
Love In Ancient Times

Born as a lowlife bastard, treated like an outcast and ignored by everyone. Never knew how it felt to be loved, dies and was given a second chance to life but this time, time travels back into the Ancient Times. Will she know Love Or Hatred

Maybs_Glix · Ciudad
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20 Chs

I Can Never Forgive You

What's going on here?!; I said as I sat up slowly still feeling dazed.

"Your Grace!!!, Lin Juluu!!!; exclaimed Zao and Emperor as they both run towards me and held me in a tight hug.

"Lin Juluu!! , I thought you were never going to wake; said the Emperor in tears as he continued holding me in a tight hug.

"Your Grace, I'm soo glad you woke up; said Zao in tears.

"Your Grace, Welcome back; said cocoubine Jing Feng with a smile on her face.

"Welcome back?!! from where?; I asked feeling confused.

"Your Grace, you've been in a comma for a month; answered Jing Feng.

"Yes, your Grace. We were so worried that you wouldn't wake up; exclaimed Zao as she sobbed.

"Oh!, so I've been sleeping for a month now, I see; I said with a sad expression.

"Lin Juluu, I'm soo sorry for what I did, I'm soo sorry for not letting you explain to me what happened before I did that to you; said the Emperor full of sorrow and guilt.

Zao, Lucy, let's all give them some privacy. Come on let's leave and that includes everyone; exclaimed cocoubine Jing Feng as they walked out along with all the servants and guards.

Lin Juluu I....;said the Emperor as I interrupted.

You locked me up! in my room with no food or water for a month!!!; I exclaimed furiously.

Lin Juluu 😔, I'm sorry.

You locked me up! in my room with no food or water for a month!!!; I said again as tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Lin Juluu!, said the Emperor as he clenched his fist in guilt.

You locked me up! in my room with no food or water for a month!!!; I exclaimed furiously.


"No! shut up!!!; do you know how many times I coughed up blood. How many times I passed out trying to stay conscious. Do you know how many times I held on to the thought of someone coming to let me out!!!.


Do you know for how long I starved, being weak and being helpless and yet you did nothing!!; I said furiously as tears drops of my cheeks. I could see Quan Lun's expression changing has if he was being filled up with guilt and sorrow slowly building up in him.

"Lin Juluu, I know what I did to you can't be reversed, I know it was mean and cruel and I know that I've hurt you badly. I'm sure you'll hate me and bear a grudge against me but please forgive me for what I did; said the Emperor in tears.

Forgive you?!!(scoffs) I can never forgive you for what you did to me.

"Lin Juluu?!! I....,

That's enough!!, please leave. I want to be alone; I exclaimed in tears.

"Lin I...

"Get out now!!!; I exclaimed full of rage and sorrow and turn to lye down on my bed as Quan Lun stood up and walked away slowly, I could see that he was walking shabby and felt a little bit dazed, not knowing why, I yelled at him and he collapsed.

"Quan Lun!!!; I called out in fright putting all my pride aside.

"Guards!!, Maids!!, someone!!, come quick; I called desperately as some guards came rushing in along side cocoubine Jing Feng.

"What happened here?!, asked cocoubine Jing Feng as she helped me lift up Quan Lun unto my bed.

"I don't know; I said in tears, I just had an argument with Quan Lun and I asked him to leave but as he was leaving he suddenly collapsed.

"Guards, get the imperial doctor here now!!!; exclaimed cocoubine Jing Feng as the guards rushed of and later came back with the doctor.

"Your Grace, mind if I call you by your name asked cocoubine; Jing Feng.

"Sure, okay go ahead; I answered.

"Ever since you went into comma, the Emperor shut himself out and kept feeding on nothing but guilt and sorrow, he wouldn't eat or drink anything either nor talk to anyone. He shut himself up completely blaming himself for what happened to you over and over again. He became poor and miserable; exclaimed cocoubine Jing Feng.

"Why are you telling me all this?; I asked.

"I felt that you have to know about this, Lin Juluu listen, there was not a single that Quan Lun didn't curse himself for what happened to you. He even punished the Emperess Dowager his own to be locked up in her room with no food and water for three months.

"Three months?!; I exclaimed.

"Yes three months so if you're deciding on something or have already decided please reconsider what I've told you; said Jing Feng as she stood up and walked away leaving me alone with Quan Lun and the imperial doctor.

"Your Grace; called out the imperial doctor as he bowed his head to me. It looks like the Emperor starved himself for too long and caused his body to break down, he will stay unconscious for some days but will eventually wake up but when he wakes up he'll be in a weak state so I'm this medicine here that's only to be given to him when he wakes up; said the imperial doctor as he gathered his things and left.

"Your Grace, I forgot to remind you of one last thing; exclaimed the imperial doctor, please don't forget to also rest and take good care of yourself, you'll need at least three weeks to recover fully. I'll be leaving your medicine with your maid; he said as he walked away.

I kept staring at Quan Lun lying on the bed helpless and I kept the feeling of guilt in me for everything that happened but I shook it off.

"No...no..after all it was he who locked me up and starved me, it was he who is to blame for everything or... I thought so to myself being in a complete trance but immediately snapped out of it when I suddenly heard a voice calling out to me.

"Your Grace, your Grace; Zao called out as she run towards me in a hurry.