
Love In the Waiting

While she was waiting for his reply,on the message that she sent to him,Lori patiently,she waited. She's keeps checking at her phone,to see,every minute.. that went bye .So she goes about her daily routine,of house chores. Hours went bye. She checked her phone after so many hours,one last time before she went to bed. Before she close her eyes to fall asleep,her cell phone tinged. Lori rose up in her bed,to check her phone, It was Jordan's message, he replied back, saying hey love, Sorry for the late reply to your message you sent, it sounds great, please do,I would love to have dinner with you, What day and time would you love? How's about this Friday night sound she ask? Great! And where, what restraunt would you plan? You know that fancy place here in town, in Saganaw,Yes he replied,the Italian place. Love to go there, Jordan replied, how about I come over at 7:00pm and pick you up for dinner, Love that would be great. After the plan for their dinner, Lori and Jordan talk for hours, till early morning, before the sun rise. Jordan my love,it's morning and we've talked the night through,I best let you go,to rest. Before you start your day for work,Yes love we need to,you need your rest also. Lori,slide down under her sheet and blankets, cuddling her pillow smiling,and eventually fall asleep.Waking up at almost noon. She through the sheet off of her, stretching, happly, smiling with joy,and so in love. Knowing her day was going to be so great. Lori grabbed her Rob,put her house shoes on, walk to the closet,to pick out something sexy to where to dinner, with Jordan. I will wear my red short dress with a low cut top, that is cold should sleeves,I think Jordan will love. 7:00 came and she heard his car drive up. Jordan got out of his car, walking up the steps to the door, he rang the doorbell, Lori rushed to answer the door, looking in the mirror, beside the door before answering. She opened the door with a huge smile. Hello love are you ready,so Jordan walked her to his car, As they drive , he placed his had on her knee, saying Lori you look beautiful tonight,we are going to have a wonderful night, thank you my love., They arrived at the restaurant,the server walking them to their table,how is this table? The waiter asked? Just fine said Jordan.They both looking at the menu,they chose their meal,the server took their orders,As they waited, Jordan placed his hand on Lori's. Lori my dear this wouldn't be,if you didn't message me the other day,she smiled,and he kissed her hand gently, the server came with the dishes that they had to order. The server asked would you love to have some red wine with your meal, yes please.So the server poured the wine in the glasses, Jordan gave a toast, to us my love. They ate the meal. Then they both walked out of the restaurant,and walked to the car, before getting in the car, Jordan grabbed Lori hand drew her close,to him. Looking in her eyes,and kissess her . As Jordan was kissing her,he opened the car door, pushing the passenger seat forward, lowering Lori in, laid her gently in the seat . He unbutton his shirt,as she lay watching him. Lori rubbing her palms up and on his chest,Um,she sighed.He helping her taking her zipper on her dress down, Jordan made passionate love to her. As Jordan drove Lori back home, holding her hand. They got back to her house,he walked her to her door,he kissed her and said Lori this night was wonderful like I said it would,she smiled, Jordan my love it was, Jordan says my love Lori we have to do plan this again.