
Love by the Air

Long-distance relationships never work for her since she is the clingy sort, spoilt, and enjoys her lover's undivided attention. Additionally, she tends to be flirtatious, although her intentions have never been honest. She has a way of intriguing people and then leaving them once they develop stronger feelings for her. Since she travels a lot for her job as an air hostess, most of her past relationships find it difficult to be apart from her. That all changed when she encountered someone who was just as formidable. The most ignorant woman on earth, yet the most passionate lover. She's determined to make things work this time. Regardless of the distance, that woman belongs to her.

ToriAnne · LGBT+
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127 Chs

Chapter 116. Heart to Heart

"Sweetheart? What did you do to Rayleigh? Why is she coming home with puffy eyes? Why did you make her cry?" Ane threw a series of questions after seeing her two favourite girls returning home.


"I didn't do anything, Mae!" Isabelle stomped her foot.


She then continued, while holding Rayleigh tightly, "I was about to seriously ask her to marry me, to let's get married. But she thought I'm going to break up with her! Can you believe her?" Isabelle pouted, and Rayleigh then pulled her into a hug.


"I'm sorry, I was wrong," Rayleigh said, her voice trembling.


"Stop crying, baby. People will think I did something terrible to you," Isabelle said, giving a kiss on Rayleigh's cheek. Even when they fought, Rayleigh never lost her cool or cried.