
You belong to me.

Sylvester was about to enter the building when the same voice caught his feet.

"Hey you, what kind of human are you? A person must have some ethics but looks like you didn't know what they are. Such a loser....."

His patience was wearing and he turned towards the girl. The girl went quite after seeing him in anger.

His bodyguard moved towards her but her stopped him with a movement of his hand. Then he walked towards her and stood in front of her, looking straight in her eyes.


Diana gulped.


Sylvester was scaring her.

Suddenly her friend held her arm.

"Sir, I apologized on behalf of my friend." She nudged Diana.

"Say sorry to him."

But on the other hand, Sylvester was staring at the new girl. The choker on her neck caught his attention and he felt anger boiling inside him.

He motioned the bodyguard standing next to him.

"Take her."

Both the girls panicked after hearing it and looked around for help but nobody moved.