
Love I Had Never Known

10author_ks · Fantasía
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4 Chs



It was six in the morning when i woke up. Alie was still asleep, beside me. We gossiped and watched a movie till late at night, so she slept here, too tired to go to her room. I went down to greet my mother, she usually wakes up before me.

"Morning, mom" I yawned.

"Morning, honey. Did you not sleep well last night?" She probably noticed that i was still half asleep.

"No, we were watching a movie till late" i yawned again.

"You should sleep early, although you're beautiful but a woman needs her eight hours of beauty sleep to look young always. Go get ready and wake Rosalie up for breakfast." I nodded to what she had said.

Alie and I went to the school together and met Ama and Nic on our way. Nic is the short name for Veronica, made by Alie.

"Adam". Ama screamed. "Girls look there. Adam. Oh my God."

"Alex!!!!!!". Another scream. This time it was Alie. "Holy shit!!! Two hotties together!!!!!"

I didn't look up. I had nothing to do with them so I simply said I was going to the class. I was about to leave when Alie said," Bella, you can't go. I guess Adam himself is coming to you for your number. Damn Bella. You're not going anywhere."

I turned my face in the direction of the girls and then looked to see Adam.

This was the first time I saw him, or seeing a boy.

He was about six feet tall, had a muscled body and dark brownish hair falling on his face. He was fair. His hands in his pocket, walking towards us. His shirt out of his pants and no sign of a tie. Shit! He was getting close, and now in front of us.

"Hi Adam" all three of them together greeted him.

"Hey girls, seems like you have a new member now." He looked towards me but I didn't look up.

"She's Isabella. Isabella Laurier. She's our new friend, and in our cl-" Alie was interrupted by Adam, "I know she's in our class and she's Bella. Laurier. I asked you to get her number but it seems like I'll have to ask for it myself"

I was still muddled as to why he was so keen to get my number. I don't even know him.

Finally I looked up and gazed straight into his eyes, they were brown.

"Why do you want my number? We don't know each other and I stay away from boys!". Oh shit. Did I say it out loud? Oh no man! I didn't want anybody to know this. I felt pairs of eyes staring at me but i didn't look away from Adam. I needed to know why he was so determined to get my number. And who he actually is. Why I am so familiar with his name.

"Woah, cool down Bella! I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. We were in the same prep school in Leicester, Farfield Prep School. I had to move to Manchester. We were so little. And I didn't know that you've not recognised me yet." Adam said, he has a soft voice.

But wait! Did he just say we went to the same prep school? What is his name again? ADAM CARLSEN!

Ohh, ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh shitttt

Him????? How did he get here and how did he recognise me? We were so little then. I was in my own thoughts, again when...

"Bella? Sorry i didn't mean to. I just thought you would've-"

I cut him off mid sentence, " Oh, there's nothing to be sorry about. I have a poor memory but i was still confused as to why your name was so familiar. I remember you now. My childhood bestie, living a street across. But what are you doing here? Didn't you shift to Manchester?"

He was about to say something when someone called him.

But before going he said, " I'm sorry I've to go now, but, meet me here after the school gets over. We have a lot of things to catch up on. I'll take you for lunch. Bye, see ya'."

Before I could say anything he left.

I turned towards the girls and they were looking at me, confused, arms crossed on chest, waiting for me to say something.

"Long story short, we lived across the street in Leicester and went to the same prep school. He was my only good friend there."

They all looked satisfied with my response and we went to the class.


We were in the cafeteria when someone shouted, " You son of a bitch! How dare you touch him."

Okay! So, new drama.

We all looked in the same direction waiting to know what has happened.

"Oh, Nic, see it's Adam and Alex. But why are they shouting at eachother?"

Ama said, when she saw the two boys together.

There were many people now, whole cafeteria crowd was gathered there.

I looked up as well, I knew who Adam was but, oh yeah the other one must be Alex, like Ama mentioned, just now.

He had long legs, same body as Adam but it was more muscled up. He has black hair, not falling down unlike Adam.

We went close to know what happened. A girl beside me said,

"Adam will be beaten soon. He shouldn't have done that to Max. He should've known, Alex is all friendly but when it comes to his friends, he can rip the person apart

Poor Max, he is in the infirmary now."

"Max? Now who is he now? And what did Adam do to Max?"

I asked the girl beside me and she said, surprised, that why I don't know Max! Why should I know everybody's name? Damnnn!!!

But she told me anyway, "Maxwell Christopher is the bestest friend of Alex. If anyone dares to lay a finger on him, he'll be dead for sure, and Adam had beaten him up so badly. Now, he'll have to face the consequences."

Ohhhhhh, but why did Adam beat him? Was he his rival? But for what?

Adam doesn't seem like the type to beat anyone, but it was then, when we were still in Leicester. I don't know this Adam, we met years after but I'm always quite comfortable with him.

Only him!

Hello everyone...i hope you liked this chapter.. Do comment on your favourite part and vote also..

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Next chapter will be out soon.

I'm trying my best to post one chapter per day..

I need your support...☺️

For any ideas you can text me on Instagram.


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