!!" All yelled shocked expressions "It would be best if we head somewhere safe" Thomas said "Right" All said...


(Yoshida Shrine)

"I couldn't believe it..." Yoshida said shocked expression "Those three kids...Leon, Thomas, and Darion...are like the trio of three?" Frederick asked "They are my students...but to see them connected with the guardians themselves..." Yoshida said shocked expression "I can tell...those three will be what we need to help change the world on how these people view us Yoshida" Frederick said amazed "Fred come on now they are only children we won't be using three children for our dirty work to study on" Yoshida said sighed "We won't be doing that we can help them learn how to control their abilites and to connect with the guardians more frequently" Frederick said smiled "I won't do it...not like how Rais did to Zerrick and Scorpios..." Yoshida said sighed concerned "I'm sure this time it will be different Yoshida just us two and them three small group of Youngsters" Frederick said "...Alright I'll contact their families...but I'm in charge of this protocol!" Yoshida yelled "You got yourself deal but what will you call this new group?" Frederick asked "...I was gonna asked you that stupid" Yoshida said "...The Rescuers band of small group of enhance users who are willing to do what is right and help the world to show that they don't have to be afraid of us enhance individuals including the guardians! They came to protect us Yoshida you saw it for yourselve!" Frederick yelled amazed "...I guess you're right...but I'm still troubled espically on the third child Darion..." Yoshida said sighed "What's wrong with Darion?" Frederick asked confused "...I sense something...the kid has troubled life Fred his father will do something terrible and cause the kid to go blind fury" Yoshida said eyes closed "...I got someone who can raise Darion...but you have to trust me Yoshida" Frederick said "Well I'm out of options and we need to hurry" Yoshida said sighed "Drax Arisaka one of my colleagues and best officer he will raise Darion after all they always wanted boy" Frederick said smiled "...I guess that will do contact him but beware your surroundings and take down that bastard of father" Yoshida said growled "Right hey Drax meet me this location and bring two others now!" Frederick yelled running off...

"...These three children...may actually be what we are looking for...Leon the pure heart...Thomas the balance of shadows...and finally Darion the conflict prideful warrior..." Yoshida said eyes closed "But I sense great things into these children... heh this could be interesting to see..." Yoshida said eyes closed smiled...

(Day Later...)

Leon with Chika and You saw Love Live show of A-RISE and Saint Snow...doing their best performances... "WOWWWWW!!" Leon yelled amazed "They look so pretty!!" Chika yelled "So was there dances too!!" You yelled "I can actually see Chika and You being up there one day!" Leonidas yelled "W-What?!" Both yelled "I agree they would do great!!" Leon yelled grinning "I...don't know about that..aha" Chika said nervously giggled "Oh don't be like that you were always good at singing! Same for You!" Leon yelled "Maybe...one day we will be able to shine like them" You said smiled "Yeah...one day but I want one thing!" Chika yelled "Uhhh what is it??" Leon asked confused "Leon you got to support us and be there!" Chika yelled "WHAAAAA?!" Leon yelled shocked expression "Come on you were always helpful and been managing for us espically when dropping some mikans oranges!" Chika yelled "That's true Leon. You are always fun to be with too" You said smiled "...Okay! Okay I'll do it just hope my self when I get older remembers..." Leon said sweatdrop "I will remind you!" Chika yelled "Yah know everyone changes when they get older Chika" Leonidas said bored "You better not change to jerk Leon!...I'm gonna cry" Chika said "C-Chika come on I will never change!! Right, Leonidas!" I yelled "...He seem to be changing quite a bit" Leonidas said bored expression "WHAT?!" Leon yelled as Chika broke down "C-Chika!" You yelled flinched "C-Chika?! Leonidas was kidding! I'm still gonna be me in future I swear!" I yelled panicking "I wasn't" Leonidas said "Leonidas that's it! No bread for you!" I yelled "I WAS KIDDING!! ANYTHING BUT THATT!!" Leonidas crying too "Ughhh!!" I yelled as You nervously giggled...

(At Toyko Park)

"Darry what you doing?" Honoka asked "Darry?!" Darion yelled growled "Come on don't you like that nickname" Honoka said giggled "No I don't! Quit snuggling up on me" Darion said irritated "Honoka what are you doing to my Darion!" Umi yelled (My?!) Darion thought shocked "Wait My!? Why she gets to say that Darion?!" Honoka yelled "WHAT NOT YOU TOO!" Darion yelled "He's mine!" Umi yelled "...Ughh both of you quit it!" Darion yelled "Uhh..." Kotori said held Terios watching confused "Ah shoot Kotori watching ughh you two are such bad examples for her!" Darion yelled annoyed "Umm...are they hogging you?" Kotori asked confused "Yes Kotori but this is getting to good stuff" Terios said "TERIOS DON'T TRICK HER YOU BOLT!" Darion yelled "B-Bad examples?! You take that back!! Darion Aiden Arisaka!" Umi yelled grabbed his tie...

"URGH?! I WAS KIDDING ONLY HONOKA IS BAD EXAMPLE!!" Darion yelled "WHAT?!" Honoka yelled tearing up "No wait Honoka I was in heat of moment!! ...don't cry...pls! WHY ALWAYS MEEEEEEE!!" Darion yelled covering his forehead as Terios smiled with Kotori nervously giggled...

(Odaiba Apartments)

"Hmm Yu what are you doing?" Thomas asked confused "Just drawing future goals kinda sad I'm be moving to overseas..." Yu said sighed "We will miss you..." Ayumu said "I'm sure we will see each other again Ayumu its gonna only be for like months for me" Yu said smiled "But Tom won't be back for few years..." Ayumu said upset "Hey I won't forget you guys plus we are all gonna be linked right here" Thomas said hand over his chest smiled eyes closed "Yes don't worry one bit Master Tom will be okay" Archon said smiled "Pinky promise?" Ayumu asked "Sure thing" Thomas said smiled "Heyy don't leave me out!" Yu yelled "Of course not" Thomas said chuckled all laughed...


(Opening 1 - Spark Again by Aimer)

Leon running down with Leonidas... both in hyper mood as Chika and You take chase after them...Darion looking a far alone with Terios watching view slowly turned saw his mother in body bag eyes closed...Thomas waving bye to Yu and Ayumu with Archon beside him on ship heading off to England...

And so forth... the paths of three young boys with their promises and future adventures is about to start...

Perspective Order -

Darion (First)

Leon (Second)

Thomas (Third)

Love Live - The Three Legacys....

The Beginnings of New Age...The tales of incident of Numazu and Toyko 2005...

The forming of Rescuers and study visions of Yoshida...

Author Note -

This is the second book about love live and my characters but will be about three different male individuals of their own lifestyle and adventures...

I am somewhat going into different route but the love live groups are all in the same ages like they are when first anime shown them to be with some major changes! I hope you all enjoy!

Clubfoot27creators' thoughts