
Love Letters|| Sawamura Daichi x Sugawara Koushi

akiireix · Deportes
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2 Chs

002 - Love Letters

Dear Koushi,

We've known each other ever since we joined the volleyball club and you're amazing. It's been three years since then and I can't help the fact that I've fallen for you-

"No, no, no this is all wrong." Daichi exclaimed, laying his head on the table. "This letter is supposed to be sweet and memorable. This just sounds like a trip down memory lane."

Sawamura Daichi, captain of the Karasuno High School Volleyball club was head over heels for Sugawara Koushi. Practically everyone on the team realised his feelings for Suga…. Well everyone except the two people in question.

After loads of coaxing, Asahi had finally managed to get Daichi to accept his feelings and act on it before it became too late. Not being able to say the words directly to Sugawara, he opted to give him a love letter instead.

Only, the letter wasn't going as planned either.

Folding the paper he was using to write the letter, he got up and headed to the kitchen. He picked up his phone before looking for something to munch on.

"Hey, Asahi." He spoke when the call went through, "How's the letter coming through?" He asked.

Daichi sighed. He wanted to avoid the topic of the letter seeing as how it was a complete disaster. "It's… coming."

"Good for you. Valentine's Day is only 3 days away, just in case you forgot."

Great, another reminder that I have a deadline and nothing done yet.

"Right, gotcha. Anyway I called to let you know that we'll have morning practice tomorrow. Do me a favour and let the rest know please."

Asahi agreed and after talking some more, they said their goodbyes. Daichi eyed the letter on his desk for a while before deciding to stop for the day.

"Nothing ever good will come out of rushing." He muttered, and went to bed.


Early next morning, Daichi got dressed to go to school for morning practice. It was a typical morning when he arrived. Kageyama and Hinata were arguing over who stepped foot on school premises first.

Tanaka and Noya were arguing over who Kiyoko loved more. Tsukishima was visibly annoyed at being surrounded by single brain cell humans.

Sugawara, Daichi and Ennoshita were standing in one corner talking. Narita and Kinnoshita hadn't arrived yet and Yamaguchi was hanging around Tsukishima.

Sugawara was the first to notice him enter, "Ohayo Daichi." He called while he walked up to him. "Why the sudden morning practice?"

"Does an excuse to see you longer count?" Is what he wanted to say, but he caught himself before he actually said it out loud.

"Just thought we could use the practice before qualifiers." He replied smiling. Nodding in response, Sugawara went to start setting up the gym. In a few minutes when everyone had arrived, practice started.

Daichi was staring at Sugawara as he was practicing setting when he felt someone stand beside him. Turning, he found Asahi there. "Don't stop on my account." He joked

"On the contrary, I should probably get some practice in too." He started walking to the court. "Yeah, you definitely don't want to spend time playing alongside a certain grey-haired setter." Daichi heard Asahi's voice whisper softly.

Rolling his eyes at him, he immersed himself in practice until it was time to start classes. He was still captain of the team and had to set an example for the rest of them.


Daichi, Asahi and Sugawara shared the same class. They usually got grouped for projects and by the third year, they were inseparable.

It definitely came as a surprise when Asahi told them that he liked Nishinoya and that they were dating. That's when Daichi and Sugawara were left to spend more time together.

"Daichi… Daichi…. Are you listening?" Sugawara's voice brought him back to the present. "Huh?"

"I was asking you if you wanted to have lunch together today. Asahi is going to be with Noya."

He stared blankly at him before realising that he had to reply, "Ohh, yeah sure." He replied, blushing ever so slightly at the thought of spending time alone with him.

He spent the time counting down the minutes until it would be lunch break. When it finally came, the two of them went to their usual corner on the terrace.

Sometimes they'd sit with the volleyball team, sometimes Noya would join them. Today though, it was just them and Daichi thanked the heavens for such an opportunity.

He smiled silently to himself as he watched Sugawara talking about….. well something.

"Do you think we'll be able to make it to nationals?" Sugawara asked him after a while.

Daichi paused, "Maybe. We've got a strong team and an amazing set of first years."

He stared at the clouds in the sky, "who knows, this might be our year."

"It just might." Sugawara laughed, slightly punching him on the shoulder, "You don't have to be so serious though." His laugh was sweet and melodious and Daichi couldn't help but join in.

When the break ended, they went back to their classes and continued their day. There'd be more practice after school but right now, they had to get through the day.

Practice after school went pretty much the same way it did in the morning. Daichi staring at Sugawara, hoping that his eyes would somehow convey his love for him.

A guy could hope.

He vowed to finish the letter that night. After all he only had a few more days and he didn't want to miss out on his chance.

"Thank you for the practice." Everyone said when they were done. The first years had managed to clean up the gym and locked it up before they gave him the keys.

"Keep it up guys. If we keep practicing this way we're sure to make it to nationals."

It was Hinata's idea to go have ice cream and when everyone agreed, Daichi didn't have the heart to send them home immediately. Group bonding right?

They all enjoyed themselves, teasing, laughter and ice cream seemed to be the perfect combination for team spirit. Making sure that there would be no more detours after, he sent them all home after they were done.


Dear Koushi,

I could start by telling you how I fell in love with you and why I love you. But words would not be able to express half of it. You are everything I ever wanted, and so much more, all wrapped up in a 5-foot-8, grey-haired, brown-eyed, volleyball player body.

Whether it's your smile, your laughter, or the way you're always there to help others, you've made me fall for you.

I never realised what loving someone meant until I loved you.

Volleyball has always meant a lot to me, but now knowing it's the place where I get to meet you, making memories together, it fills my heart with happiness.

I know, I know, Daichi is being cheesy, but what I meant by all this is that….

I love you.

I have loved you from the moment I saw you.

All my favourite memories have been with you and I don't want to lose that.

So Koushi, will you be my Valentine?

Love Sawamura.


"I like how it came out. I think this is it."

After various drafts and throwing away paper after paper, Daichi finally managed to finish his love letter.

And just in time.

Valentine's Day was the next day.

After putting the letter in an envelope, he wrote his name and kept it in his bag. He'd slip it in Sugawara's locker the next day before he came.


The next day Daichi sat patiently in class, waiting for the moment Sugawara walked in. Hopefully he'd find the letter when he opened his locker.

Seconds passed into minutes but Sugawara never showed. Asahi knew of the letter and offered him sympathetic glances.

The bell rang and their homeroom teacher arrived. Still no Sugawara. Just as he was about to lose hope, the room door opened and there he stood, panting like he just ran to get there.

His eyes searched the room until they landed on Daichi. "Sorry for being late sensei." He spoke without really looking at the teacher, his eyes still locked on Daichi.

Lucky for him, the teacher didn't notice it. When he reached his seat, he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and dropped it on Daichi's desk.

Curiosity got the better of him and he opened the note.

'YES' was written down in Sugawara's pretty cursive handwriting.

'PS - I've always loved you too.'

That one word almost sent him to tears.  Koushi had agreed, and not only that, he loved him back.

This Valentine's Day could not get any better for him. He'd finally get to be together with the love of his life.
