
Love In Ancient Times

Born as a lowlife bastard, treated like an outcast and ignored by everyone. Never knew how it felt to be loved, dies and was given a second chance to life but this time, time travels back into the Ancient Times. Will she know Love Or Hatred

Maybs_Glix · Ciudad
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20 Chs


Lucy?!; that's the voice of Lucy. Zao runs towards the direction of the sound and finds Lucy being molested, let go of her you creep!!!; said Zao as she picked up a glass bottle and bit the man in the head with it.

"(cries) Aunt Zao, I'm soo scared!!!

"(pats softly) It's okay Lucy, that's why her Grace sent me to get you; said Zao.

"Her Grace?!!,where is she? I want to apologise to her for my rude outburst, I shouldn't have done that.

"(sighs) I don't think you can; exclaimed Zao sadly.

"But aunt Zao why can't I?, is it that she's furious with me.

"No..no don't say that, it's just that, Zao was about to speak as she paused for a while, why don't we just go back to the palace after all her Grace entrusted your safety to me; exclaimed Zao as they both returned to the palace.

"Your majesty, I don't think what you did was a good idea; exclaimed cocoubine Jing Feng.

"So you're bold enough to question my decision cocoubine Jing feng; said the Emperor with a cold face.

"I'm not questioning your decision, I oppose your decision!!. It's not save to starve someone for a month neither the less the Emperess.

"But that Emperess defined the Emperor's orders and let alone hit the Emperess Dowager, the Emperor's mother; said cocoubine Jai Meng.

"But you all heard the things the Emperess Dowager said about those children didn't you, if it were to be you in her place, how would you have felt, how would you have reacted; exclaimed cocoubine Jing Feng furiously.

"I....I....; replied cocoubine Jai Meng as she stammered.

"The things?, what things; ask the Emperor confusedly.

"Shoot! that big mouth Jing Feng, she doesn't know when to shut up. I have to do something to direct his attention away or he'll go running to Lin Juluu after he hears the truth;said Sao inwardly.

"Your majesty.....


"Your majesty, I think I'm on side with cocoubine Jai Meng this time, the Emperess should learn to control her temper even when provoked but we all know how she easily get angry over the slightest issue, this shows disrespect to the Emperor but you gave a blind eye to it, I'm now happy that you've finally done something about it now;said Sao Yao.

"But imperial cocoubine San Yao....

"I think that enough cocoubine Jing Feng, the decision was made by the Emperor and you are in no position to question it.

"That's enough!!!, I want everyone out of here now!!; said the Emperor furiously.

"But your majesty!!; exclaimed Sao.

"Don't make me repeat myself!!!; exclaimed the Emperor as Sao walked and the other cocoubines walked out. I did really make the right decision, did I? and if I did then why does it hurt soo much thinking about it (holds chest tightly) Lin Juluu what have you done to me.

"It's been two weeks since the Emperor made his verdict for me to be locked up in for a month without food and water, I've been lying on the ground since I was tossed in without moving an inch well I could barely move my body because of the weaken state I was in. The was not barely a day that I would hear Zao pleading the guards to bring me food but was denied. I wanted nothing but to find love and someone who cared for me, to make the world less suffering of a place than it already was but what have I done to be denied all this. I could barely even lift up an arm because of my weakened state due to the starvation.

"Let me in!! please, let me at least bring this food to the Emperess please; pleaded Zao but she was denied again and pushed over to the floor with the food shattered everywhere.

"Zao; I called lightly in a weaken state as I coughed up some blood not knowing why, I tried standing up but was too weak and fell to the ground. Zao! I called out again as I blacked out for the fifth time.



"Let me in!! let me in!!; exclaimed Zao as she pushed her way into the Emperor's study.

"Your majesty, we're sorry we couldn't stop her, we'll take her away now; exclaimed one guard as they tried dragging Zao away.

"No!! your majesty, please listen to me!! you have to listen to me PLEASE !!! it's about the Emperess and the truth to why she did that.

"Leave her; ordered the Emperor as he stood up and walked towards Zao, what do you know about this case and where is your evidence to prove it.