
Love in disguise: My husband isn't human!

He was a god sent on a mission to protect humans from a pendy doom. His main goal was to get rid of every creature endangering the human race. Love was the least thing he needed in his mission still, he got married. Because he wanted to get rid of a scandal raised against him by a rival company. He never wanted the marriage but he had to do it to avoid public attention and suspicion from his parents as they were unaware that he wasn't human. What happened when he made the biggest mistake of his life? What will he do when he realises that his mistake endangered his family? Will he seek help to clear himself from this burden? What will be his reaction when he realised that he had to kill his wife to stay alive? And is his wife even human? Read in this story of miseries.

Christy_17 · Fantasía
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1 Chs

How dare you temper my plans!

Chapter 1

She paced around the room in anger as the image of her husband kissing her best friend came before her even when she never wanted to remember the scene. She saw the passion and love that flowed through the kiss and she didn't need a soothsayer to tell her that they have been doing this for a long time.

She has been a fool all along, marrying a man just to save her family's business, a selfless act that no one appreciates. She wiped her tears with the tip of her index finger as the door of her room slammed open revealing a young man in his early 20s, his hair was brown and his lips rosy pink, no doubt he was extremely cute.

"Are you done with your mistress who is annoyingly my best friend?" She shouted angrily walking up to him with bloodshot eyes.

He chuckled lightly, looking undisturbed by her uproar "Get yourself ready, my parents would arrive anytime soon" he said, taking off his suit jacket and unbuttoning his sleeve.

"And what if I say I won't do that? What would you do? I'm done taking orders from you like I'm a piece of trash, you had the guts to make out with my best friend and you aren't saying anything about it! Do I look like a joke to you? Aaron, we've been married for four years and we haven't had sex who the hell does that! Just what kind of couple are we?" She fired at him without caring what he thought about her.

He walked closer to her still maintaining his calm demeanour "You are just a tool, a tool your parents used in getting a share from my company, a tool your parents used in avoiding bankruptcy, you've been my tool all along and just to be clear this is nothing, this marriage is just to clear my image of being gay and also to avoid your family's company from going bankrupt so, we are both benefiting here" He said and walked a way.

She was left dumbstruck and tongue tied, how could she be a fool all along? She married him because she felt indebted to the yates, his father saved her when she was still in college and to repay him, she had to marry his son to prove to everyone that he wasn't a gay, it wasn't necessarily because of her family's company. If only he knew who she really was, he wouldn't have the guts to talk to her this way.

Just then, the door opened slowly and a young woman average in height walked into the room bowing down slightly. "Young master has said you should be in the dinner room in less than fifteen minutes as his parents will arrive soon" She said and walked away without waiting for an instruction to do so.

She wasn't really surprised with the character of the maid, they never really respected her since he treated her as one of them. Ever since she was born, she was thought to make the right decision to review the outcome before taking action and that has really helped her in tackling life challenges but right now she was too confused to think straight and figure out just which decision will go well with the situation.

She walked to her wardrobe and picked a blue strapless gown having a slate that exposed some part of her thighs. Looking in the mirror to see if she looked just okay for his parents not to notice how miserable she looked, she walked out of the room heading to the dinner room.

She walked down the stairs with a frown on her face, this was the last time she would allow him to use her. She has been married to him for four years thinking she could have a way of melting his heart and making him know he can feel loved but the harder she tried the more he frustrated her efforts.

She was tired of trying, tired of forcing herself on a man who was not ready to keep her as a wife but as a tool to get rid of a scandal he brought upon himself.

Just then a maid hurried into the dinner room interrupting her thoughts "Young master, your parents just arrived" The maid said bowing to him respectfully and slightly biting her lips.

She chuckled a little when she saw how he looked at the maid lustfully, it was obvious that they were both flirting with each other. She clenched her fist tightly and gulped down the lump on her throat before walking down and sitting beside him.

"I was thinking you won't show up after your empty threats back then in the room, you should know better than to talk back to a man who prevented your parent's company from going bankrupt" He smirked, running his hands seductively on her legs.

She chuckled slightly and gripped his hands from going aimless around her thigh "And you should be careful how you flirt with your maids in front of a woman who can bring back your scandal with just one move" She said with a smile, her eyes glaring daggers at him.

He suddenly became angry when he heard her say those words categorically to his face, he was more astonished at the boldness of her words, void of even the slightest fear. He was used to people bowing before him and running at the sound of his name.

She was so different, she wasn't afraid of him, not even slightly. If only she knew who he really was, she would bow before his face by just hearing his footsteps. He was about to reply when his parents walked in with a broad smile on their wrinkled faces.

"Look who just arrived!" He said smiling to his parents as he stood up from his chair and hugged his mum passionately.

She sat there trying to move her head around what just happened. He was frowning a few seconds ago and just as his parents walked in his demeanour changed. Just how weird can he be? Obviously he is good at deceiving people with his character, such an annoying personality she said to herself looking at him with disgust and irritation in her eyes.

"Eddie! Won't you come over to say hi to your mother in law" Nate mum said pretending to be sad.

She immediately stood up and hugged his mum passionately "It's really good to see you again Mrs yate" She said before taking her seat close to Nate.

"We've talked about this before Eddie, you are family now so you can call me mum" Mrs yate said smiling.

"So, can we all eat already, I'm famished" Mr yate said smiling as he sipped from the glass of juice kept at the side of his plate.

"Of course dad, we all know how much you love eating" Nate said laughing as his mum joined and so did Eddie but it was obvious that she faked it.

"Oh come on son, have you forgotten how you ate the whole of your cake on your sixteenth birthday, it was absolutely hilarious" Mr yate said teasing his son as he did justice to his food.

"So Eddie, how are you coping with our annoying, workaholic and arrogant son?" Mrs.Yate said playing with Nate's hair which he tried resisting because obviously it was embarrassing.

She choked on her drink when she heard the question, she really didn't have an answer because the man that was sitting next to her was a carbon copy of a monster.

"Are you okay dear?" Nate said as he offered to give her his water which she refused but the persistent coughing made her accept it even if she never wanted to.

"You should try eating slowly, dear," Mr. Yate said, smiling at her.

She smiled back and continued eating, thanking her lucky stars that the cough had a way of distracting Nate's parents from the question they asked.

"So dear, mum asked a question, you should tell them, to kill their curiosity" Nate said smiling at her.

She looked at him with disgust, obviously he wanted to hear what she had to say. She gulped down slowly before speaking. "Well, marriage is always filled with ups and downs so, we are both trying to make it work" She finally said before she continued eating.

"Wow, that's a great response dear" Mrs yate said smiling excitedly at Eddie.

"Nate is really lucky to have you as a wife and we are all lucky to have you part of our family" Mr yate said smiling at her before he continued eating.

He frowned when he heard the response from her and that of his parents that was not what he wanted to hear, he wanted her to be short of words then he would tease her afterwards making her choke more and feel worthless in front of everyone. How dare she temper his plans!