
The Longest Day Ever

Time ticked so slowly as I can sense that he was looking at me or maybe it's because he didn't have the classroom books yet. I can see the classroom girls all glance back to watch me making sure I don't talk to what looks like the new candy eye classmate. The rest of the school day seem to drag on the only break I would have was during free period. Where I left the room to check out the garden to get away from all the drama in the class room... Everyone's eyes looking at me the hear from them can burn right through me... But when I looked into his eyes when he passed my apple back made my body tingle all over. I can't let no one know that he made me feel like that or all the girls in class will find ways to torture me. after free period was over I found myself looking out the window noticing that the girls were all over the new piece of meat... Can't wait till Schools over so I can get to work and get over this feeling of wanting to turn around to just make eye contact even if it means being questioned and bullied... when the time finally came I was just about ready when a note appeared on my desk... the note says "Hey, why does everyone pick on you" Can we be friends?".... My heart jumped just the thought of it but sadly I replied, No one is mean I just get in people's way and sorry I don't have time for friends" as I passed it back to the person I know gave me the note... He starts to open and read but before he can finish reading the bell rings... "Save by the bell"... I quickly make my way to the door as I glance back to notice him still writing something. I quickly picked up my paced to make sure he don't catch up with me to know his answer for his note.... as I get to my locker to put stuff away and grab everything I need to go work. I find a note as I go to read it the words are full of hatred "Die Bitch" it reads I quickly crunch it up and throw it by a near trash can... As I take glances back to make sure he isn't following... My mind is racing through Wondering did I answer right couldn't I be his friend....no they would find ways to hurt me... I must not like or befriend anyone. I finally reach work and place my things into the locker and switch my school uniform to my work clothes... My long button up shirt with a black vest over and a bow tie with my name tag on the pocket of my vest. I greet the customers with a smile as I take their orders and exchange money and give them their food. It was a busy work night and I was on my last few customers before my shifts ends. without notice I smiled a fake customer service smile, because my morning was bad and my night was busy and now it's coming to an end so I can pull it off for a few more minutes, greeted the customer before realizing who stood in front of me. He and myself were shocked to notice each other and we made I contact I quickly asked h what he wanted next to break the tension building. He places his order with a smile and before I knew it my fake smile becomes a real smile and everything around me fades away as we just stare and smile at each other. Than He says " when do you get off, would you like to eat with me"... without even thinking correctly I say no but he says "please I want to talk to you".... I let him know that I'm almost off as I get his order and handed him his food I head back to the back and switch out of my work clothes back into my regular ones and fix myself up a little and than with hesitation I walk out the door. As he sees me about to leave he waved over yelling my name so loud that my body shifted to where he was at. embarrassed by him saying my name I quickly make it to his table and sit down. He asked how was work to start the conversation up but I quickly ask him "what he wanted cause I needed to get home before it gets too late because I had homework", even though I'm really good at school work and doesn't take long at all. His faced changed as he passed a note in front of me and before he said a word I say " I don't have time for friends" he cuts me off before I can finish my sentence and says "open it" as I open I see the hurtful words that I thought I threw away when I got the note from my locker. He looked upset as he says "why don't you do something or say something to someone". I kinda laugh it off as the words fall out of my mouth "what will they do I'm a nobody, I don't need no one have been like that and will stay like that" our eyes shift from side to side as we break gaze with each other. He says, you are someone and that's enough for me, even if you refuse to be my friend I will not keep trying, others treat you bad and they don't see what I see" I cut him off with "you don't even know me who I am how my life is going". His eyes widen as he say and "that's what I'm trying to do". my stomach knots up and I could barely get the next words out of my mouth. He says " everyone is so forward and wanting to know me and be my friend but you didn't even look at me or want to try to be my friend and that interested me". I am not interesting and I have no reason to make you want to be my friend I have no one and because of that I can't be hurt or hurt anyone. So in a instance I jump up and turn to leave but he grabs my hand again, he squeeze my hand as if he wanted me to stay but I can't get close to anyone. I force my arm free and walk away as I passed by him in the window he looks at me with a note in his hand and presses it to the window. I glanced at it as it says " I WONT GIVE UP"!!!! fear of what can happen I keep walking. without looking back. As I get home and I'm tired because of this long tiring day. I wash up get a quick snack and get my book out from my bag when a note falls from it. the note reads "I hope you read this, I will protect you from everyone with what looks like his number!!!" even though it was short my whole body heats up my heart beats fact and I feel my face tingle as it gets heated. Thinking if I should text him or say I at least got his note I found tired self not able to sleep at all... This is gonna be a long night as I lay in bed...