
Sifeng and Miya

Sifeng came and said don't worry, The Pacific Ocean project is successful. We will get a lot of admissions so, cheer up, Sifeng supporting words for the department make everyone secure and make the people get confident, Sang eyes were glittering from Sifeng words.

In Canteen Sifeng, Piya and Sang were sitting together in the middle of the canteen, Miya came and sat next to Sifeng. The two do not know what is going on, Sifeng eats his food quietly. Miya introduced herself to them, that she is from the Mechanical department and I am the coordinator of Dance term.

I love Sifeng and we ate together only, so you guys can, she doesn't finish her sentence. Suddenly Sifeng Said stop it, Miya. I'm Tired of your childishness ok, I already told you that I will never love you right then you are making a fuss Miya.

Sifeng spoke gently and people near them heard anything but Miya cried and made people gossip because she is the beauty of the institute and good in academics and dance. More boys want to date her but she loves Sifeng, and Sifeng's father's friend's daughter is Miya. So, he didn't want to hurt her, Sifeng gently said ok don't cry and gave a smile, then Sang gave her a tissue to wipe her tears, and she didn't say anything to her because Sifeng didn't tell her to go away, why?

Is Sifeng really in love with her? That's why he didn't say anything. Sang was talking to herself, her mind full of questions, Then Sifeng said she is my father's friend's daughter Miya and her father told me to take care of her, so don't take her words seriously ok. By this Sifeng got up and said I am going to the class. First you two finish and come, then he went fastly without turning back and Miya also got up and followed Sifeng. Piya looked at Sang, her face looked dull and she didn't say anything to Piya. From then on Sang looked like a remote without the battery.