
Chapter 8

When the tour ends, Kyle helps Lilian launch her own event planning business, using his network and resources to support her venture. Lilian's business flourishes, and she becomes known for her exceptional events.

However, a new challenge arises when Kyle is offered a solo music contract that requires him to relocate to another city. Lilian's business is booming, and she can't leave. They face a long-distance relationship test, but their love remains strong.

Kyle and Lilian make long-distance work, and their love only grows stronger. They visit each other often, and their time apart makes their reunions even sweeter.

Lilian finds a way to join Kyle in the new city, and they start a new chapter together. They explore the city, hand in hand, and build a life filled with love, music, and events.

Kyle turns down the contract and stays with Lilian, realizing that their love is the greatest opportunity of all. They start a family, and their love becomes the foundation .

The end....