
Love In Ancient Times

Born as a lowlife bastard, treated like an outcast and ignored by everyone. Never knew how it felt to be loved, dies and was given a second chance to life but this time, time travels back into the Ancient Times. Will she know Love Or Hatred

Maybs_Glix · Ciudad
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20 Chs


Wait!! Lin Juluu wait!!! but she said nothing but smiled at me as I floated away and soon everything turned dark. I felt a warm presence besides me, I tried opening my eyes only to see the Emperor sitting beside my bed as tears rolled down his cheeks, like really he was crying! I tried peeping to see if anyone else was around but remaining completely still.

" Juluu!!! won't you answer answer me?; said the Emperor. Please just give me one more chance, just one more chance to earn your love back again so please!! come to me.

"Your Majesty; said the imperial doctor as he entered and bowed, the fire has been set, we're ready to burn the body; exclaimed the doctor.

Huh🤨, fire?! ready?!! burn the body?!!!, are they going to burn me alive, I'll say at first if I was not breathing but at least check now if I'm still alive?!!; I exclaimed in thoughts.

"Alright, you can come for the body; said the Emperor as he wiped away his tears walked away calmly. No, no I can't let him leave I have to do something, my body was still too weak from the poison that I regretted and clenched my fist. Huh? What's this?; I asked myself in thoughts, it's the poison reliever Juluu gave me, I managed to turn my body when no one was watching and drank it all.

As the guards came carrying me off, soon we were approaching the fire place, I opened my eyes slowly and saw how San Yao was grinning but pretending to be in tears. I was about to be thrown into the fire and I had to think fast. As they bent over, I immediately opened my eyes and sat up screaming "Uncle don't leave me!!" great thing to say to save myself, brilliant isn't it 😏

"Wait!!! said the Emperor as he run towards me and picked me up holding me in his arms, it took everyone by shock and surprise that I was still alive even though I was renounced dead that the Emperess Dowager and a few other cocoubines passed out. I could see the shock and anger raging in San Yao eyes.

"Uncle!; I cried out but feeling relieved that I was saved.

"Lin Juluu, I'm soo glad you're alive; he said holding me in a tight hug.

"How!! could this be?!! she was renounced dead how come she's still alive this is impossible!!;: exclaimed San Yao furiously.

"Mind your tone if you don't want to be thrown into the fire;said the Emperor coldly and furious. I watched as San Yao stepped back trembling in fear and anger.

" Your Grace!!!, Your Grace!!; shouted Zao as she run towards me crying, your Grace I'm soo glad that you're alive 😭,

"It's okay Zao, see I'm alive and fine, there's no need to still be crying okay; I said as I wiped away her tears. The Emperor carried me back to my place with Zao following along side him.

He gently placed me down on my bed as he kissed my forehead. "I'll be right back" he muttered as he turned and walked away.

"Your Grace!!!😭, I thought you were died; said Zao as she jumped into my arms hugging me tightly.

"It's okay now Zao, I'm still alive and I won't be going anywhere; I said as I patted her back. Thank you Juluu, I can finally find Love In Acient Times; I said in thoughts.