
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
49 Chs

Consistent bad changes

"Come on, just one bite.".

Selena lost her patient and shoves the pancake, "I SAID I'M NOT HUNGRY!.". As she shoves the fork, she also has shoved the food table making it fall to the floor. The pancakes are scattered and the orange juice is spilled.". Miss Luna is shocked by what happened and looks straight at Selena's eyes. "Alright. I will not force you. I will just prepare another tray and you could just eat it whenever you feel hungry.". Selena did not respond and just stares at the wall.

Miss Luna decides to clean up the mess herself. She is about to kneel on the floor when Magnus storms inside the room. "Stand up, Nana. You do not need to do that. Let her clean that up.". Miss Luna holds her grandson's arm, stopping him from talking. "Do not try to stop me, Nana. I will not let her treat you this way.". Just then Selena looks at Magnus and speaks, "What?". Magnus looks at his wife with anger and disappointment.

"You heard me. I will not let you treat Nana like this. Every night I would be outside that door," while pointing at the bedroom door. "listening to you and Nana. Nana would have sleepless nights because she wants to look after you and wants to be awake when you would wake up due to your nightmares. She even pampers you more than me and I did not question that because you lost your baby. That would be the end of the world of a mother. You are mourning and I could not imagine what you felt. But Nana is also mourning and so do I. You can blame me, Selena, even punish me for losing him. I admitted that it was my fault. BUT NO ONE! No one has the right to treat MY grandmother like that! Not even you.". Magnus looks straight into Selena's eyes while speaking and so does Selena. Selena's eyes begin to tear up.

Miss Luna then interferes. She holds Magnus' arm while pulling him away from the bed. "That is enough, Magnus. You do not have to do this, I am okay and it is my fault, I forced her to eat even if she does not want to.". Magnus cannot believe what his grandmother has said. Instead of arguing, he sighs and leaves the room. Miss Luna sighs and looks at Selena. "Do not worry, I will talk to him. I will ask a maid to bring you another food tray, okay?". She smiles and goes for the door. Before closing the door, Miss Luna glances at Selena and she could see her eyes full of sadness and regret. She feels sad watching Selena like that. She finally closes the door and goes to the kitchen.

Selena is left alone in the bedroom, crying. She hugs herself and one hand is on her chest. She feels pain as she recalls what Magnus had said earlier. "Every night I would be outside that door, listening to you and Nana. Nana would have sleepless nights because she wants to look after you and wants to be awake when you would wake up due to your nightmares. She even pampers you more than me and I did not question that because you lost your baby. That would be the end of the world of a mother. You are mourning and I could not imagine what you felt. But Nana is also mourning and so do I. You can blame me, Selena, even punish me for losing him. I admitted that it was my fault. You can blame me, Selena, even punish me. BUT NO ONE! No one has the right to treat MY grandmother like that! Not even you.".

Selena's cries are getting louder because of the pain so she covers her mouth to suppress the sound. She is almost out of breath but she manages to mutter, "I am so sorry, Nana. I'm so sorry.". She also recalls the look in Miss Luna's eyes as she shoves the fork and food table. Shock is visible and Selena regrets it. She cannot explain what she had felt at that moment while being stubborn. All she could do is apologize to Miss Luna in her mind. Selena is still crying when someone knocks on the door. She immediately wipes her tears and lays on the bed. She covers herself and says, "Come in.", in a deep, serious tone. The maid enters the room and puts the food tray on the bedside table. She then leaves.

Without even looking at the food, Selena could tell that it is her favorite meal by the smell. She uncovers herself and looks at the food tray. She recalls the day when Miss Luna first cook her favorite. They were laughing while cooking. A smile starts to form on Selena's lips. She sits properly in the bed. She takes the food tray and places it in front of her. Then she starts eating. While chewing, tears are building up in Selena's eyes. She takes another spoonful of her meal and this time, Selena is crying. Tears are flowing down her eyes as she continues to eat. Little did she know that Miss Luna is outside the door, peeking through the gap. Miss Luna smiles seeing Selena eating and even finishes everything that was on the plate. She then quietly and slowly closes the door so that Selena would not notice. Miss Luna goes downstairs and into the kitchen.

Miss Luna enters the kitchen with a smile on her face so Magnus asks, "What are you smiling about, Nana?". She replies, "Selena finally ate and emptied the plate.". Magnus sighs of relief, "That is good. But still, I will not apologize for what I said earlier.". Miss Luna sighs, "Fine. To be honest, I am a little glad that you had said those. Your words got through to her. So what now?".

"What do you mean?", Magnus asks even though he knows what she meant. Miss Luna sits in the chair in front of Magnus, "You thought about it, right? Magnus,", she holds her grandson's hand, "this is not the place for her to heal. If you have another way, I am all ears but if not, you should consider it. What if she gets worse? Selena has gone through a lot and losing her baby is her breaking point.". Magnus is not meeting his grandmother's eyes, instead he is looking at his hands. He did not respond immediately. Miss Luna continues to speak, "I cannot her watch her suffer anymore, Magnus. It breaks my heart. I already treated her as my daughter the day you brought her here and every time she is in pain, my heart hurts.". Miss Luna's eyes begin tearing up.

Magnus did not reply again. He is thinking so deeply. He wants his wife to be back to normal but he is also do not want to be away from her. "I am still making it up to her. I am still proving my love for her.". That night, Magnus could not sleep. He spends the whole night thinking.

The next morning, Miss Luna goes to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. As she enters, she sees her grandson drinking coffee. "You are early. Have an important meeting?". Magnus puts down the mug on the table, and replies, "Yes, Nana. I will work overtime in the office before the weekend arrives. So do not wait for me, okay?". He stands up and is about to leave when Miss Luna asks, "Wait. What are you saying?". Magnus comes closer to his grandmother and says, "What I am saying is that I have to finish all my works before I go abroad again. I cannot let Selena go alone.". Then he kisses his grandmother on her forehead and leaves the kitchen. Miss Luna is surprised and cannot mutter a word. But then she smiles, "He truly cares for her.".

In the office, Magnus is focusing on the stockpile of paper works in his table. He would only stop to take a break, drink water, stretch his legs, and eat. He is determined of all of it before the weekend. He wants to accompany his wife on going back from the place they first meet. Magnus is already tired but thinking that he is doing this for Selena, gives him strength. Two hours later, Magnus decides to go to the rooftop to get some fresh air. As he arrives, he is amazed by the weather. The sky is clear, the wind is cool, and not so much sunlight. He walks towards the center and looks up to the sky. He stares at the sky and starts talking, "Are you in there, Son? It is me, your daddy.". Magnus' eyes begin to tear up. "I am so sorry for not letting you live. I am so sorry for not being the father you deserve. I am sorry for hurting you and your Mom.". He starts crying but he wipes it immediately. "I promise I will make it up to you through your Mom. Your Mom loves you very much that losing you means her life is done. But I still want to be with her. Can you help me make your Mom happy again?". There is a moment of silence then a cool breeze wraps around Magnus' body. He hugs himself and smiles. Magnus feels like that he was answered.

Magnus goes back to his office and continues to work. He works until all of the employees go home. It is only him in the building. Everywhere is dark except Magnus' office. Magnus continues to work when his phone rings. He looks at the name of the caller and clicks the answer button. "Yes, Nana?". He could not hear Nana's voice because the background is so loud. He waits until his grandmother speaks but he could only hear the sirens of the ambulance. Upon hearing the siren, Magnus instantly runs out of his office and goes to the parking lot. He then starts driving.

Along the way, Magnus could only think about Selena and Miss Luna. "I hope they are okay.". After 20 minutes, he arrives at the mansion and sees one ambulance on the outside of the front porch. He parks the car, goes out, and approaches the door. But before he could enter, he hears his grandmother's voice. "Magnus, we are here.". He looks behind and sees Miss Luna covers in the blanket. He immediately approaches her, "Nana, what happened?". Miss Luna is trying the right words to say but she could show Magnus sadness. "Nana, what happened?". Just then two males come out of the door carrying a stretcher. Magnus watches as they go to the ambulance. He has a glance at who is on the stretcher. As soon as Magnus recognizes the person, he instantly shouts and runs toward the ambulance. "Selena! Hey, that is my wife!". He comes closer to the stretcher and stares at his wife and then looks at the two males. "What happened? Why are you taking her? Is she injured?". The other male answers, "Your wife created chaos and tried to kill herself by slicing her wrist. We have stopped the bleed but she needs to admit.".

Magnus cannot believe what he heard. "She is getting worse. This cannot be happening. The weekend is approaching. All she needs is a fresh environment.", he thought to himself. The two males push the stretcher to the ambulance. Magnus tells them, "Wait, I am coming with you.". He then goes back to Miss Luna, "Nana, is it okay I will be accompanying Selena? Will you be okay or you just with me?".

Miss Luna shakes her head, "No, Magnus, I will be fine. Go and be with your wife. She needs more than ever. Do not make her feel alone.". Magnus nods and runs toward the ambulance. While they are on their way to the hospital, Magnus could only hold her hand and stare at her face. "Please be okay. I have things to show you."