
Love by the Air

Long-distance relationships never work for her since she is the clingy sort, spoilt, and enjoys her lover's undivided attention. Additionally, she tends to be flirtatious, although her intentions have never been honest. She has a way of intriguing people and then leaving them once they develop stronger feelings for her. Since she travels a lot for her job as an air hostess, most of her past relationships find it difficult to be apart from her. That all changed when she encountered someone who was just as formidable. The most ignorant woman on earth, yet the most passionate lover. She's determined to make things work this time. Regardless of the distance, that woman belongs to her.

ToriAnne · LGBT+
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130 Chs

Chapter 10. The City of Bangkok

The following morning, Isabelle stirred gently, her eyelids fluttering open as she became aware of Rayleigh's comforting presence beside her. She found herself cocooned in the doctor's warm embrace, with Rayleigh's strong arms wrapped protectively around her. Isabelle could feel the soft cadence of Rayleigh's breathing, the gentle rise and fall of her chest, and the occasional soft snore that escaped her lips.


Whenever Isabelle tried to shift her position, even slightly, Rayleigh would instinctively tighten her hold, as if unwilling to let her go. Isabelle couldn't help but smile at this endearing display of affection, her heart swelling with love for this incredible woman who had so completely captivated her.


Spending a night with someone else is not the first time for Isabelle; however, this is the first time she's felt this possessive over someone she just spent a night with. She doesn't want anyone to touch Rayleigh or chase after her. Isabella slowly takes her phone and looks at the screen, which is showing ten in the morning.


"Baby, it's ten o'clock," Isabelle murmured, her voice soft and melodic, tinged with a hint of playful admonishment.


Rayleigh's response was a low, hoarse mumble, her face nuzzling deeper into the crook of Isabelle's neck. "So?" she breathed, her warm breath caressing Isabelle's skin and sending a delightful shiver down her spine.


"What time is your flight leaving for New York?" Isabelle asked, her delicate fingers tracing idle patterns on Rayleigh's arm, savoring the feel of her lover's soft, smooth skin.


"Tomorrow morning, early," Rayleigh replied, her lips brushing against Isabelle's neck in a feather-light caress. Isabelle could feel the doctor's body relax into her own, with Rayleigh clearly relishing the sensation of their close embrace and the way their bodies seemed to fit together so perfectly.


"Oh, same airline?" Isabelle asked, her tone slightly nervous as she worried and bit the lower lip between her teeth, a habit that often surfaced when she was feeling nervous.


"Yes. Why?" Rayleigh asked, her voice tinged with a hint of curiosity as she shifted slightly to gaze into Isabelle's eyes.


"It's my flight," Isabelle confessed, her heart racing with excitement. She was worried Rayleigh would use different airlines before. She held her breath, waiting for Rayleigh's reaction.


A rush of joy flooded Rayleigh's senses, and she couldn't help but ask, her voice brimming with happiness, "So, you'll be spending a night in New York?"


"Yes, I have 50 hours until my flight from New York to Dubai, my trip to Thailand, and my return to Dubai. And I'll be back in New York in two weeks," Isabelle revealed, a bright smile spreading across her face as Rayleigh tightened her embrace and showered her with tender, affectionate kisses.


"Give me all of your schedules, and I'll make an effort to attend as many seminars as possible, well following your flight schedule. If not, well, I'll just fly to wherever you are." Rayleigh said, her voice filled with determined resolve.


"But you said you hated them," Isabelle teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement, knowing full well how much Rayleigh had dreaded the idea of attending her various professional events.


"But I had the pleasure of meeting my baby, so everything is fine," Rayleigh declared, holding Isabelle even closer. The doctor's embrace was both comforting and electrifying, Isabelle's body tingling with the familiar warmth and security she felt in Rayleigh's arms. "Our relationship will work out. You and I will make it work."


Isabelle felt a surge of love and unwavering confidence as she gazed into Rayleigh's eyes, her own brimming with adoration. "Of course we will," she murmured, her voice laced with absolute certainty. "I promise."


"I promise," Rayleigh echoed, her words infused with a sense of profound commitment. She then leaned in, capturing Isabelle's lips in a deep, passionate kiss that left them both breathless and eager to embark on this new journey together, their hearts and souls intertwined in a bond that would transcend the boundaries of time and distance.


Isabelle excitedly took Rayleigh's hand, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Come on, baby, I want to show you the best street food in Thailand!" She practically bounced with excitement as she led Rayleigh down the bustling city sidewalk, the sights and sounds of the vibrant street vendors enveloping them. Isabelle, feeling really eager and excited for the date with Rayleigh, wanted to show the world that Rayleigh is her girlfriend and her lover.


"Slow down, sweetheart," Rayleigh chuckled, though she couldn't help but match Isabelle's infectious enthusiasm. "I don't want to miss a single delicious morsel." She brought Isabelle's hand to her lips, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles.


As they wandered through the crowded stalls, Isabelle animatedly described each dish, her voice brimming with passion. "You have to try the pad Thai; it's absolutely divine. And the mango sticky rice—it's like a sweet, creamy dream!" She'd occasionally pause to purchase a new item, eagerly handing it to Rayleigh to sample.


Rayleigh listened intently, her eyes crinkling with delight at Isabelle's infectious joy. However, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension. "It all sounds wonderful, my love, but I'm a bit nervous about my stomach. You know how sensitive it can be to new foods." She squeezed Isabelle's hand reassuringly. "But I'll give it my best try for you."


Isabelle beamed, raising up on her toes to place a soft kiss on Rayleigh's cheek. "Don't worry, I'll be careful. I promise I'll take good care of you." She continued guiding Rayleigh from stall to stall, encouraging her to sample the fragrant curries, the tangy som tam salad, and the sweet, fried banana fritters.


Rayleigh couldn't help but smile as she watched Isabelle's face light up with each new flavor. Though she was cautious at first, the delightful aromas and Isabelle's pure enthusiasm soon won her over. By the end of their culinary adventure, Rayleigh had tried a little bit of everything, her taste buds dancing with delight.


As they strolled hand-in-hand through the bustling streets, Rayleigh occasionally brought Isabelle's fingers to her lips, placing soft kisses along her knuckles. Isabelle beamed, her heart swelling with adoration.


The rest of the afternoon was spent exploring the vibrant city, with Isabelle pointing out her favorite landmarks and hidden gems. As the sun began to set, they reluctantly made their way back to the hotel to collect Rayleigh's suitcase. With a quick check-out, they headed to Isabelle's nearby apartment, both eager to spend the evening in the comfort of their own private space.


Meanwhile, back in the States, Lauren was in a state of panic. She had seen Rayleigh's latest social media posts, and she couldn't believe her eyes. Rayleigh, the woman who had always been so guarded about her personal life, was now posting pictures of herself with another woman and even referring to her as'my love' in the captions. Lauren paced back and forth, her phone glued to her ear, as she frantically called Rayleigh, demanding an explanation, but Rayleigh didn't answer her phone. She quickly pushed another button to call someone else.


"This doesn't make any sense!" Lauren shouted into the phone, her voice laced with a mix of confusion and betrayal. "Rayleigh never posts anything, and now she's all over social media with some other woman? What the hell is going on?"


"Hi Laur, I'm currently waiting for my flight tonight in the lounge. Would you please refrain from screaming in my ears?" Thomas politely asked her, "People might get the wrong impression and think that I'm cheating on you."


"Why the hell are you back in the US now? Why are you ditching Ray? I told you to watch her!"


"Rayleigh MacKenzie is, like, 34 years old. She's a total adult and has a super-healthy mind and body. And she totally dumped you over seven years ago. Just accept it, Laur."


"Ugh! All I want is for you to annoy her! And not even let her have time to date anyone! If she's in front of my face, I can deal with her."


"Yeah? Nah, I don't think so. She's totally into that girl. I'm totally in love. I never saw Ray making a soft expression like that and, like, smiling softly like that in front of anyone."


"She's smiling at me!"


"Oh, really? What years, Laur?


"Oh, screw you, Thomas!"


"Isn't it like eight in the morning in New York? Go grab your coffee, Laur. I'm just going to chill and enjoy my dinner here. See ya!" He hangs up the phone and goes back to his plate of food inside the lounge at Suvarnabhumi International Airport.

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