
We met by accident

After listening the truth Gerald went quite. His anger issues increased a lot and Mr Brayne was the one who was suffering the most.

"Who the fuck made this chicken." He threw his plate on the floor.

"Mind your language Gerald." Mr Walton looked at his younger son who got up from his chair.

"I am not hungry." He left them.

"He is losing control over himself these days." Mike his elder brother added.

"Yesterday, at gym, he fought with a man and nearly killed him because he bumped into him."

"Oh honey, what should we do about him." Mrs Walton put her fork down.

"I will talk to his therapist." He gave a little nod.


Mr Walton was entering in a restaurant where he has a meeting while Mike was with him.

As he was about to enter in his special cabin, he saw a person who was sitting on an empty table with a girl.

"Mike cancel my today's meeting." He ordered and walked towards that table.

"Zorro, my brother." He happily shouted as he reached near him.