

Venom,handsome and hotness that every girl want to die for,but actually a playboy wanted to flirt with a new girl in the school,but the girl didn't pay him attention cos she's falling for her childhood best friend, but her best friend didn't pay her much attention also cos he already have a girlfriend. After she find out her best friend already had a girlfriend, she started having feeling for Venom and her twin sister for had feeling for him too since when she met him and she find out they are dating she turn her twin sister live a living hell,at the end of the day he break her heart "how could you do this to me" she ask crying. Then he hold her waist moving her closer and whispered into her ear " love is just a game" she cry her heart out " I have no to call friend,sister,lover how did thing get out of hand" she said crying

Cynklope · Fantasía
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26 Chs

chapter 19 thinking

" wow, he's handsome,I wish I could talk out my feelings to him on time, before another girl confess to him" Flora thought and smiled to herself

Tina was also on the field when she notice Flora looking at Mark so she thought she's was looking at Vemon.thrn she felt some prickles of jealousy inside her.

" how dare this rotten bitch look at my man" she said through gritted teeth and clunched her fist ✊

she's about to work straight to Flora and slap her hard on the face when suddenly a ball flow pass in front of her,almost hitting her

with a blink,the ball went straight and hit flora.with shook Tina looked at the directions the ball came from and it's from Venom

"yes" she exclaimed "that serves her right for looking at my man" Tina thought

" are you okay" mark dashed to her side " she's bleeding Mark" Monica said in horror "let's go to the washroom " Mark helped her on her feet and walk her to the washroom

" am okay Mark, it's just a little cut" Flora said trying to hold Mark hand " no,let me treat your wound,and you should make sure not to get hurt again time it hurts me too, don't you know your pains arey pain" Mark said with emotions.

Flora blushed " are my pain truly his pain or he just saying that to comfort me,he must be hurt too" she thought and looked up to his face to read his emotions.

" okay, I'll be more careful from now on and make sure never to get hurt okay,deal?" she bring her little finger for a debt but instead Mark hugged her " deal,and make sure you keep your promise"

Flora turned pale white this time that her hands trembles,she tries to speak but her voice cracked.

Monica suddenly walked in with a box of first aid in her hands, she's so worried that she has to run a three storey building to get the aid box,but the condition she met her twin sister make it clear to her that her sister is much okays.

" oh,sorry, I-I should have knocked" she ran out feeling guilty for spoiling her sister show " oh shit,I walked in at the wrong time"

Flora pulled away from Mark feeling embarrassed "em....em.....thanks for your concern" " it's alright,are you okay now" " yeah,thanks" she walk to the zinc and wash her face "okay let's go"


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