
Chapter 552 Kept in the Dark

At this time, Savanna endured the strong wind all the way, passing through countless blocked cars, and finally arrived at the hospital.

After she put away the umbrella and shook the water above her, she became relieved.

The rain was heavy, but in any case, she came safely.

In such a large hospital, everyone was in a hurry. She did not know where Brandon was, and she subconsciously wanted to call someone to ask.

She touched her pocket but found nothing. Where was her phone?

Did she lose it on the way?

Savanna thought for a while and remembered that she seemed to put the phone on the car seat after she finished answering the phone.

"May I ask which ward the patient named Lilia is staying in?"

Without her phone, Savanna had to go to the nurse's station to ask.

"Wait a moment. I'll help you check it out." The nurse clicked open the system to check.