
Chapter nine: Boyfriend

Emma's POV

Okay, remember when I said Erika looked too beautiful, you'd consider throwing the ball at your teammate? Yh well she still looked beautiful, like an angel even, only difference is she looked like an angel who was out for blooooooddddd, helllpppp meee.

She huddled around with her teammate, whispering something to them, then they got ready for the match. With the way they were eyeing me like a delicious dinner ready to be devoured, I just knew I was done for.

Mr Gean blew the whistle and the match started, well the first ball came..... And I took the hit, lol were you expecting me to catch it? You weren't right? Yh right, I suck at sports. The pain that came with the ball hitting me right on my stomach sent me down to my knees.

"Foul, foul" I groaned while I held my stomach in pain, Mr Gean blew the whistle and for a minute there I thought I was saved. "It's Dodgeball for crying out loud! you're supposed to dodge the effing ball not stand still waiting for it to get to you." Right, I forgot to tell you that little detail, I made no attempt to dodge nor catch the ball. Why? because this feels like a dream, I don't do sports dammit.

"Now get off the floor so we can continue" Mr Gean yelled as he blew the whistle to indicate the continuation of the match. I stood up and the match continued, in less than 3 minutes, I had received more than 10 hits, my team was loosing drastically but it wasn't totally my fault, all five members of the other team seemed to be focusing solemnly on me and I wasn't doing a great job dodging them.

"Come on Em, you can do it, I'm cheering for you remember?" Jace shouted from the bleachers where he was sitting, an evil smirk plastered on his face, was he seriously using me to get back at his ex? You've got to be kidding me. I turned to Erika and met a more scary and intense glare.

"Show em what you got" Jace continued, urgggg "Remember I told you last night I liked you more when you're quiet, so please shut up" I yelled half annoyed while there were gasps, whispers and murmurs probably because I mentioned 'last night', can these students not mind their business.

"Well if I remember correctly, you said you loved the mood not the person"

"Well I could start liking the person if he was always in that mood"

"Urmm, I'd go quiet but only if you manage to hit one person"

Were we seriously having this conversation right now, having to dodge ball like my life depended on it which it did and talk about such meaningless things? I was panting so hard but yet I was still replying Jace, I keep surprising myself these days.

"Is that supposed to be a dare?"

"It is if you take it to be" Jace replied and I turned to face him, glaring at him.

"You need to focus on the game Emma" I heard Ana say and turned to face the opposite team when a ball landed on my face, hitting my nose hard and causing it to bleed.

"Oh my gosh" "Shoot she's bleeding" "Things are getting too intense too fast" These were some of the things I heard around me, with my teammates gathered around me asking if I was okay or not. Jace was off the bleachers and rushing to where I was. But then I heard Erika say; "Serves her right, she should have focused on the game, I didn't even put that much energy into the throw, stop being all melodramatic and get up.

"Emma, are you okay?" Jace who finally got to me asked, the concern in his eyes has to be the most sincere thing he had shown me. I looked from him to Erika and smiled, well laughed, making everyone to go quiet and stare at me as I must have looked mad at that moment.

Fine then, two can play at that game, I looked back at Jace, "Fine then, I accept your dare, boyfriend." these words came out of my mouth before I had time to think about it, too pissed at the moment to consider what I just said I picked up a ball and threw it directly at Erika while Jace stared shocked at me.

     Jace's POV

It all happened in a spilt second, Erika threw the ball really hard at Emma, who was having a kinda funny conversation with me even in her heated situation of dodging balls from all five members of the opposite team.

Was Erika jealous? That was so out of the question, not with how we ended. The ball ended up hitting Emma on the nose causing her to bleed. At that moment, I could have sworn my heart skipped a beat and I stopped breathing for a couple of seconds.

I found myself off the bleachers and running towards her, I knew she caught my interest but this was a totally different feeling. I don't want to feel this way, I don't want to have to be vulnerable anymore for anyone, this wasn't good but I couldn't help it, it seemed like my legs had a mind of it's own as they ran to where she stood.

I spun her around as I checked worriedly to make sure she was alright, "Emma are you okay?" I asked her while she stared at me, she had this look on her face which I couldn't quite figure out. What goes on in that little head of yours Emma?.

Her next words left me extremely speechless "Fine then, I accept your dare, boyfriend" Boyfriend? boyfriend? She said boyfriend? That random word was doing things with me that I couldn't explain, what the hell is going on here?

She freed herself from my grip, turned to face Erika who kept blabbing, Emma picked up a ball, she looked pissed. She threw the ball, probably as hard as she could, I could feel the tension, she could feel the tension, everyone in the room could feel the tension as we all watched the ball.

The ball finally got to Erika.... and she caught it, lol, was I really expecting something, it's been very obvious from the beginning of the game that Emma sucked at it while Erika was a pro at sports, she actually was a 'know it all'.

Emma immediately made an audible groan which followed a facepalm "Couldn't I just get a good hit on her like those heroines in movies? She murmured which got me laughing, I suddenly felt totally relieved of all the tensions I felt a couple minutes ago, she really was something else.

I picked her up bridal style while she shouted, wailed, flailing as she tried to free herself but all tries were fruitless

"Shhhhh, you're bleeding, what type of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't at least take you to the nurse's office?"

"You're not my boyfriend?"

"No need to argue love, you called me your boyfriend a few seconds ago"

"I just said boyfriend"

"Still counts love"

"Well I got a bleeding nose not a raptured leg, put me down would you"

I gave a small smile walking out of the gym while everyone stared on. "So much for not wanting any drama today" she groaned under her breath but I couldn't help getting amused. It can only get more interesting with her.

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