

Love, Infency, Feeling, Imprisonment, Freedom

Syed_Ali_Raza_SN · Fantasía
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110 Chs


Similarly, Yusuf first meets his uncle Ibrahim, then meets his father Ismail, Yusuf is also garlanded with flowers, kissed, and congratulated on his marriage, just like Salman.

Now Salman sees Yusuf, takes off all his flower garlands.

Yusuf also sees Salman, takes off all his flower garlands.

Salman puts all his flower garlands on Yusuf's neck,

Yusuf also puts all his flower garlands on Salman's neck.

they hug each other, kiss each other, and congratulate each other,

(Now Anila again kisses Irfan and the parrot, and continues talk)

This whole scene is seen by all their close guests present there, and they are very impressed, those guests also meet the both grooms, congratulate them,

Muskan and Tarnam are also welcomed by their mothers Aram and Khushbu with garlands of flowers, love them, bless them.

They are congratulated by all the guests, then everyone is served breakfast.

Before moving to the groom's house, Ismail puts a new lock on the room where Salman's bride was, and gives the keys to Salman. says, Salman son! From now on, this room is yours forever, whether you stay in this room or not, but keep the key of this room with you.

Salman looks at Yusuf, Yusuf shakes his head in denial, which means Yusuf doesn't know anything.

Salman takes the keys. All the close guests also go back, on the second day both the groom and the bride come to the bride's house according to the custom, on the third day they come back to the groom's house, now all the other wedding rituals are over.

On the fourth day, Ismail says, Salman son! Now that all the rites of the wedding have been completed in auspicious and splendid fashion, shall I now take Yusuf and his bride to my house?

Now both the houses are the same, only the distance from one room to another, there is no barrier between them.

Salman says to Ismail, no uncle, Ismail looks at Salman in surprise,

Then Salman says, Uncle! At least one week your whole family will stay in this house, then it is Yusuf's will, whether they stay in this house or stay in that house.

Ismail says, ok Salman son! I want to see your every wish come true,

Yusuf's entire family stays at Salman's house for a week, later moving to his own house.

After a few days, Yusuf's father-in-law Ibrahim returns to his home with his wife.

When the news of Salman's marriage comes to Salman's relatives, they all get angry at Salman, say bad things about Salman, but Salman doesn't care about them. Because Salman is now far removed from the influence of their actions,

Continued on Post-42