
Love Life as A Mangaka

Iky_Miyuki · Adolescente
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2 Chs

New Assistants

After school,

As I promise, I wait for her in front of her class. People around see me strangely. And then she come out.

"Arashiyama-san! "

"I said don't come here. You can just wait at the front gate. "

Wow she so cute when angry.

"Sorry. I can't help it. Let's go. "


While we walk, I heard like a gossip behind my back.

"Hey why is that girl walking with that foreigner like guy. "

"Yeah she totally out of league for him. "

When I look at her, she seems like she in trouble.

"Don't worry. Don't take them so seriously. "

"Yeah you're right. "

After that,

"We're arrived. "

My house is not that big but I think it's normal for someone like me. We go inside the house.

"I'm back. "

"Welcome back. Who is this girl? Is she your girlfriend? "

"N-No she's not my girlfriend mom. She just uh my friend. I ask her to help me with my homework. "

"Oh is that so. Well have fun then. "

"Thanks for having me. "

We walk to my room and go inside.

"So this is my room. It's a bit messy but it's normal for a mangaka like me. "

"I see. "

"You can sit there. "

"Thank you. So what kind of favor do want me to do? "

I pick up all the pages that I already done.

"Here. I want you to help me make beta*. I'm sure you know how. "

*Beta: filling all designated areas of the manuscript with black ink.

"Yes sure. Oh is this a new volume for the manga? "

"Yes it is. The deadline is almost here and I just finished the drawing. If I do this alone, probably it'll be over the deadline. Thankfully I found you. "

"No need to thank me. I just do what I should do. "

"Yeah you're right. "

A few hours later,

"Oh 5 o'clock already. I think you can go now. "

"Eh? But there's still a lot of it. Are you sure? "

"Yeah. I don't want to keep you too long. We can just finish this tomorrow. I'll do some this night so we don't have much to do tomorrow. "

"I guess you're right. Alright then I'll head home now. "

"Alright. See you tomorrow. "

She bow to me.

"Alright then let's continue. Wait, I think I forgot about something. Oh right I forgot to ask her about that. "

One month ago,

I was meeting with my editor, Nakamura Shuji.

" Rizu-sensei, we need to talk about your submission. "

"Huh? Why? "

"Well you always send the manuscripts one day before the deadline. Why do you do that? "

"About that eh..... hehe. Sorry. "

"Well I don't know how your situation is but I think you need to do it a little bit faster than now. "


"Ok I think you need an assistant to help you with your work. "

"Hmm I think you're right. But to find it in such a short period probably a bit hard. "

"I'm not saying you need to find it quickly. Take your time. Maybe someday you'll find the right person. "

"Thanks for the advice. "

End of the flashback.

"Maybe I'll tell her tomorrow. "

The next day,

"Ahh I'm late again!! "

I do the beta until midnight so I got less sleep.

"I'm going now. "

I run to school.

"'pant' I made it. "

I made in time to get to class.

Meanwhile, in class C,

"Hey Kyoko, I want to ask something. " ask Kyoko's friend, Kobayashi Narumi.

"Something? "

"Well uh it's about yesterday. "


"Tell me who's that guy? Is he your boyfriend?"

"N-No he's not my boyfriend. We're just friend."

"Ehh is that so? Well it's still kinda suspicious. What are you two doing yesterday? "

"Well uh..... "

"See you can't answer it. I know it's suspicious. Hey are you gonna meet him again? "

"I guess so. Why? "

"Good. I'm gonna follow you today. "

"Ehh!? Why? "

"I want to know what you're up to. "

"Ehh? "

After school,

As her request, I wait her at the front gate. A few minutes later, I see her walk with another girl. A friend maybe?

"Hi Arashiyama-san. "


"Is she your friend? "

"Yes. Her name is Kobayashi Narumi. "

"I'm Kobayashi Narumi. Nice to meet you uh what's your name? "

"Oh right I never introduced myself yet. My name is Rizky. I'm from class 2-B."

"I see. "

"Anyway let's go. "

"Yes." say both of them.

And then,

"I'm home. "

"Welcome back. Oh another girlfriend? "

"No she's not. She is Arashiyama-san's friend."

"I'm Kobayashi Narumi. Nice to meet you. "

"Nice to meet you too. Well you guys have fun then. "

"Thanks for having us. "

And then we go to my room.

"Your room is kinda messy. "

"It is. There's nothing I can do about it. Anyway you can sit there. "

"Thanks. By the way, what are you guys doing yesterday? "

"Oh so you came here because you curious what we're doing yesterday. "

"Well yeah. "

I go to my shelf and take one of my work and give it to her.

"What is this? A manga? "

"Yes. Now you read the author's name. "

"The author? Oh here. Rizu Kirishi. Wait Rizu Kirishi? Rizuki rishi. Wait so are you the one that made it? "

"Yes I am. I'm Rizu Kirishi. "

"I see. So yesterday, she just helped you with some of your work. "

"Yes. Oh before I forgot, Arashiyama-san, there's something I have to tell you. "

"What is it? " ask Kyoko.

"Actually the reason why I ask you to help me because I want an assistant to help me with all my work. And I see you might be perfect for the job. "

"Eh are you sure you want me to be your assistant? "

"Yes. "

"If you ok with me being your assistant, then I'm willing to do it. "

"Good. Now I have nothing to worry about. "

"Hey Rizky-san. "

"What is it, Kobayashi-san? "

"Uhm is it possible for me to be your assistant also? "

"Huh are you sure? "

"Yes I want to help you too. "

"I see. Then from now on, you two are my assistants. "

"Yes, we'll do our best. "

"Alright all done, now let's do the work. "

I take all the undone pages.

"Here, I do a bit yesterday so there's like 30 pages left. So 10 pages per person. "

"Alright. " say both of them.

"Oh Kobayashi-san, do you know how to do the beta? "

"Beta? "

"Oh it seems like you don't. Arashiyama-san, show her how. "

"Sure. "

Kyoko show her how to do the beta.

"Ah I see. It's look easy but it's not. Alright I'll do my best. "

*Good. Now let's start working. "

One hour later,

"Ah finally I'm finish it. " say Narumi

"Thanks for the hard work. "

"As I was expecting, it really hard. "

"I know right. So what are we doing now, Rizu-sensei? "

"D-Don't call me by that name. Anyway I'm gonna call my editor and tell him to pick up the manuscript. "


I dialed my editor number and call him.

"Ah hello, Shuji-san. "

"Ah Rizu-sensei. Why do you call? "

"I want to tell you that the latest volume is done so can you pick it up at my house? "

"Yeah sure. I'll be there in like 15 minutes. "

"Alright. "

"Ok he'll be here in 15 minutes. "

"Alright. So I guess we'll leave now. "

"Wait! I want you guys to meet him so can you stay until he arrived? "

"Alright sure. "


We wait for Shuji until he arrived. And then,

*Ding dong *

"Yes. " my mom go get the door.

"Yes? Oh Shuji-san. Are you here to meet Rizky? "

"Yes. "

"Alright he's upstairs. "

"Thank you ma'am. "

He go to my room.

"'knock knock' Rizu-sensei I'm coming in. "

He opens the door and see me with two girls.

"Oh your girlfriends? "

"N-No they're not. Plus who has two girlfriends at the same time. "

"I'm joking ok. "

"Fine. Anyway, they're my new assistants, Arashiyama-san and Kobayashi-san. "

"Nice to meet you. " say both of them.

"And this is my editor, Shuji-san. He's a cool guy but sometimes he can be very strict. "

"Hey I'm not that strict. It just you always make problem. "

"Hehe. I'm sorry for that. By the way, here the manuscript. "

"Thanks. If you always pass up your manuscripts early, then you do my work easier. "

"Yeah. "

"Ok I'm gonna get going now. See you later. "

"See you later. "

"So we'll get going also. So see you at school."

"Yeah see you. "

Both of them left the room.

"Ah i can't believe that I make not one but two cute assistants. I guess my work now is more fun then before. "