
Love in the Last City: A Succubus's Love Story

In the last city of Voxsturm, a city surrounded by terrible magical storms, humans find common cause with all the other demi-human species to survive. One dreary evening, a lost succubus is rescued from starvation by a simple human who was wandering nearby. While their time together was short, Lorelei has ever dreamed of meeting him again. Her love having grown into an obsession, and now that she attends the same university, she stalks him daily, constantly trying to summon the courage to stand at his side once again. Can this shy and timid succubus finally overcome her fear and be with the one she loves? * This is a re-telling of "Tornado Alley Summoner" which is also available, but no longer canon. This is a slow building romance with a shy and timid succubus. The world is a bit of dark fantasy, but don't let that discourage you. In this world there are also lots of different monster humanoid species, all of which are just trying to survive without killing one another in petty feuds. Some of the species in this book include - cubi, wolfkin, foxkin, vampires, elves, lamia, and more. * Cover art by Hifarry * While there will be some adult content, I don't intent for this book to become erotica. * Also, while the first chapter of the book will feature Lori and Theo when they first meet, when they were young kids, the rest of the story features them when their much older (over 18 years of age). *Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your feedback.

ScribeSaga2 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 10: Lorelei

I'm gonna kill these bitches! Lorelei seethed. She was sweating, her blouse was sticking to her skin. She glared at all the women whose thoughts lingered onto Theo, their darkest desires coming to light, and wanted to shred them apart. 

Fire sparked from her fingertips, heating her nails.

"I can see the devil in all of you…" Her words were sharp, scary even. It definitely frightened Marci.

"Ssso are you gonna ssstare at everyone like thisss whenever we go out?" Marci's sweet voice was just barely enough to break Lorelei from her rage.

Lorelei scowled, her tail was constantly hovering in a striking position, its tip aiming at anyone she looked at. Marci slithered alongside her, her school uniform revealing a tasteful amount of blue skin. She kept her shoulders exposed, and her dark hair seemed to flow with her bodies movements. Lorelei couldn't help but feel mesmerized; watching a lamia move could put you in a trance.

Lorelei tried to focus on Theo; he was walking with his roommate several yards ahead of them. The crowds were fairly packed, although not so much as to frighten her. It certainly was better than walking the streets back home.

By the time they made it inside the theater, Lorelei had almost forgotten what they had come here for. Her attention was so fixated, so determined to ignore the temptations that her soul so greedily craved, that more than once, Marci had to keep her from bumping into something.

"You get the ticketsss, I'll get the sssnacksss." Marci seemed eager to give her some space once they were finally inside.

"Wait!" Lorelei almost spoke to loud; she jerked to the side to make sure Theo hadn't heard. Luckily, he seemed lost in his own mind while waiting in line.

"What?" Marci slithered back to her side. Her head was cocked to the side, her tiny fangs poking through her lips. Lorelei could even hear her stomach rumbling.

"Could you get me a White Chocolate Creampie?" Lorelei fidgeted. She only brought enough coin for the tickets, and was desperate for a tasty treat during the movie.

"Sure." Marci had prepared for this. "Not a problem."

"And a box of Chocolate Somesomes, oh and those tasty Sugie Smashers." Lorelei's lips were already watering at the thought of delicious milk chocolates and sugary snacks filling her mouth.

"Anything elssse…?" Marci's eyes were twitching. She was either trying to hide a laugh or hold herself back from smacking her in the face.

Lorelei's hands were close to her chest, her eyes were lit up like Christmas lights. "Maybe… Some Whippersnappers."

Marci shot her a look that bordered on lashing out. Lorelei was thankful that her nature only consumed dark sexual temptations, not outright violent ones. It was painfully obvious that Marci was entertaining some pretty dark thoughts right now.

"I'm going to buy usss sssome popcorn, two drinksss, and one box of sssnacksss. I literally don't have the ssseedsss for any more." Marci waved her finger in the air. "Sso, which of thossse would you like?"

Lorelei tried to smile. She knew she should be feeling guilty, asking her roommate to buy her additional food. It was times like this when she missed having a job, just for the extra income. 

"Just one?" Lorelei pouted.

Marci stood firm, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Ok…" Lorelei thought about it for a moment before deciding. "I guess… The Chocolate Somesomes has enough to share."

"Alright," Marci shrugged. "White Chocolate Creampie it is."

"Wait what?"

"I'm not hungry for junk food, and besidesss, I know it'sss your favorite."

"I love you so much." Lorelei could've cried.

Marci smirked at that. "Just get usss the damn ticketsss."

Lorelei stiffened; her tail was twirling around like its usual self. She checked her purse to make sure she had enough for the tickets, then breathed a sigh of relief, before carefully navigated to the rear of the line.

Five minutes later

When it came to all the different species on campus, lamia were perhaps the ones who had the hardest time fitting in. Their tempers flared easily, and if someone was particularly pushy, it often led to biting.

Thankfully when it came to Marci, no one had gotten bitten yet.

A crowd of students had surrounded Lorelei's roommate, watching as the lamia was panicking under the display case of the concession stand. When she reached out for Lorelei's snacks, an orc decided to sit on the counter, his weight enough to cause the roof to cave in and pin her inside. Marci needed to squirm her way back out, but the prankster decided to use her predicament to his advantage.

"Get out of the way asshole!" She hissed.

"Make me." The brute was of orcish stock; tall, bulky, and disgruntled. He had to wear a specialized uniform that barely stretched over his skin. The buttons on his shirt were so stretched, it was a miracle it held itself together. When he saw that Marci was stuck, he just had to use the moment to pose next to her and snap a few photos.

Lorelei wasn't sure what to do, but her fingers were tingling. She knew exactly what he was thinking, in the deepest recesses of his mind; his thoughts were like oily black tar.

"Hey back off her," someone else's voice boomed, and its owner came out of nowhere.

"You stupid little shit." The orc turned to face him but was too late to dodge the closed fisted punch to his face. Surprisingly, it was strong enough to push him back several feet. The impact was so strong that it displaced the air around the impact. 

Free to move, Marci squirmed out of the booth, then twisted around. Her teeth were bared, and her eyes were piercing. Now she wanted to bite someone. Her rescuer stood between her and the orc, his muscles magnified as if suddenly swelling beyond his natural limits. It was then that Lorelei realized he was a Musclemancer. 

"You little shit!" The orc grunted. To his credit, rather than cry out for help, the brute stood his ground. The massive bruise on his face was healing fast, it would be gone in only a few seconds.

"Biomancy," Lorelei whispered, taking a step back. "A Musclemancer fighting a Biomancer? This will take a while. Probably should grab Marci now." Lorelei did her best to analyze the situation. 

She ran like a thief through the crowds, grabbed Marci by the arm, and the two of them rushed from the scene. 

"Hey wait?" Marci wanted to know more. Her eyes were darting back and forth between the human who rescued her, and the orc who had taken advantage.

"Not now, Marci." Lorelei did her best to smuggle her away. Security would be coming soon, and while Lorelei was curious who would actually win the fight, she certainly wasn't going to stick around in another large crowd while chaos ensued.

"Sssorry," Marci said to Lorelei once they were out of the way. She relaxed her shoulders, and tried to adjust her blouse. "I wasssn't able to get you the White Chocolate Creampie. I wasssn't even able to get the popcorn."

Lorelei was just thankful she was safe. "It's fine… Shit I didn't get the tickets."

"Maybe we ssshould jussst go home."

"No! We came to watch Ultimate Zombie Bonanza, Bimbolicious Babes Against the Apocalypse 2, and by the will of the gods and goddesses we are going to see it." Lorelei looked over at the lines which were now vacant. Everyone was watching the fight. "Look the lines are empty, we'll grab the tickets now and make it in time before the previews."

That seemed to make Marci feel better. "Ok."

As the two of them headed to the cashier, Theo was stuck in the crowds. He saw a succubus grabbing the trapped lamia just before the fight, and while his roommate was currently in the middle of that fight, Theo was too frozen in place to help him.

He got a good look at her, for just a fleeting moment. 

"No… It couldn't be…" He wanted to chase after her, but before he could do that, he had to save Craig. As strong as Musclemancers were, they couldn't instantly heal themselves like his opponent could. He wouldn't last long on his own. 

Swearing to himself, Theo cracked his knuckles, before drawing on the power of his own magic, and stepping into the conflict.