
Encounters with Naked Dwellers on a desert island(1)

In such a short space of time, Bai Yun has been on the brink of life and death twice. Once again, she woke up. She opened her eyes and this time, she knew she was alive, and for that, she felt grateful. The blue sky, what a wide blue sky. The blue of the sky is not the same as the blue of the sea, she thought. The blue of the sky is more open, and the blue of the sea is more mysterious. She felt the water whispering in her ears and realised that she was on the beach, listening to the whisper of the waves, facing the blue sky, so close to them that she was suffocating.

You're awake.

A man's voice sounded above her head. It was him, the cigar man he had fallen into the water with. She was so sensitive to voices that she could tell whose voice it was after only one or two hearings.

"Where are we?" Bai Yun, who had thought she was alone, seemed a little happy to see him now.

"I don't know, but I think it's a deserted island." He answered honestly.

"A deserted island?" The word struck Bai Yun as romantic, you're not telling me a joke, are you? There was a time when she had longed to go to a deserted island to survive, or to live in seclusion.

"You'll find out later." He said it in a way that gave her the creeps, what if she was really on a desert island? She was instantly more awake and sat up.

She panicked and turned in a different direction, but it was the same.

"What can we do? Are we really on a desert island?"

He looked at her, he was amused by her panic, he looked at her with a teasing look like a child.

"So what? With you, I have the world at my fingertips, I'm not afraid of anything."

Bai Yun thought, "What is this man talking about, he is still joking at this critical moment. She simply ignored him.

When the cigar man saw that Bai Yun was silent, he said, "We may need to stay here for a while longer, you have been very weak since we got you out of the sea."

Bai Yun said, "I'll be fine, we must find a way back." She knew that she was not weak, but that her heart was tired and that she was still trapped by the love she had lost. She used to tell people who had lost their love: when someone doesn't love you, it's best to leave them, what is there to hold on to, what is there to remember? Now, it was her turn. She thought she was a woman who could afford to let go, but now she doesn't know herself anymore. She thought she could easily control her own mind, but she was wrong. She even finds that she is more lost than anyone else in the world. But she knew that even if she tried to think about it, it would not help. The deeper she thought about it, the deeper her love became, and it became an addiction for her.

As she thought about it, Bai Yun walked behind her, into a forest that she could not see the end of.

"Hey, how can you be sure there's no way back behind us? It's a forest."

"Maybe there is a way out, there seems to be people living at the other end of the forest, but since you're unconscious, I don't feel comfortable leaving you too far."

"So, I was unconscious for a long time?"

He was peeling a branch of a tree himself, not answering her words, but humming from time to time.

"What are you cutting this for?"

"We need to eat, on this desert island, and I need to see if we can find anything to eat."

"Are you coming with me? To go exploring in the jungle?"

"An adventure? That's a good idea." She thought, "Now that we're here, let's have a look.

He whistled, and she followed behind. She wondered what they would have to eat today.

It was indeed a huge forest. The cigar man walked ahead and Bai Yun followed closely behind, feeling as if she had not recovered her strength and her legs were trembling with hunger. Before he knew it, Bai Yun was lagging behind.

Bai Yun simply sat down to take a rest and breathe in the forest air. Suddenly, she felt something wrapped around her neck. Something cold, but something she could feel. It was a snake, and Bai Yun suddenly came to her senses. The realisation made her panic and she shouted: "Snakes, snakes! As she moved, a white snake, one metre long, slithered down from the tree and quickly crawled into the pond not far from her, disappearing.